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mysql-5.7.11-winx64.zip 安装配置




D:\Program Files\mysql-5.7.11-winx64



3.1 添加path路径,

D:\Program Files\mysql-5.7.11-winx64\bin



# These are commonly set, remove the # and set as required.# basedir = .....# datadir = .....# port = .....# server_id = .....


# These are commonly set, remove the # and set as required. basedir = D:\Program Files\mysql-5.7.11-winx64 datadir = D:\Program Files\mysql-5.7.11-winx64\Data port = 3306# server_id = .....


4.以管理员身份进入命令提示符 cmd

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.C:\Windows\system32>mysqld --initialize --user=mysql --console2016-05-08T02:58:49.494014Z 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).2016-05-08T02:58:49.530016Z 0 [Warning] ‘NO_ZERO_DATE‘, ‘NO_ZERO_IN_DATE‘ and ‘ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO‘ sql modes should be used with strict mode. They willbe merged with strict mode in a future release.2016-05-08T02:58:49.530016Z 0 [Warning] ‘NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER‘ sql mode was not set.2016-05-08T02:58:52.348376Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: New log files created, LSN=457902016-05-08T02:58:52.869005Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraintsystem tables.2016-05-08T02:58:53.432037Z 0 [Warning] No existing UUID has been found, so we assume that this is the first time that this server has been started. Generatinga new UUID: cc42ac67-14c8-11e6-90e5-08606e8d1296.2016-05-08T02:58:53.533043Z 0 [Warning] Gtid table is not ready to be used. Table ‘mysql.gtid_executed‘ cannot be opened.2016-05-08T02:58:53.791057Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: UiS<C(.i(0ygC:\Windows\system32>D:D:\>cd mysqlD:\mysql>D:\mysql>mysqld --install MySQLService successfully installed.D:\mysql>net start mysqlThe MySQL service is starting.The MySQL service was started successfully.D:\mysql>mysql -u root -pEnter password:UiS<C(.i(0ygset password for root@localhost = password(‘hxl520‘);


mysql-5.7.11-winx64.zip 安装配置