效果图: .h#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>@interface RootViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate>{ UITableView
https://www.u72.net/daima/919r.html - 2024-07-27 16:41:33 - 代码库1使用委托using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace _01发布订阅_委托实现_{ class P
https://www.u72.net/daima/mu4x.html - 2024-09-16 23:20:03 - 代码库当需要轮训取多个分类数据的时候,每个分类一个数组,每个分类取一个再取下一个。遍历方式总结如下: List<List<String>> list = new ArrayList<L
https://www.u72.net/daima/mvzc.html - 2024-09-16 23:53:36 - 代码库大家都知道使用“echo”输出是自动换行的那么怎么让其不换行呢?方法一:echo -n "不换行输出"方法二:echo -e "字符串\c"echo -e 处理特殊字符;可接
https://www.u72.net/daima/89x0.html - 2024-09-12 14:47:05 - 代码库实现Runnable接口相对于继承Thread类来说,有如下显著的好处:(1)适合多个相同程序代码的线程去处理同一资源的情况,把虚拟CPU(线程)同程序的代码,数据有效的
https://www.u72.net/daima/m143.html - 2024-09-17 06:58:58 - 代码库1 递归,非常easy代码:#include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct node{ int data; struct node * pNext;}Node ,*pNode;void c
https://www.u72.net/daima/m34u.html - 2024-07-29 20:38:34 - 代码库由于gas总量大于cost总量时,一定可以绕所有城市一圈。第一种解法:假设一开始有足够的油,从位置i出发,到位置k时剩余的油量为L(i,k)。对任意的k,L(i,k)根据i
https://www.u72.net/daima/8hac.html - 2024-07-26 02:19:23 - 代码库Hide static text1.use a field in derived/work to instead static text.2.use a groupbox to contain the staic text, select "Hide all Fields
https://www.u72.net/daima/9ku6.html - 2024-09-13 01:10:49 - 代码库对于$D$维数据集$X$,若其样本$\boldsymbol{x}$服从$\mathcal{N} (\boldsymbol{x} | \boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{A})$,那么用极大似然法对协方差
https://www.u72.net/daima/84u0.html - 2024-07-26 17:31:02 - 代码库using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace ListSort{ class Program { static vo
https://www.u72.net/daima/mcnw.html - 2024-07-29 10:22:10 - 代码库// 有一对幼兔,幼兔1个月后长成小兔,小兔1个月后长成成兔并生下一对幼兔,//问几年后有多少对兔子,幼兔、小兔、成兔对数分别是多少。// x y
https://www.u72.net/daima/ex91.html - 2024-09-15 10:50:33 - 代码库快速处理wsa的脚本#!/bin/bashcat n.txt |sed &#39;s/:0%;/\n/g&#39;|sed &#39;s/.*warning....//g&#39;|grep -Ev &#39;(occur|8800)&#39;|sort -n|u
https://www.u72.net/daima/8b0x.html - 2024-07-26 05:29:00 - 代码库[root@tzyx-test4 local]# cat read_line.sh #!/bin/bashfor i in `cat file.txt`do echo $idoneecho while read linedo echo $lined
https://www.u72.net/daima/8bdf.html - 2024-09-11 10:49:05 - 代码库第一种方法:1 int a = 3;2 int b = 5;3 a = a + b;4 b = a - b;5 a = a - b;缺点:a和b是很大的数的话容易溢出。第二种方法:int a = 3;int b = 5;a = a ^
https://www.u72.net/daima/eua2.html - 2024-07-28 12:01:11 - 代码库题目链接Problem B: Fire!Joe works in a maze. Unfortunately, portions of the maze have caught on fire, and the owner of the maze neglected to
https://www.u72.net/daima/ed9z.html - 2024-07-28 07:16:50 - 代码库1.php超长文本分页.运用自定义函数unhtml代码:<?php if ($page=="") {$page=1;}; //判断变量的值是否为空 include("function.php"); //调用指定的
https://www.u72.net/daima/nnzv9.html - 2024-07-31 08:57:31 - 代码库Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ‘wsh.Run strExePath & " g", vbHide, True Set wshOut = wsh.exec(strExePath & " g").
https://www.u72.net/daima/nk5d3.html - 2024-09-27 18:56:02 - 代码库今天这一题是求幂集。小学数学都忘得差不多了… 幂集是什么?幂集(power set)是一个集合的所有子集。比如[1, 2, 3]的幂集就是:[[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [
https://www.u72.net/daima/nhm0r.html - 2024-09-25 02:58:01 - 代码库最近又忘记存储过程 除了exec 动态写法的另外一种,这里记录一下,方便查找写法1,动态语句 CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CountShiftWish @strids varchar (1
https://www.u72.net/daima/na9wa.html - 2024-07-31 04:05:43 - 代码库1 /** 2 * Definition for singly-linked list. 3 * struct ListNode { 4 * int val; 5 * ListNode *next; 6 * ListNode(int x) :
https://www.u72.net/daima/nkb1m.html - 2024-08-03 20:03:14 - 代码库