首页 > 代码库 > 找出数组中每个元素相对其他元素的大小



假设一个数组,元素分别是3 9 2 1 8 3 2,需要输出3 5 2 1 4 3 2,输出中的3表示元素3在数组所有的元素中是排在第三位的,比1 2 大,5表示9在数组所有的元素中是排在第五位的,也就是最大的。


import java.io.File;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Scanner;/*repeat exception class*/class RepeatException extends Exception{        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;        static String str = "elements can not repeat!!!";        /*constructor*/    RepeatException()    {        super.printStackTrace();        System.out.println(str);    }}public class WhatIsMyNumber {    /**     *      * @param al -- ArrayList store elements in original double array     * @param positionInfo -- ArrayList store position information, for example, al = {1,2,1}     * then, positionInfo = {0,1,0}, the second 0 means the relative order of this elements is     * store in the first position of result (return by computeNumber)     * @return     */    public static ArrayList<Double> deleteRepeat(ArrayList<Double> al, ArrayList<Integer> positionInfo){                ArrayList<Double> temp = new ArrayList<Double>();        //flag record position information        int flag = 0;                for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++)        {            if(temp.contains(al.get(i)))            {                positionInfo.add(temp.indexOf(al.get(i)));            }            else            {                positionInfo.add(flag);                flag++;                temp.add(al.get(i));            }        }        return temp;    }        /**     *      * @param noRepeatArray ArrayList after delete repeat elements     * @return return the relative order of every element in noRepeatArray     * @throws Exception throw exception if repeat elements are found in noRepeatArray     */    public static int[] computeNumber(ArrayList<Double> noRepeatArray) throws Exception{                int[] result = new int[noRepeatArray.size()];        for(int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)        {            result[i] = 1;        }                for(int i = 0; i < noRepeatArray.size(); i++)        {            for(int j = i+1; j < noRepeatArray.size(); j++)            {                if(noRepeatArray.get(i) < noRepeatArray.get(j))                    result[j]++;                if(noRepeatArray.get(i) > noRepeatArray.get(j))                    result[i]++;                if(noRepeatArray.get(i) == noRepeatArray.get(j))                    throw new RepeatException();            }        }                return result;    }        public static void outputResult(double[] test){                double[] output = new double[test.length];        ArrayList<Double> al = new ArrayList<Double>();        ArrayList<Integer> positionInfo = new ArrayList<Integer>();        for(int i = 0; i < test.length; i++)        {            al.add(test[i]);        }                  al = deleteRepeat(al,positionInfo);        try        {            int[] result = computeNumber(al);            for(int i = 0; i < output.length; i++)            {                output[i] = result[positionInfo.get(i)];                System.out.print(output[i] + " ");            }                        System.out.println();        }        catch(Exception e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }        public static void main(String[] args){                double[] test = new double[]{8,8,8,2.5,8,8,2.5,8,13,15,12,2.5,15,2.5,8,15};        outputResult(test);    }

如果数组中存在重复的元素,两个一样大小的元素得到的relative order可能是不一致的,所以在实现的时候书写了
