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JavaScript Patterns 2.3 - For loops

HTMLCollections are objects returned by DOM methods such as:

? document.getElementsByName()

? document.getElementsByClassName()

? document.getElementsByTagName()


HTMLCollections, which were introduced before the DOM standard and are still in use today


All IMG elements on the page


All A elements


All forms


All fields in the first form on the page


// used i+=1 instead of i++ to follow the rule of JSLint

for (var i = 0, max = myarray.length; i < max; i += 1) {

    // do something with myarray[i]


? Use one less variable (no max)

? Count down to 0, which is usually faster because it‘s more efficient to compare to 0 than to the length of the array or to anything other than 0

The first modified pattern is:

var i, myarray = [];

for (i = myarray.length; i--;) {

    // do something with myarray[i]


And the second uses a whileloop:

var myarray = [],
i = myarray.length;

while (i--) {

    // do something with myarray[i]
