首页 > 代码库 > dp题目列表


10271 - Chopsticks

10739 - String to Palindrome

10453 - Make Palindrome

10401 - Injured Queen Problem

825 - Walking on the Safe Side

10617 - Again Palindrome

10201 - Adventures in Moving - Part IV

11258 - String Partition

10564 - Paths through the Hourglass

10029 - Edit Step Ladders

hdu 4968 Improving the GPA

Codeforces 459E Pashmak and Graph

hdu 4939 Stupid Tower Defense

Codeforces 453B Little Pony and Harmony Chest

hdu 4901 The Romantic Hero

uva 1485 - Permutation Counting

uva 10671 - Grid

uva 279 - Spin

hdu 4856 Tunnels

uva 1425 - Metal

uva 10593 - Kites

uva 11133 - Eigensequence

uva 10237 - Bishops

uva 12034 - Race


hdu 4832 Chess


uva 1350 - Pinary


uva 580 - Critical Mass


uva 10497 - Sweet Child Makes Trouble


hdu 4824 Disk Schedule



hdu 4826 Labyrinth


uva 10253 - Series-Parallel Networks

uva 11766 - Racing Car Computer

Codeforces 414A Mashmokh and ACM

Codeforces 417D Cunning Gena

Codeforces 413D 2048

uva 1379 - Pitcher Rotation

hdu 4722 Good Numbers

uva 12105 - Bigger is Better

uva 10641 - Barisal Stadium

uva 11578 - Situp Benches

uva 1534 - Taekwondo

uva 11782 - Optimal Cut

uva 1543 - Telescope


11375 - Matches


hdu 4719 Oh My Holy FFF


poj 2411 Mondriaan‘s Dream


1073 - Glenbow Museum

uva 10934 - Dropping water balloons

uva 1291 - Dance Dance Revolution

uva 11584 - Partitioning by Palindromes

uva 1427 - Parade

uva 12235 - Help Bubu

uva 12260 - Free Goodies

Codeforces 398B Painting The Wall

uva 1474 - Evacuation Plan

uva 12222 - Mountain Road

uva 1414 - Hanoi Towers

hdu 4576 Robot

uva 1347 - Tour

uva 11404 - Palindromic Subsequence

uva 1169 - Robotruck

uva 1456 - Cellular Network

uva 1366 - Martian Mining

uva 672 - Gangsters

uva 473 - Raucous Rockers

uva 1351 - String Compression

uva 11825 - Hackers‘ Crackdown

uva 1424 - Salesmen

uva 11552 - Fewest Flops

uva 10081 - Tight Words

uva 10516 - Another Counting Problem

uva 10269 - Adventure of Super Mario

fzu 2037 Maximum Value Problem

uva 1555 - Garland

Codeforces 385D Bear and Floodlight

Codeforces 390C Inna and Candy Boxes

uva 12265 - Selling Land

662 - Fast Food

uva 10943 - How do you add?

uva 10721 - Bar Codes

uva 10910 - Marks Distribution




111 - History Grading

10405 - Longest Common Subsequence

The Twin Towers

10192 - Vacation

10069 - Distinct Subsequences

11151 - Longest Palindrome

531 - Compromise

10534 - Wavio Sequence

10635 - Prince and Princess

11081 - Strings

10599 - Robots(II)

10723 - Cyborg Genes

uva 11456 - Trainsorting

uva 12002 - Happy Birthday




103 - Stacking Boxes

10131 - Is Bigger Smarter?

437 - The Tower of Babylon

10051 - Tower of Cubes




10626 - Buying Coke

10118 - Free Candies

10913 - Walking on a Grid

607 - Scheduling Lectures

10911 - Forming Quiz Teams

10651 - Pebble Solitaire

10285 - Longest Run on a Snowboard

116 Unidirectional TSP

10604 - Chemical Reaction

11008 - Antimatter Ray Clearcutting

709 - Formatting Text

10558 - A Brief Gerrymander

uva 11125 - Arrange Some Marbles

uva 1099 - Sharing Chocolate

Codeforces 392B Tower of Hanoi

uva 1252 - Twenty Questions

uva 11600 - Masud Rana

uva 10688 - The Poor Giant

uva 10239 - The Book-shelver‘s Problem

Codeforces 401D Roman and Numbers

hdu 4571 Travel in time

hdu 4597 Play Game

uva 10981 - String Morphing

uva 11691 - Allergy Test

uva 10581 - Partitioning

hdu 4778 Rabbit Kingdom

uva 1390 - Interconnect

hdu 4960 Another OCD Patient





















































































































