首页 > 代码库 > 【STL】帮你复习STL泛型算法 一

【STL】帮你复习STL泛型算法 一





#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <iterator>#include <numeric>#include  <list>using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::vector;using std::list;bool  IsOushu(const int& nNum);bool IsBigger(const int& nFirst, const int& nSecond);int main(){    vector<int> iVec;    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)        iVec.push_back(i);    cout << endl;    typedef vector<int> IVEC;    //std::find    IVEC::const_iterator iter = std::find(iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), 5);    if(iVec.end() != iter)        cout << endl << "The value is " << *iter << endl;    else        cout << endl << "Can not find the value " << 5 << endl;    //std::accumulate    int nSum = std::accumulate(iVec.begin(), iVec.end(), 100);    cout << endl << "The sum is " << nSum << endl;    cout << endl;    //fill    vector<int> iVec2(20);    std::fill(iVec2.begin(), iVec2.end(), 100);    for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec2.begin(); iter != iVec2.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl;    //fill_n    vector<int> iVec3(5);    std::fill_n(back_inserter(iVec3), 10, 100);    cout << endl << "size of iVec3 is " << iVec3.size() << endl;    for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec3.begin(); iter != iVec3.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl;    cout << endl;    //copy    vector<int> iVec4;    list<int> lst1;    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)        lst1.push_back(i);    std::copy(lst1.begin(), lst1.end(), back_inserter(iVec4));     for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec4.begin(); iter != iVec4.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl << endl;    //copy    vector<int> iVec5(11);    std::copy(lst1.begin(), lst1.end(), iVec5.begin());    for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec5.begin(); iter != iVec5.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl << endl;        //replace    list<int> lst2;    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)        lst2.push_back(i * 2);    cout << endl;    //打印replace之前到值    cout << endl << "打印lst2 replace之前到值 " << endl;    for(list<int>::const_iterator iter = lst2.begin(); iter != lst2.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl;    cout << "打印replace之后到值 " << endl;    std::replace(lst2.begin(), lst2.end(), 8, 888);    for(list<int>::const_iterator iter = lst2.begin(); iter != lst2.end(); ++ iter)        cout << *iter << ", ";    cout << endl;   cout << endl;   //replace_copy   list<int> lst3(lst2.size());   std::replace_copy(lst2.begin(), lst2.end(), lst3.begin(), 888, 999);   cout << endl << "打印lst2 replace_copy 之后 lst3 到值 " << endl;   for(list<int>::const_iterator iter = lst3.begin(); iter != lst3.end(); ++ iter)         cout << *iter << ", ";   cout << endl;   //stable_sort   vector<int> iVec6;   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)      iVec6.push_back(i);   cout << endl;   cout << endl << "打印stable_sort之前到iVec6到值 " << endl;   for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec6.begin(); iter != iVec6.end(); ++ iter)      cout << *iter << ", ";   cout << endl << "打印stable_sort之后到iVec6到值 " << endl;     std::stable_sort(iVec6.begin(), iVec6.end(), IsBigger);    for(IVEC::const_iterator iter = iVec6.begin(); iter != iVec6.end(); ++ iter)      cout << *iter << ", ";   cout << endl << endl;        //count_if   cout << endl << "计算iVec6中偶数到个数 " << endl;   int nNums = std::count_if(iVec6.begin(), iVec6.end(), IsOushu);   cout << endl << "iVec6中偶数个数为 " << nNums <<"" << endl;        cout << endl << endl;    cout << "\nThis is main function \n";    return 0; } //stable_sort 降序排列bool IsBigger(const int& nFirst, const int& nSecond){    return nFirst > nSecond;}  //是偶数bool  IsOushu(const int& nNum){    return (0 == nNum % 2);}




