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添加服务引用  http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/Finding/latest/FindingService.wsdl  



<appSettings>    <!-- eBay 开发人员应用程序ID-->    <add key="AppID" value="Appid"/>    <!-- eBay Finding service 正式版服务地址-->    <add key="FindingServerAddress" value="http://svcs.ebay.com/services/search/FindingService/v1"/>    <!-- eBay token for 用户令牌 -->    <add key="EBayToken" value="USER TOKEN" />    <!-- eBay Trading API 正式版地址 address-->    <add key="TradingServerAddress" value="https://api.ebay.com/wsapi"/>  </appSettings>





using System;namespace eBay.Services.Common{    /// <summary>    /// Readonly constants specific to eBay SOA Services    /// </summary>    public abstract class ServiceConstants    {        /**         * Prefix used by all SOA headers.         */        public static readonly string SYS_PREFIX = "X-EBAY-SOA-";        /**         * Message protocol (SOAP, etc.).         */        public static readonly string MESSAGE_PROTOCOL = SYS_PREFIX + "MESSAGE-PROTOCOL";        /**         * Service operation name.         */        public static readonly string SERVICE_OPERATION_NAME = SYS_PREFIX + "OPERATION-NAME";        /**         * Service qname.         */        public static readonly string SERVICE_NAME = SYS_PREFIX + "SERVICE-NAME";        /**         * Global ID for this request/response.         */        public static readonly string GLOBAL_ID = SYS_PREFIX + "GLOBAL-ID";        /**         * Service version in which client (in requests) or server (in responses) is operating.         */        public static readonly string VERSION = SYS_PREFIX + "SERVICE-VERSION";                /**         * Security related SOA headers         */        public static readonly string AUTH_APPNAME = SYS_PREFIX + "SECURITY-APPNAME";                /**         * SOA name for SOAP 1.1 protocol processor.         */        public static readonly string MSG_PROTOCOL_SOAP_11 = "SOAP11";        /**         * SOA name for SOAP 1.2 protocol processor.         */        public static readonly string MSG_PROTOCOL_SOAP_12 = "SOAP12";       /**        * Service kit name for tracking purpose        */       public static readonly string SERVICE_KIT_NAME = "eBayServiceKit(DotNet)";           /**        * User agent http header value for tracking purpose        */       public static readonly string USER_AGENT_VALUE =http://www.mamicode.com/ SERVICE_KIT_NAME;       public static readonly string HEADER_USER_AGENT = "User-Agent";       /**        * Names of supported services, for tracking        */       public static readonly string FINDING_SERVICE_NAME = "FindingAPI";    }}


using Slf;using System;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Channels;using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;namespace ConsoleApplication1{    public class MessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector    {        #region IClientMessageInspector Members        private ILogger logger = LoggerService.GetLogger();        private ClientConfig config;        private string serviceName;        public MessageInspector(ClientConfig config, string serviceName)        {            this.config = config;            this.serviceName = serviceName;        }        /// <summary>        /// Called after response is received        /// </summary>        /// <param name="reply"></param>        /// <param name="correlationState"></param>        public void AfterReceiveReply(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message reply, object correlationState)        {            if (this.config.HttpHeaderLoggingEnabled)            {                //logging http headers                HttpResponseMessageProperty httpResponse = reply.Properties[HttpResponseMessageProperty.Name] as HttpResponseMessageProperty;                if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.Headers != null && httpResponse.Headers.Count > 0)                {                    string httpHeaderMessage = "---[HTTP Response Headers]---\r\n";                    foreach (string headerName in httpResponse.Headers.AllKeys)                    {                        httpHeaderMessage += headerName + " : " + httpResponse.Headers[headerName] + "\r\n";                    }                    logger.Info(httpHeaderMessage);                }                else                {                    logger.Info("HTTP Response Headers is not available!");                }            }            if (this.config.SoapMessageLoggingEnabled)            {                //logging soap message                string soapMessage = "receiving soap request message ...\r\n" + reply.ToString();                logger.Info(soapMessage);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Called before request is sent        /// </summary>        /// <param name="request"></param>        /// <param name="channel"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public object BeforeSendRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, IClientChannel channel)        {            // Make a copy of the SOAP packet for viewing.            MessageBuffer buffer = request.CreateBufferedCopy(Int32.MaxValue);            System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message msgCopy = buffer.CreateMessage();            request = buffer.CreateMessage();            // Get the SOAP XML content.            string strMessage = msgCopy.ToString();            if (this.config.SoapMessageLoggingEnabled)            {                //logging soap message                string soapMessage = "sending soap request message ...\r\n" + strMessage;                logger.Info(soapMessage);            }            HttpRequestMessageProperty httpRequest;            if (request.Properties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name))            {                httpRequest = request.Properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;            }            else            {                httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();                request.Properties.Add(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, httpRequest);            }            // Get the SOAP XML body content.            System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader xrdr = msgCopy.GetReaderAtBodyContents();            // Get operation name for the root element            string opName = xrdr.LocalName;            // Remove [Request] suffix            opName = opName.Replace("Request", "");            // Set soa specific headers            // Set operation name            httpRequest.Headers.Add(ServiceConstants.SERVICE_OPERATION_NAME, opName);            // Set service version            string serviceVersion = this.config.ServiceVersion;            if (serviceVersion != null && serviceVersion.Length > 0)            {                httpRequest.Headers.Add(ServiceConstants.VERSION, serviceVersion);            }            // Set global id            string globalId = this.config.GlobalId;            if (globalId != null && globalId.Length > 0)            {                httpRequest.Headers.Add(ServiceConstants.GLOBAL_ID, globalId);            }            // Set appId            string applicationId = this.config.ApplicationId;            if (applicationId != null && applicationId.Length > 0)            {                httpRequest.Headers.Add(ServiceConstants.AUTH_APPNAME, applicationId);            }            string uaValue =http://www.mamicode.com/ ServiceConstants.USER_AGENT_VALUE;            if (serviceName != null && serviceName.Length > 0)            {                uaValue = uaValue + "-" + serviceName;            }            httpRequest.Headers.Add(ServiceConstants.HEADER_USER_AGENT, uaValue);            // http compression is not supported in current implementation            /*if (config.HttpCompressionEnabled)            {                httpRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");            }*/            if (this.config.HttpHeaderLoggingEnabled)            {                //logging http headers                string httpHeaderMessage = "---[HTTP Request Headers]---\r\n";                foreach (string headerName in httpRequest.Headers.AllKeys)                {                    httpHeaderMessage += headerName + " : " + httpRequest.Headers[headerName] + "\r\n";                }                logger.Info(httpHeaderMessage);            }            return null;        }        #endregion    }}


using System;using System.ServiceModel.Description;using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;namespace ConsoleApplication1{    class MessageBehavior : IEndpointBehavior    {        #region IEndpointBehavior Members        private ClientConfig clientConfig;        private string serviceName;        public MessageBehavior(ClientConfig config, string serviceName)        {            this.clientConfig = config;            this.serviceName = serviceName;        }        public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)        {        }        /// <summary>        /// Enable custom message inspector        /// </summary>        /// <param name="endpoint"></param>        /// <param name="clientRuntime"></param>        public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)        {            MessageInspector inspector = new MessageInspector(this.clientConfig, serviceName);            clientRuntime.MessageInspectors.Add(inspector);        }        public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)        {            throw new Exception("Behavior not supported on the consumer side!");        }        public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)        {        }        #endregion    }}FindingServiceClientFactory:创建客户端代理using ConsoleApplication1.EbayFindingService;namespace ConsoleApplication1{    /// <summary>    /// 创建客户端代理    /// </summary>    public class FindingServiceClientFactory    {        public static FindingServicePortTypeClient getSerivceClient(ClientConfig config)        {            return (FindingServicePortTypeClient)ClientFactory.GetSerivceClient<FindingServicePortType>(config, typeof(FindingServicePortTypeClient), ServiceConstants.FINDING_SERVICE_NAME);        }    }}


using System;using System.ServiceModel;namespace ConsoleApplication1{    /// <summary>    /// 一个普通的工厂类取得易趣网SOA服务客户端代理的实例    /// </summary>    public class ClientFactory    {        /// <summary>        /// 最大接收WCF客户端消息的大小        /// </summary>        private static readonly long MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2147483647;        public static ClientBase<TServiceContract> GetSerivceClient<TServiceContract>(ClientConfig config, Type clientType, string serviceName)            where TServiceContract : class        {            //http绑定设置            BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();            //http超时设置            if (config.HttpTimeout > 0)            {                binding.OpenTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(config.HttpTimeout);                binding.ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(config.HttpTimeout);            }            //需要通过WCF支持目标响应消息            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE;            //支持HTTPs协议            string endPointAddress = config.EndPointAddress;            if (endPointAddress.StartsWith("https"))            {                binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;            }            //建立端口地址            EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(endPointAddress);            //使用反射创建一个特定的客户实例            ClientBase<TServiceContract> client = (ClientBase<TServiceContract>)Activator.CreateInstance(clientType, new object[] { binding, address });            //添加客户行为的客户实例            MessageBehavior behavior = new MessageBehavior(config, serviceName);            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(behavior);            return client;        }    }}

ClientConfig:配置ebay SOA服务客户端

namespace ConsoleApplication1{    /// <summary>    /// 配置ebay SOA服务客户端    /// </summary>    public class ClientConfig    {        #region Fields        private string applicationId;        private string serviceVersion;        private string globalId;        private string endPointAddress;        private bool httpCompressionEnabled = true;        private bool httpHeaderLoggingEnabled = true;        private int httpTimeout = 60000;        private bool soapMessageLoggingEnabled = true;        #endregion        #region Properties        /// <summary>        /// eBay developer account application ID (AppID),        /// this is mandatory.        /// </summary>        public string ApplicationId        {            get { return applicationId; }            set { applicationId = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// The service version your application want to use,        /// If not set, the latest version will be used.         /// </summary>        public string ServiceVersion        {            get { return serviceVersion; }            set { serviceVersion = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// The unique identifier for a combination of site, language, and territory.        /// For example, EBAY-US (the default) is the global ID that corresponds to the        /// eBay US site. The Global ID you specify must correspond to an eBay site with        /// site ID. Refer to <a href="http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/finding/Concepts/SiteIDToGlobalID.html">eBay Site ID to Global ID Mapping</a>.         /// In addition, <a href="http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/finding/CallRef/Enums/GlobalIdList.html">Global ID Values</a> contains a complete list of the eBay global IDs.        ///         /// If not set, defaut to EBAY-US.        /// </summary>        public string GlobalId        {            get { return globalId; }            set { globalId = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// The service endpoint(either production or sandbox) you request will be sent to,        /// this is mandatory.        /// </summary>        public string EndPointAddress        {            get { return endPointAddress; }            set { endPointAddress = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// Should http compression be enabled or not, ignored in current client implementation        /// </summary>        public bool HttpCompressionEnabled        {            get { return httpCompressionEnabled; }            set { httpCompressionEnabled = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// Should http headers be logged or not,        /// default to true        /// </summary>        public bool HttpHeaderLoggingEnabled        {            get { return httpHeaderLoggingEnabled; }            set { httpHeaderLoggingEnabled = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// Http request timeout setting, unit Milliseconds.        /// will take effect only if the timeout value > 0, otherwise, WCF framework default value will be used.        /// </summary>        public int HttpTimeout        {            get { return httpTimeout; }            set { httpTimeout = value; }        }        /// <summary>        /// Should soap message to blooged or not,        /// default to true        /// </summary>        public bool SoapMessageLoggingEnabled        {            get { return soapMessageLoggingEnabled; }            set { soapMessageLoggingEnabled = value; }        }        #endregion    }}


//创建一个对象 FindingServicePortTypeClient            FindingServicePortTypeClient client;            //初始化log            LoggerService.SetLogger(new TraceLogger());            //从配置文件得到Appid 和服务地址e            string appID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppID"];            //获取搜索地址            string findingServerAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FindingServerAddress"];            //初始化服务站点配置            ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();            config.EndPointAddress = findingServerAddress;            //设置EBAY开发人员账号            config.ApplicationId = appID;            client = FindingServiceClientFactory.getSerivceClient(config);            //创建一个请求对象            FindItemsByKeywordsRequest request = new FindItemsByKeywordsRequest();            //调用请求对象的一个keywords属性            request.keywords = "8 Pcs Neutral 18650 3.7V-4.2V 5000mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery Deep Blue";            //创建一个响应对象            FindItemsByKeywordsResponse response = client.findItemsByKeywords(request);            //创建一个用来得到返回的资源数组            SearchItem[] results = response.searchResult.item;            foreach (SearchItem item in results)            {                Console.WriteLine("商品item:{0}\r\n", item.itemId);                Console.WriteLine("商品名称:{0}\r\n", item.title);                Console.WriteLine("商品图片:{0}\r\n", item.galleryURL);            }
keywords 属性后面是你想要搜索的商品
