首页 > 代码库 > [ucgui] 对话框6——触屏位置简单例子

[ucgui] 对话框6——触屏位置简单例子


  • xPhys = GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys(); /* Get the A/D mesurement result in x */
  • yPhys = GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys(); /* Get the A/D mesurement result in y */

 1 void MainTask_touch(void) { 2   GUI_Init(); 3   GUI_CURSOR_Show(); 4   GUI_CURSOR_Select(&GUI_CursorCrossL); 5   GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_WHITE); 6   GUI_SetColor(GUI_BLACK); 7   GUI_Clear(); 8   GUI_DispString("Measurement of\nA/D converter values"); 9   while (1) {10     GUI_PID_STATE TouchState;11     int xPhys, yPhys;12     GUI_TOUCH_GetState(&TouchState);  /* Get the touch position in pixel */13     xPhys = GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys();     /* Get the A/D mesurement result in x */14     yPhys = GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys();     /* Get the A/D mesurement result in y */15     /* Display the measurement result */16     GUI_SetColor(GUI_BLUE);17     GUI_DispStringAt("Analog input:\n", 0, 20);18     GUI_GotoY(GUI_GetDispPosY() + 2);19     GUI_DispString("x:");20     GUI_DispDec(xPhys, 4);21     GUI_DispString(", y:");22     GUI_DispDec(yPhys, 4);23     /* Display the according position */24     GUI_SetColor(GUI_RED);25     GUI_GotoY(GUI_GetDispPosY() + 4);26     GUI_DispString("\nPosition:\n");27     GUI_GotoY(GUI_GetDispPosY() + 2);28     GUI_DispString("x:");29     GUI_DispDec(TouchState.x,4);30     GUI_DispString(", y:");31     GUI_DispDec(TouchState.y,4);32     /* Wait a while */33     GUI_Delay(100);34   };35 }


[ucgui] 对话框6——触屏位置简单例子