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C#使用设计模式和软件设计原则构建应用程序 PartIII
public class DateBasedTaxFactory:ITaxFactory { Customer _customer; ITaxFactory _taxFactory; public DateBasedTaxFactory(Customer c, ITaxFactory cb) { _customer = c; _taxFactory = cb; } public ITax GetTaxObject() { if (_customer.StateCode == "TX" && DateTime.Now.Month == 4 && DateTime.Now.Day == 4) return new NoTax(); else return _taxFactory.GetTaxObject(); } }
我们有DateBasedTaxFactory,当我们应该测试一下这个工厂是否能够正常的工作。 是否每年的4月4日这个Tax类型的返回值都应该是0.我们也许会创建一个如下的测试。
Customer cust = new Customer(){StateCode = "TX", County = "Travis", ZipCode = "78745"}; DateBasedTaxFactory db = new DateBasedTaxFactory(cust, new CustomerBasedTaxFactory(cust)); ITax tax = db.GetTaxObject(); //test for no tax for a certain date if(tax.CalculateTax(3m) != 0) { throw new Exception("the value is supposed to be zero"); }
public class DateBasedTaxFactory : ITaxFactory{ Customer _customer; ITaxFactory _taxFactory; DateTime _dt; public DateBasedTaxFactory(Customer c, ITaxFactory cb,DateTime dt) { _customer = c; _taxFactory = cb; _dt = dt; } public ITax GetTaxObject() { if (_customer.StateCode == "TX" && _dt.Month == 4 && _dt.Day == 4) { return new NoTax(); } else return _taxFactory.GetTaxObject(); }}
Customer cust = new Customer(){StateCode = "TX",County ="Travis",ZipCode = "78745"};DateBasedTaxFactory db = new DateBasedTaxFactory(cust, new CustomerBasedTaxFactory(cust), new DateTime(2001,4,4));ITax tax = GetTaxObject();//test for no tax for a certain dateif (tax.CalculateTax(3m) != 0){ throw new Exception("the value is supposed to be zero");}
public class Order{ List<OrderItem> _orderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); public decimal CalculateTotal(Customer customer) { decimal total = _orderItems.Sum((item)=>{ return item.Cost * item.Quantity; }); decimal tax; if (customer.StateCode == "TX") tax = total * .08m; else if (customer.StateCode == "FL") tax = total * .09m; else tax = .03m; total = total + tax; return total; }}
如果在TX的税费逻辑发生了变化或者需要一个新的State的税费,我们将必须要去修改Order对象。这将会造成 很大的臭味,因为我们需要去测试并发布BusinessLogic.dll.由于它有税费有关,如果事情发生了很大的变化并且他将要投入生产ASAP中是,法律和金钱是一个不错的选择。
public interface ITax { decimal CalculateTax(decimal total); } public class TXTax:ITax { public decimal CalculateTax(decimal total) { return total * 0.08m; } } public class CustomerBasedTaxFactory:ITaxFactory { Customer _customer; static Dictionary<string, ITax> stateTaxObjects = new Dictionary<string, ITax>(); static Dictionary<string, ITax> countyTaxObjects = new Dictionary<string, ITax>(); public CustomerBasedTaxFactory(Customer customer) { _customer = customer; } public ITax GetTaxObject() { ITax tax; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_customer.County)) { if (!countyTaxObjects.Keys.Contains(_customer.StateCode)) { tax = (ITax)Activator.CreateInstance("Tax", "Solid.taxes." + _customer.County + "CountyTax"); countyTaxObjects.Add(_customer.StateCode, tax); } else tax = countyTaxObjects[_customer.StateCode]; } else { if (!stateTaxObjects.Keys.Contains(_customer.StateCode)) { tax = (ITax)Activator.CreateInstance("Tax", "Solid.taxes." + _customer.StateCode + "Tax"); stateTaxObjects.Add(_customer.StateCode, tax); } else tax = stateTaxObjects[_customer.StateCode]; } return tax; } }