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[Vue] Conditionally Render DOM Elements in Vue.js (v-if v-else v-show)

You can use v-if and v-else to display content based on assertions on your data. Similarly, v-show can be used to render the content, but hide it with css. v-if can also be used on an invisible wrapper <template>element.


v-if v-else:

It is good that when you use ‘v-if‘ you wrap the html into ‘<template>‘:

            <template v-if="counter > 5">                <div>Show if the counter is greater than five</div>            </template>


‘v-else‘: will be rendered if the closeset ‘v-if‘ doesn‘t render:

            <template v-if="counter > 5">                <div>Show if the counter is greater than five</div>            </template>            <div v-else>Show the counter is smaller than five</div>



            <button @click="dec" v-show="counter > 0">-</button>            <button @click="inc" v-show="counter < 5">+</button>


[Vue] Conditionally Render DOM Elements in Vue.js (v-if v-else v-show)