首页 > 代码库 > delphi实现数字签名
- 上周,另一部门需要支援解决数字签名问题。但因为之前也没做过,现学现卖。此方面可参考的中文资料较少,特作分享,方便查阅。
利用证书对文件进行签名,从证书来源看,可分为两种:1、软证书:就是将*.pfx文件导入到系统中,这意味着,只要登录到PC中的用户,均可以使用该证书;2、硬证书:通常将证书存放到uKey中(smart card),这样的好处是,只有拥有usb key的人才有权限使用该证书。
USB Key通常支持CryptToAPI——除非特殊安全需要,只公布使用自己的接口,不支持微软接口。由于使用CryptToAPI,使用起来较繁琐,微软提供了CAPICOM组件,方便开发。
4、可选:填入CSP(加密服务提供商,通常是在USB Key当中)信息
依据以上分析,程序可这样设计,由于USB Key可能支持CAPICOM,也可能不支持,所以,后续可能会有相应由多种方法去执行签名。可提取接口,来解除这样的依赖。
- IDigitalIntf = interface(IUNKNOWN)
- [‘{78657307-FD4A-452F-91FF-956379A7F654}‘]
- //验证设备
- function VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean;
- //签名与数字信封加密
- function Pack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bOverride: Boolean): Boolean;
- //数字信封解密与签名验证
- function Unpack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string;
- bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean;
- //获取数字指纹
- function GetThumbPrint: string;
- //获取证书信息
- function GetCertficateInfo(var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean;
- end;
IDigitalIntf = interface(IUNKNOWN) [‘{78657307-FD4A-452F-91FF-956379A7F654}‘] //验证设备 function VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean; //签名与数字信封加密 function Pack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bOverride: Boolean): Boolean; //数字信封解密与签名验证 function Unpack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean; //获取数字指纹 function GetThumbPrint: string; //获取证书信息 function GetCertficateInfo(var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean; end;
- TDigital_CAPICOM = class(TInterfacedObject, IDigitalIntf)
- private
- FProviderName, FStoreName: string;
- function GetStoreByName(AStoreName: string): TStore;
- protected
- FStoreList: TStringList;
- ICert: ICertificate;
- ICert2: ICertificate2;
- FPublicKey: string;//公钥
- FPKLength: Integer;//算法长度
- FAlgType: string; // 算法类型
- {----------------------方法定义-----------------------}
- //证书库操作
- function OpenStore(AStoreName: string): TStore;
- procedure CloseStore;
- //获取证书接口
- procedure GetCertificate;
- //执行文件签名
- function SignedFile(const AFileName: string;
- EncodeType: CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE): Boolean;
- //验证文件签名
- function VerifySign(const AFileName: string): Boolean;
- //附加签名信息
- function AppendSignedContent(const AFileName, ASignedContent: string): Boolean;
- //分解签名信息
- function ExtractSignedContent(const AFileName: string): string;
- {-----------------------------------------------------}
- {---------------------属性定义------------------------}
- //CSP提供商
- property ProviderName : string read FProviderName;
- //证书存放位置
- property StoreName : string read FStoreName;
- {-----------------------------------------------------}
- public
- function VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean;
- function Pack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bOverride: Boolean): Boolean;
- function Unpack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string;
- bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean;
- function GetThumbPrint: string;
- function GetCertficateInfo(var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean;
- constructor Create(const StoreName, ProviderName: string); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
TDigital_CAPICOM = class(TInterfacedObject, IDigitalIntf) private FProviderName, FStoreName: string; function GetStoreByName(AStoreName: string): TStore; protected FStoreList: TStringList; ICert: ICertificate; ICert2: ICertificate2; FPublicKey: string;//公钥 FPKLength: Integer;//算法长度 FAlgType: string; // 算法类型 {----------------------方法定义-----------------------} //证书库操作 function OpenStore(AStoreName: string): TStore; procedure CloseStore; //获取证书接口 procedure GetCertificate; //执行文件签名 function SignedFile(const AFileName: string; EncodeType: CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE): Boolean; //验证文件签名 function VerifySign(const AFileName: string): Boolean; //附加签名信息 function AppendSignedContent(const AFileName, ASignedContent: string): Boolean; //分解签名信息 function ExtractSignedContent(const AFileName: string): string; {-----------------------------------------------------} {---------------------属性定义------------------------} //CSP提供商 property ProviderName : string read FProviderName; //证书存放位置 property StoreName : string read FStoreName; {-----------------------------------------------------} public function VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean; function Pack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bOverride: Boolean): Boolean; function Unpack(const sInPath: string; const sOutPath: string; bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean; function GetThumbPrint: string; function GetCertficateInfo(var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean; constructor Create(const StoreName, ProviderName: string); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.AppendSignedContent(const AFileName,
- ASignedContent: string): Boolean;
- var
- msSrc, ms1: TMemoryStream;
- iLen: Integer;
- sSignedData, sLength: string;
- BDA: TByteDynArray;
- begin
- if not FileExists(AFileName) then
- raise Exception.Create(‘文件"‘ + AFileName + ‘"不存在‘);
- //拼接签名信息
- sLength := IntToStr(Length(ASignedContent));
- sLength := FillChars(sLength, HashString_Length);
- sSignedData := HYMSignature + sLength + ASignedContent;
- BDA:= String2Byte(sSignedData);
- iLen := Length(sSignedData);
- msSrc := TMemoryStream.Create;
- ms1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- msSrc.LoadFromFile(AFileName);
- ms1.Write(BDA[0], iLen); //写入文件头信息
- ms1.Write(msSrc.Memory^, msSrc.Size); //把文件内容附加上
- ms1.SaveToFile(AFileName);
- finally
- ms1.Free;
- msSrc.Free;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TDigital_CAPICOM.CloseStore;
- var
- vStore: TStore;
- iCnt: Integer;
- begin
- try
- for iCnt := 0 to FStoreList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- vStore := TStore(FStoreList.Objects[iCnt]);
- vStore.Disconnect;
- end;
- except
- raise Exception.Create(‘关闭密钥库失败!‘);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TDigital_CAPICOM.Create(const StoreName, ProviderName: string);
- begin
- CoInitialize(nil);
- FProviderName:= ProviderName;
- FStoreName := StoreName;
- FStoreList:= TStringlist.create;
- GetCertificate;
- end;
- destructor TDigital_CAPICOM.Destroy;
- begin
- FStoreList.Free;
- ICert := nil;
- ICert2:= nil;
- CoUninitialize;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.ExtractSignedContent(
- const AFileName: string): string;
- var
- fs: TFileStream;
- iHeadLen, iContentLen, iPos: Integer;
- sContentLength: string;
- ms: TMemoryStream;
- BDA_Head, BDA_Cont: TByteDynArray;
- begin
- Result := ‘‘;
- if not FileExists(AFileName) then
- raise Exception.Create(‘文件"‘ + AFileName + ‘"不存在‘);
- iHeadLen := Length(HYMSignature) + HashString_Length;
- SetLength(BDA_Head, iHeadLen);
- ms:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- ms.LoadFromFile(AFileName);
- fs := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate);
- try
- ms.Position:= 0;
- ms.Read(BDA_Head[0], iHeadLen);
- sContentLength := Byte2String(BDA_Head); //含有长度信息
- iPos := Pos(HYMSignature, sContentLength);
- if iPos > 0 then
- begin
- //取得长度
- iContentLen := StrToInt(Copy(sContentLength, Length(HYMSignature) + 1, MaxInt));
- SetLength(BDA_Cont, iContentLen);
- ms.Read(BDA_Cont[0], iContentLen);
- Result := Byte2String(BDA_Cont);
- //该位置之后的内容为真正需要的
- fs.CopyFrom(ms, ms.Size - ms.Position); //读取文件内容去除文件头部分
- fs.Position := 0;
- end
- finally
- ms.Free;
- fs.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetCertficateInfo(
- var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean;
- var
- iCnt: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if ICert <> nil then
- begin
- ACertInfo.PKAlg := FAlgType;
- ACertInfo.PKLength := FPKLength;
- for iCnt := 0 to Length(FPublicKey) - 1 do
- begin
- ACertInfo.PKContent[iCnt] := FPublicKey[iCnt + 1];
- end;
- ACertInfo.EndDate:= ICert.ValidToDate;
- ACertInfo.DispachTime:= ICert.ValidFromDate;
- end
- else
- result:= False;
- end;
- procedure TDigital_CAPICOM.GetCertificate;
- var
- vStore: TStore;
- iCnt: Integer;
- IBaseIntf: IInterface;
- ICert2Dsp: ICertificate2Disp;
- begin
- if ICert2 = nil then
- begin
- vStore := OpenStore(FStoreName);
- for iCnt := 1 to vStore.Certificates.Count do
- begin
- IBaseIntf := vStore.Certificates.Item[iCnt];
- try
- if IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(ICertificate2Disp, ICert2Dsp) = 0
- then
- begin
- //确认硬件是否连接
- if ICert2Dsp.HasPrivateKey then
- begin
- //确认是否为指定CSP提供商
- if ((FProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass) and
- ((ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass_1K) or
- (ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass_3K)))
- or (ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = FProviderName)
- then
- begin
- IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(IID_ICertificate2, ICert2);
- IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(IID_ICertificate, ICert);
- FPublicKey:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.EncodedKey.Format(True);
- FPKLength:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.Length;
- FAlgType:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.Algorithm.FriendlyName;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- //某些不支持CAPICOM的,会出现异常
- ICert2 := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetStoreByName(AStoreName: string): TStore;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- i := FStoreList.IndexOf(AStoreName);
- if i >= 0 then
- result := FStoreList.Objects[i] as Tstore
- else
- result := nil;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetThumbPrint: string;
- begin
- Result := ‘‘;
- if ICert <> nil then
- Result := ICert.Thumbprint;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.OpenStore(AStoreName: string): TStore;
- var
- vStore: TStore;
- begin
- vStore := self.GetStoreByName(AStoreName);
- if vStore = nil then
- try
- vStore := TStore.Create(nil);
- //默认为从CurrenUser读取, 后续可能会是CAPICOM_SMART_CARD_USER_STORE 智能卡
- self.FStoreList.AddObject(AStoreName, vStore);
- except
- on E:exception do
- raise exception.Create(‘无法打开密钥库!‘+E.Message);
- end;
- Result := vStore;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.Pack(const sInPath, sOutPath: string;
- bOverride: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- EnvelopedData: IEnvelopedData;
- BUFFER: WideString;
- FileStm: TFileStream;
- iP, oP: string;
- begin
- ip:= StringReplace(sInPath, ‘\\‘, ‘\‘, [rfReplaceAll]);
- op:= StringReplace(sOutPath, ‘\\‘, ‘\‘, [rfReplaceAll]);
- Result := True;
- EnvelopedData := CoEnvelopedData.Create;
- //指定采用的CSP算法类型
- EnvelopedData.Algorithm.Name := Algorithm;
- //指定加密长度
- EnvelopedData.Algorithm.KeyLength := EnLength;
- try
- //获取证书接口
- GetCertificate;
- //目前sInPath是一个文件夹,先压缩,再解密
- Files2ZipArchive(ip, op, RZipPassWd);
- //执行签名
- SignedFile(op, CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64);
- //获取要加密的内容
- FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sOutPath, fmOpenRead);
- try
- Pointer(Buffer):= SysAllocStringByteLen (nil, FileStm.Size);
- FileStm.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, FileStm.Size);
- EnvelopedData.Content:= Buffer;
- finally
- FileStm.Free;
- end;
- //基于64位编码加密
- EnvelopedData.Recipients.Add(ICert2);
- Buffer:= EnvelopedData.Encrypt(CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64);
- //输出加密内容
- FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sOutPath, fmCreate);
- try
- FileStm.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, SysStringByteLen(PWideChar(Buffer)));
- finally
- FileStm.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.SignedFile(const AFileName: string;
- EncodeType: CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE): Boolean;
- var
- Signer: ISigner2;
- SignedData: ISignedData;
- HashString: string;
- SignedContent: WideString;
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- GetCertificate;
- //获取文件哈希值
- HashString:= GetFileHash(AFileName);
- //构建 签名者
- Signer := CoSigner.Create;
- Signer.Certificate := ICert2;
- //构建 数据签名对象
- SignedData := CoSignedData.Create;
- //执行签名
- SignedData.Content:= HashString;
- SignedContent := SignedData.Sign(Signer, False, EncodeType);
- //附加签名信息
- AppendSignedContent(AFileName, SignedContent);
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.Unpack(const sInPath, sOutPath: string;
- bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- EnvelopedData: IEnvelopedData;
- BUFFER: WideString;
- FileStm: TFileStream;
- vDecryptFileName: string;
- begin
- Result := True;
- EnvelopedData := CoEnvelopedData.Create;
- //指定采用的CSP算法类型
- EnvelopedData.Algorithm.Name := Algorithm;
- //指定加密长度
- EnvelopedData.Algorithm.KeyLength := EnLength;
- try
- //获取数字证书接口
- GetCertificate;
- //关联证书以解密
- EnvelopedData.Recipients.Add(ICert2);
- //获取加密内容
- FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sInPath, fmOpenRead );
- try
- Pointer(Buffer):= SysAllocStringByteLen (nil, FileStm.Size);
- FileStm.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, FileStm.Size);
- finally
- FileStm.Free;
- end;
- //解密
- EnvelopedData.Decrypt(Buffer);
- Buffer:= EnvelopedData.Content;
- //输出解密内容
- vDecryptFileName:= sOutPath + ExtractFileName(sInPath);
- FileStm := TFileStream.Create(vDecryptFileName, fmCreate);
- try
- FileStm.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, SysStringByteLen(PWideChar(Buffer)));
- finally
- FileStm.Free;
- end;
- //验证签名
- VerifySign(vDecryptFileName);
- //因为有压缩,再解压 ZipArchive2Files
- ZipArchive2Files(vDecryptFileName, sOutPath, RZipPassWd);
- DeleteFile(PAnsiChar(vDecryptFileName));
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.VerifySign(const AFileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- SignedData: ISignedData;
- HashString: WideString;
- ASignedContent: string;
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- GetCertificate;
- //先获取签名信息,因为会做信息分离,还原出加上签名前的数据
- ASignedContent:= ExtractSignedContent(AFileName);
- //获取文件哈希值
- HashString:= GetFileHash(AFileName);
- //构建 数据签名对象
- SignedData := CoSignedData.Create;
- SignedData.Content := HashString;
- //执行检查
- SignedData.Verify(ASignedContent, False, CAPICOM_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ONLY);
- except
- Result := False;
- Raise Exception.Create(‘数字签名校验失败!‘);
- end;
- end;
- function TDigital_CAPICOM.VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (ICert2 <> nil) and ICert2.HasPrivateKey then
- Result:= True;
- end;
function TDigital_CAPICOM.AppendSignedContent(const AFileName, ASignedContent: string): Boolean; var msSrc, ms1: TMemoryStream; iLen: Integer; sSignedData, sLength: string; BDA: TByteDynArray; begin if not FileExists(AFileName) then raise Exception.Create(‘文件"‘ + AFileName + ‘"不存在‘); //拼接签名信息 sLength := IntToStr(Length(ASignedContent)); sLength := FillChars(sLength, HashString_Length); sSignedData := HYMSignature + sLength + ASignedContent; BDA:= String2Byte(sSignedData); iLen := Length(sSignedData); msSrc := TMemoryStream.Create; ms1 := TMemoryStream.Create; try msSrc.LoadFromFile(AFileName); ms1.Write(BDA[0], iLen); //写入文件头信息 ms1.Write(msSrc.Memory^, msSrc.Size); //把文件内容附加上 ms1.SaveToFile(AFileName); finally ms1.Free; msSrc.Free; end; Result := True; end; procedure TDigital_CAPICOM.CloseStore; var vStore: TStore; iCnt: Integer; begin try for iCnt := 0 to FStoreList.Count - 1 do begin vStore := TStore(FStoreList.Objects[iCnt]); vStore.Disconnect; end; except raise Exception.Create(‘关闭密钥库失败!‘); end; end; constructor TDigital_CAPICOM.Create(const StoreName, ProviderName: string); begin CoInitialize(nil); FProviderName:= ProviderName; FStoreName := StoreName; FStoreList:= TStringlist.create; GetCertificate; end; destructor TDigital_CAPICOM.Destroy; begin FStoreList.Free; ICert := nil; ICert2:= nil; CoUninitialize; inherited; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.ExtractSignedContent( const AFileName: string): string; var fs: TFileStream; iHeadLen, iContentLen, iPos: Integer; sContentLength: string; ms: TMemoryStream; BDA_Head, BDA_Cont: TByteDynArray; begin Result := ‘‘; if not FileExists(AFileName) then raise Exception.Create(‘文件"‘ + AFileName + ‘"不存在‘); iHeadLen := Length(HYMSignature) + HashString_Length; SetLength(BDA_Head, iHeadLen); ms:= TMemoryStream.Create; ms.LoadFromFile(AFileName); fs := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate); try ms.Position:= 0; ms.Read(BDA_Head[0], iHeadLen); sContentLength := Byte2String(BDA_Head); //含有长度信息 iPos := Pos(HYMSignature, sContentLength); if iPos > 0 then begin //取得长度 iContentLen := StrToInt(Copy(sContentLength, Length(HYMSignature) + 1, MaxInt)); SetLength(BDA_Cont, iContentLen); ms.Read(BDA_Cont[0], iContentLen); Result := Byte2String(BDA_Cont); //该位置之后的内容为真正需要的 fs.CopyFrom(ms, ms.Size - ms.Position); //读取文件内容去除文件头部分 fs.Position := 0; end finally ms.Free; fs.Free; end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetCertficateInfo( var ACertInfo: TStampInfo): Boolean; var iCnt: Integer; begin Result := True; if ICert <> nil then begin ACertInfo.PKAlg := FAlgType; ACertInfo.PKLength := FPKLength; for iCnt := 0 to Length(FPublicKey) - 1 do begin ACertInfo.PKContent[iCnt] := FPublicKey[iCnt + 1]; end; ACertInfo.EndDate:= ICert.ValidToDate; ACertInfo.DispachTime:= ICert.ValidFromDate; end else result:= False; end; procedure TDigital_CAPICOM.GetCertificate; var vStore: TStore; iCnt: Integer; IBaseIntf: IInterface; ICert2Dsp: ICertificate2Disp; begin if ICert2 = nil then begin vStore := OpenStore(FStoreName); for iCnt := 1 to vStore.Certificates.Count do begin IBaseIntf := vStore.Certificates.Item[iCnt]; try if IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(ICertificate2Disp, ICert2Dsp) = 0 then begin //确认硬件是否连接 if ICert2Dsp.HasPrivateKey then begin //确认是否为指定CSP提供商 if ((FProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass) and ((ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass_1K) or (ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = CSPProvider_ePass_3K))) or (ICert2Dsp.PrivateKey.ProviderName = FProviderName) then begin IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(IID_ICertificate2, ICert2); IBaseIntf.QueryInterface(IID_ICertificate, ICert); FPublicKey:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.EncodedKey.Format(True); FPKLength:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.Length; FAlgType:= ICert2Dsp.publickey.Algorithm.FriendlyName; end; end; end; except //某些不支持CAPICOM的,会出现异常 ICert2 := nil; end; end; end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetStoreByName(AStoreName: string): TStore; var i: integer; begin i := FStoreList.IndexOf(AStoreName); if i >= 0 then result := FStoreList.Objects[i] as Tstore else result := nil; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.GetThumbPrint: string; begin Result := ‘‘; if ICert <> nil then Result := ICert.Thumbprint; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.OpenStore(AStoreName: string): TStore; var vStore: TStore; begin vStore := self.GetStoreByName(AStoreName); if vStore = nil then try vStore := TStore.Create(nil); //默认为从CurrenUser读取, 后续可能会是CAPICOM_SMART_CARD_USER_STORE 智能卡 vStore.Open(CAPICOM_CURRENT_USER_STORE, AStoreName, CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED or CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_INCLUDE_ARCHIVED or CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY); self.FStoreList.AddObject(AStoreName, vStore); except on E:exception do raise exception.Create(‘无法打开密钥库!‘+E.Message); end; Result := vStore; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.Pack(const sInPath, sOutPath: string; bOverride: Boolean): Boolean; var EnvelopedData: IEnvelopedData; BUFFER: WideString; FileStm: TFileStream; iP, oP: string; begin ip:= StringReplace(sInPath, ‘\\‘, ‘\‘, [rfReplaceAll]); op:= StringReplace(sOutPath, ‘\\‘, ‘\‘, [rfReplaceAll]); Result := True; EnvelopedData := CoEnvelopedData.Create; //指定采用的CSP算法类型 EnvelopedData.Algorithm.Name := Algorithm; //指定加密长度 EnvelopedData.Algorithm.KeyLength := EnLength; try //获取证书接口 GetCertificate; //目前sInPath是一个文件夹,先压缩,再解密 Files2ZipArchive(ip, op, RZipPassWd); //执行签名 SignedFile(op, CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64); //获取要加密的内容 FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sOutPath, fmOpenRead); try Pointer(Buffer):= SysAllocStringByteLen (nil, FileStm.Size); FileStm.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, FileStm.Size); EnvelopedData.Content:= Buffer; finally FileStm.Free; end; //基于64位编码加密 EnvelopedData.Recipients.Add(ICert2); Buffer:= EnvelopedData.Encrypt(CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64); //输出加密内容 FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sOutPath, fmCreate); try FileStm.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, SysStringByteLen(PWideChar(Buffer))); finally FileStm.Free; end; except Result := False; end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.SignedFile(const AFileName: string; EncodeType: CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE): Boolean; var Signer: ISigner2; SignedData: ISignedData; HashString: string; SignedContent: WideString; begin Result := True; try GetCertificate; //获取文件哈希值 HashString:= GetFileHash(AFileName); //构建 签名者 Signer := CoSigner.Create; Signer.Certificate := ICert2; //构建 数据签名对象 SignedData := CoSignedData.Create; //执行签名 SignedData.Content:= HashString; SignedContent := SignedData.Sign(Signer, False, EncodeType); //附加签名信息 AppendSignedContent(AFileName, SignedContent); except Result := False; end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.Unpack(const sInPath, sOutPath: string; bCreateDirectory: Boolean): Boolean; var EnvelopedData: IEnvelopedData; BUFFER: WideString; FileStm: TFileStream; vDecryptFileName: string; begin Result := True; EnvelopedData := CoEnvelopedData.Create; //指定采用的CSP算法类型 EnvelopedData.Algorithm.Name := Algorithm; //指定加密长度 EnvelopedData.Algorithm.KeyLength := EnLength; try //获取数字证书接口 GetCertificate; //关联证书以解密 EnvelopedData.Recipients.Add(ICert2); //获取加密内容 FileStm := TFileStream.Create(sInPath, fmOpenRead ); try Pointer(Buffer):= SysAllocStringByteLen (nil, FileStm.Size); FileStm.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, FileStm.Size); finally FileStm.Free; end; //解密 EnvelopedData.Decrypt(Buffer); Buffer:= EnvelopedData.Content; //输出解密内容 vDecryptFileName:= sOutPath + ExtractFileName(sInPath); FileStm := TFileStream.Create(vDecryptFileName, fmCreate); try FileStm.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Buffer)^, SysStringByteLen(PWideChar(Buffer))); finally FileStm.Free; end; //验证签名 VerifySign(vDecryptFileName); //因为有压缩,再解压 ZipArchive2Files ZipArchive2Files(vDecryptFileName, sOutPath, RZipPassWd); DeleteFile(PAnsiChar(vDecryptFileName)); except Result := False; end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.VerifySign(const AFileName: string): Boolean; var SignedData: ISignedData; HashString: WideString; ASignedContent: string; begin Result := True; try GetCertificate; //先获取签名信息,因为会做信息分离,还原出加上签名前的数据 ASignedContent:= ExtractSignedContent(AFileName); //获取文件哈希值 HashString:= GetFileHash(AFileName); //构建 数据签名对象 SignedData := CoSignedData.Create; SignedData.Content := HashString; //执行检查 SignedData.Verify(ASignedContent, False, CAPICOM_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ONLY); except Result := False; Raise Exception.Create(‘数字签名校验失败!‘); end; end; function TDigital_CAPICOM.VerifyUserAvailable: Boolean; begin Result := False; if (ICert2 <> nil) and ICert2.HasPrivateKey then Result:= True; end;