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function TForm1.vartosql(value: Variant): wideString;vartmp:widestring;begin   if (varisnull(Value)) or (varisempty(Value)) then    Result:=NULL   else    case Vartype(value) of      varDate:      begin        tmp := formatDatetime(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, VartoDatetime(Value));        Result:=Quotedstr(tmp);      end;      varString,varOlestr:        Result:=Quotedstr(Trim(Vartostr(Value)));      varboolean:      begin        if Value then          Result:=1        else          Result:=0;      end;      varSmallint,varInteger,varDouble,varShortInt,varInt64,varLongWord,varCurrency:      begin        Result:=trim(Vartostr(Value));      end;    else        Result:=Quotedstr(Trim(Vartostr(Value)));    end;end;//TableName 表名//keys 字段名,支持多个主键procedure TForm1.InnerApplyUpdates(cds1:TClientDataSet;TableName,keys:WideString);vari,j:integer;s1,s2,CmdStr,keyWhere:string;cds:TClientDataSet;keyList:TStringList;begin  cds:=TClientDataSet.Create(nil);  cds.Data:=cds1.Delta;  //获取每个Key的值  keyList := split(keys,,);  keyWhere:= Where ;  for j:=0 to keyList.count-1 do  begin     if j=(keyList.count-1) then     begin       keyWhere:=keyWhere+keyList[j] +  = +VarToSql(cds[keyList[j]]);     end     else     begin       keyWhere:=keyWhere+keyList[j] +  = +VarToSql(cds[keyList[j]])+ and ;     end;  end;  if cds.RecordCount>0 then  begin     cds.First;     while not cds.Eof do     begin        CmdStr:=‘‘;        if cds.UpdateStatus =usModified then        begin            s1 := ‘‘;            for i:=0 to cds.FieldCount-1 do            begin               if cds.Fields[i].NewValue <> Variants.Unassigned then               begin                  if s1 = ‘‘ then                    s1 := Trim(cds.Fields[i].FieldName) +  =  + VarToSql(cds.Fields[i].Value)                  else                    s1 := s1 + , + Trim(cds.Fields[i].FieldName) +  =  + VarToSql(cds.Fields[i].Value);               end;            end;                      if s1 <> ‘‘ then            begin              CmdStr := Update  + TableName +  Set  + s1 +keyWhere;            end;            end        else if cds.UpdateStatus =usInserted then        begin            s1 := ‘‘;            for i:=0 to cds.FieldCount-1 do            begin               if cds.Fields[i].NewValue <> Variants.Unassigned then               begin                  if s1 = ‘‘ then                  begin                    s1 := Trim(cds.Fields[i].FieldName);                    s2 := VarToSql(cds.Fields[i].Value);                  end                  else                  begin                    s1 := s1 + , + Trim(cds.Fields[i].FieldName);                    s2 := s2 + , + VarToSql(cds.Fields[i].Value);                  end;               end;            end;                      if s1 <> ‘‘ then            begin               CmdStr := Insert into  + TableName + ( + s1 + ) Values ( + s2 + );            end;            end        else if cds.UpdateStatus =usDeleted then        begin            CmdStr := Delete  + TableName +keyWhere;        end;        if CmdStr <> ‘‘ then        begin          Memo1.Lines.Add(CmdStr);        end;        cds.Next;     end;  end;end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin  InnerApplyUpdates(cds1,dm_bm,fwzh,fc,bmdm);end;function TForm1.split(s,s1:string):TStringList;begin  Result:=TStringList.Create;  while Pos(s1,s)>0 do  begin    Result.Add(Copy(s,1,Pos(s1,s)-1));    Delete(s,1,Pos(s1,s));  end;  Result.Add(s);end;

