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Displaying Tabbed and Stacked Canvas Using Show_View In Oracle Forms

Displays the indicated canvas at the coordinates specified by the canvas‘s X Position and Y Position property settings. Usually Show_View is used to display stacked and tabbed canvas to raises it in front of any other canvas in the same window.


SHOW_VIEW (view_id ViewPort);
Specify the view id using Find_View built-in function.

SHOW_VIEW (view_name VARCHAR2);
Specify the view name (stacked or tabbed canvas name)



Or by using view id:
Declarev_id ViewPort;Beginv_id := find_view(‘My_Stacked_Canvas‘);If Not Id_Null(v_Id) thenShow_View(v_id);End If;End;


Displaying Tabbed and Stacked Canvas Using Show_View In Oracle Forms