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Linux C/C++ 链接选项之静态库--whole-archive,--no-whole-archive和--start-group, --end-group







void func(){printf("I am in a.cpp.\n");}


extern void func();

int main(){func(); printf("I am in main.cpp"); return 0;}

首先编译g++ -c a.cpp,再打包ar -r liba.a a.o。

如果这么链接g++ -L. -la main.cpp -o main,则链接器会报错,称func()未定义。其实改一下顺序既可以解决g++  main.cpp -L. -la -o main。

或者使用g++ -Wl,--whole-archive -L. -la -Wl,--no-whole-archive main.cpp -o main,将liba.a中的所有.o中的符号都链接进来。



对于--start-group和--end-group, gcc liner man中如下描述:

The archives should be a list of archive files. They may be either explicit file names, or -l options.

The specified archives are searched repeatedly until no new undefined references are created. Normally, an archive is searched only once in the order that it is specified on the command line. If a symbol in that archive is needed to resolve an undefined symbol referred to by an object in an archive that appears later on the command line, the linker would not be able to resolve that reference. By grouping the archives, they all be searched repeatedly until all possible references are resolved.

Using this option has a significant performance cost. It is best to use it only when there are unavoidable circular references between two or more archives

这里有一个链接顺序的问题,在command line上前面的库会依赖之后的库,如果碰到循环链接,-lliba -llibb -lliba,这样就需要使用--start-group和--end-group反复在.a中进行搜索直到所有的未定义字符都被找到为止,而不是默认的只搜索一次。MKL库有这样的问题。


Linux C/C++ 链接选项之静态库--whole-archive,--no-whole-archive和--start-group, --end-group