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Virtualizing memory type

A processor, capable of operation in a host machine, including?memory management logic to support a plurality of?memory?types for a physical?memory access by the processor, and virtualization support logic to determine a host memory?type?for a reference to a?memory?location by a guest in a virtual machine executable on the processor based at least in part on a?memory?type field stored in an entry of an extended paging table of a virtualization support system of the host machine (extended?memory?type?field), to determine a guest memory?type?for the reference to the?memory?location, and to determine an effective?memory?type?based on at least one of the host?memory?type?and the guest?memory?type.


Virtualization enables a single host machine with hardware and software support for virtualization to present an abstraction of the host, such that the underlying hardware of the host machine appears as one or more independently operating virtual machines. Each virtual machine may therefore function as a self-contained platform. Often, virtualization technology is used to allow multiple guest operating systems and/or other guest software to coexist and execute apparently simultaneously and apparently independently on multiple virtual machines while actually physically executing on the same hardware platform. A virtual machine may mimic the hardware of the host machine or alternatively present a different hardware abstraction altogether.

Virtualization systems may include a virtual machine monitor (VMM) which controls the host machine. The VMM provides guest software operating in a virtual machine with a set of resources (e.g., processors,?memory, IO devices). The VMM may map some or all of the components of a physical host machine into the virtual machine, and may create fully virtual components, emulated in software in the VMM, which are included in the virtual machine (e.g., virtual IO devices). The VMM may thus be said to provide a "virtual bare machine" interface to guest software. The VMM uses facilities in a hardware virtualization architecture to provide services to a virtual machine and to provide protection from and between multiple virtual machines executing on the host machine.

As guest software executes in a virtual machine, certain instructions executed by the guest software (e.g., instructions accessing peripheral devices) would normally directly access hardware, were the guest software executing directly on a hardware platform. In a virtualization system supported by a VMM, these instructions may cause a transition to the VMM, referred to herein as a virtual machine exit. The VMM handles these instructions in software in a manner suitable for the host machine hardware and host machine peripheral devices consistent with the virtual machines on which the guest software is executing. Similarly, certain interrupts and exceptions generated in the host machine may need to be intercepted and managed by the VMM or adapted for the guest software by the VMM before being passed on to the guest software for servicing. The VMM then transitions control to the guest software and the virtual machine resumes operation. The transition from the VMM to the guest software is referred to herein as a virtual machine entry.

As is well known, a process executing on a machine on most operating systems may use a virtual address space, which is an abstraction of the underlying physical?memory?system. As is known in the art, the term virtual when used in the context of?memory?management e.g. "virtual address," "virtual address space," "virtual?memory?address" or "virtual?memory?space," refers to the well-known technique of a processor-based system, generally in conjunction with an operating system, presenting an abstraction of underlying physical?memory?to a process executing on a processor-based system. For example, a process may access a virtual, contiguous and linearized address space abstraction which is mapped to non-linear and non-contiguous physical?memory?by the underlying operating system. This use of virtual is distinguishable from the use of the same term used in the context virtualization, where virtual generally refers to an abstraction that simulates a physical machine e.g. "virtual machine," "virtual bare machine," "virtual hardware," "virtual processor" or "virtual network interface." The intended meaning of the term will be clear to one in the art based on the context in which it is used herein.

A processor may be designed in general to allow data from?memory?to be cached by the processor. Additionally, accesses to data in?memory?may require one or more actions to be taken with regard to the contents of caching structures in the system processor or processors. These actions are referred to herein as snooping characteristics. Furthermore, certain processors may select to allow dynamic reordering of?memory?accesses. The?type?of caching, if any (cacheability) used by the processor to access a location in?memory, the snooping characteristics and whether dynamic reordering of?memory?accesses is enabled for that location determines certain behaviors of the?memory?location, such as for example whether the?memory?location supports ordering operations or side-effects of reads correctly. These attributes and others that relate to memory?behavior are called a?memory?type?and may be specified for a given memory?location and access event using a variety of system flags and registers. Memory?types may include, for example, "uncacheable", "write combining", "write through", "write back", and "write protect".?Memory?type?range?registers, a page attribute table, page tables and other processor control?register?fields may determine, for each?memory?access, the relevant?memory?type?for the linear or physical address being accessed. The communication protocols utilized by a processor may vary depending on the?memory?type?of the?memory?location being accessed.

When a virtual machine executes on a processor supporting different?memory types, the virtual machine may also, similarly, support specific?memory?types for the access of virtual machine physical?memory. When the guest accesses memory?of a certain?memory?type?in the virtual machine, the correctness of guest execution may depend on the?memory?access?type?of the host being consistent with that specified by the guest. Therefore, it is necessary to reconcile?memory?type?specification in the guest with?memory?type?specification in the host in a virtualization system that supports?memory?type?specification.


FIG. 1?depicts the relationship between process and physical?memory.

FIG. 2?depicts abstractly the relationship between virtual machines and a host machine in one embodiment.

FIG. 3?depicts a high level structure of a virtual machine environment in one embodiment.

FIGS. 4a and 4b illustrate processing in one embodiment of a virtual machine environment.

FIG. 5?depicts a memory?type?determination overview in one embodiment.

FIG. 6?depicts an extended paging table entry in one embodiment.

FIG. 7?depicts processing to determine effective?memory?type?in one embodiment


FIG. 1?shows a process executing on a processor-based system which incorporates a processor and a?memory?communicatively coupled to the processor by a bus. With reference to?FIG. 1, when a process?105?references a memory?location?110?in its virtual address space?115?(process virtual?memory space), a reference to an actual address?140?in the physical?memory?145?of the machine?125?(machine physical?memory) is generated by?memory?management130, which may be implemented in hardware (sometimes incorporated into the processor?120) and software (generally in the operating system of the machine).Memory?management?130, among other functions maps a location in the virtual address space to a location in physical?memory?of the machine. As shown in FIG. 1, a process may have a different view of?memory?from the actual?memory available in the physical machine. In the example depicted in?FIG. 1, the process operates in a virtual address space from 0 to 1 MB which is actually mapped by the?memory?management hardware and software into a portion of the physical memory?which itself has an address space from 10 to 11 MB; to compute a physical address from a process space address, an offset?135?may be added to the process virtual address. More complex mappings from process virtual memory?space to physical?memory?are possible, for example, the physical memory?corresponding to process virtual?memory?may be divided into parts such as pages and be interleaved with pages from other processes in physical memory.

Memory?is customarily divided into pages, each page containing a known amount of data, varying across implementations, e.g. a page may contain 4096 bytes of memory. As?memory?locations are referenced by the executing process, they are translated into page references. In a typical machine,?memory?management maps a reference to a page in process virtual?memory?to a page in machine physical?memory. In general,?memory?management may use a page table to specify the physical page location corresponding to a process space page location.

One aspect of managing guest software in a virtual machine environment is the management of?memory. Handling?memory?management actions taken by the guest software executing in a virtual machine creates complexity for a controlling system such as a virtual machine monitor. Consider for example a system in which two virtual machines execute via virtualization on a host machine implemented on a 32-bit IA-32 Intel? Architecture platform (IA-32), which is described in the IA-32?Intel? Architecture Software Developer‘s Manual?(IA-32 documentation). The IA-32 platform may include IA-32 page tables implemented as part of an IA-32 processor. Further, assume that each virtual machine itself presents an abstraction of an IA-32 machine to the guest software executing thereon. Guest software executing on each virtual machine may make references to a guest process virtual?memory?address, which in turn is translated by the guest machine‘s?memory?management system to a guest-physical memory?address. However, guest-physical?memory?itself may be implemented by a further mapping in host-physical?memory?through a VMM and the virtualization subsystem in hardware on the host processor. Thus, references to guest?memory?by guest processes or the guest operating system, including for example references to guest IA-32 page table control registers, must then be intercepted by the VMM because they cannot be directly passed on to the host machine‘s IA-32 page table without further reprocessing, as the guest-physical memory?does not, in fact, correspond directly to host-physical?memory?but is rather further remapped through the virtualization system of the host machine.

FIG. 2:?FIG. 2?depicts the relationship between one or more virtual machines executing on a host machine with specific regard to the mapping of guest memory?in one embodiment.?FIG. 2?illustrates how guest-physical?memory?is remapped through the virtualization system of the host machine. Each virtual machine such as virtual machine A,?242, and virtual machine B,?257, presents a virtual processor?245?and?255?respectively to guest software running on the virtual machines. Each machine provides an abstraction of physical?memory?to the guest operating system or other guest software, guest-physical memories240?and?250, respectively. As guest software executes on the virtual machines242?and?257, it is actually executed by the host machine?267?on host processor265?utilizing host-physical?memory?260.

As shown in?FIG. 2, in this embodiment, guest-physical?memory?240?which is presented as a physical?memory?space starting at address?0?in virtual machine A,?242, is mapped to some contiguous region?270?in host-physical?memory?260. Similarly, guest-physical?memory?250?in virtual machine B,?257, is mapped to a different portion?275?of host-physical?memory?260. As shown in?FIG. 2, the host machine might have 1024 MB of host-physical?memory. If each virtual machine242?and?257?is assigned 256 MB of?memory, one possible mapping might be that virtual machine A,?242, is assigned the?range?128-384 MB and virtual machine B,?257, is assigned the?range?512-768 MB. Both virtual machines?242and?257?reference a guest-physical address space of 0-256 MB. Only the VMM is aware that each virtual machine‘s address space maps to different portions of the host-physical address space.

The virtual machines and?memory?mapping shown in?FIG. 2?are only one representation of one embodiment, in other embodiments, the actual number of virtual machines executing on a host machine may vary from one to many; the actual?memory?sizes of the host machine and the virtual machines may vary and be variable from virtual machine to virtual machine. The example depicts a simple, contiguous allocation of?memory?to virtual machines. In a more general case, the physical-memory?pages allocated to a virtual machine may not be contiguous and might be distributed in the host-physical?memory?interleaved with each other and with pages belonging to the VMM and to other host processes.

A processor-based system that is presented as a virtual machine in a system such as that depicted in?FIG. 2?may implement a virtual machine in all its complexity. Thus for example, a virtual machine may present a full view of guest-physical?memory?to the guest OS, and perform?memory?management for guest software executing on the virtual machine, using?memory?management provided by the guest OS and the virtual processor or other virtual hardware of the virtual machine. In one exemplary embodiment, the virtual machine may present an IA-32 platform including IA-32 hardware support such as page tables for?memory management to the guest OS, and in turn be actually executing on a host platform which is also an IA-32 platform including IA-32 hardware for?memory management. Without additional mechanisms, a virtualization system in this embodiment must implement a physical-memory?virtualization algorithm in the VMM using, as one possible solution, IA-32 page table shadowing to remap, partition and protect physical?memory. Thus, for example, when guest software attempts to access the IA-32 page tables of the virtual machine, the VMM must overlay functionality required for virtualization (e.g., remapping physical addresses) onto the functionality required by the guest OS.

To this end, the VMM must trap a variety of events surrounding the use of the paging mechanism by the guest software. This includes writes to control registers such as control registers of the IA-32?memory?management system (e.g., CR0, CR3?and C4), accesses to model-specific registers (MSRs) associated with paging and?memory?access (e.g.,?memory-type?range?registers (MTRRs)), handling certain exceptions (e.g., page faults), as described in the IA-32 documentation. This use of the IA-32 page tables to virtualize physical memory?is complex and exacts a significant performance overhead.

FIG. 3:?FIG. 3?illustrates one embodiment of a virtual-machine environment?300. In this embodiment, a processor-based platform?316?may execute a VMM?312. The VMM, though typically implemented in software, may emulate and export a virtual bare machine interface to higher level software. Such higher level software may comprise a standard OS, a real time OS, or may be a stripped-down environment with limited operating system functionality and may not include OS facilities typically available in a standard OS in some embodiments. Alternatively, for example, the VMM?312?may be run within, or using the services of, another VMM. VMMs may be implemented, for example, in hardware, software, firmware or by a combination of various techniques in some embodiments. In at least one embodiment, one or more components of the VMM may execute in one or more virtual machines and one or more components of the VMM may execute on the bare platform hardware as depicted inFIG. 3. The components of the VMM executing directly on the bare platform hardware are referred to herein as host components of the VMM.

The platform hardware?316?may be a personal computer (PC), mainframe, handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA) or "smart" mobile phone, portable computer, set top box, or another processor-based system. The platform hardware?316?includes at least a processor?318?and?memory?320. Processor?318?may be any?type?of processor capable of executing programs, such as a microprocessor, digital signal processor, microcontroller, or the like. The processor may include microcode, programmable logic or hard coded logic for execution in embodiments. Although?FIG. 3shows only one such processor?318, there may be one or more processors in the system in an embodiment. Additionally, processor?318?may include multiple cores, support for multiple threads, or the like.?Memory?320?can comprise a hard disk, a floppy disk, random access?memory?(RAM), read only?memory?(ROM), flash?memory, any combination of the above devices, or any other?type?of machine medium readable by processor?318?in various embodiments.?Memory?320?may store instructions and/or data for performing program execution and other method embodiments.

The VMM?312?presents to guest software an abstraction of one or more virtual machines, which may provide the same or different abstractions to the various guests.?FIG. 3?shows two virtual machines,?302?and?314. Guest software such as guest software?303?and?313?running on each virtual machine may include a guest OS such as a guest OS?304?or?306?and various guest software applications?308?and?310. Guest software?303?and?313?may access physical resources (e.g., processor registers,?memory?and I/O devices) within the virtual machines on which the guest software?303?and?313?is running and to perform other functions. For example, the guest software?303?and?313?expects to have access to all registers, caches, structures, I/O devices,?memory?and the like, according to the architecture of the processor and platform presented in the virtual machine?302?and?314.

In one embodiment, the processor?318?controls the operation of the virtual machines?302?and?314?in accordance with data stored in a virtual machine control structure (VMCS)?324. The VMCS?324?is a structure that may contain state of guest software?303?and?313, state of the VMM?312, execution control information indicating how the VMM?312?wishes to control operation of guest software?303?and?313, information controlling transitions between the VMM?312?and a virtual machine, etc. The processor?318?reads information from the VMCS?324?to determine the execution environment of the virtual machine and to constrain its behavior. In one embodiment, the VMCS?324?is stored in?memory?320. In some embodiments, multiple VMCS structures are used to support multiple virtual machines.

The VMM?312?may need to manage the physical?memory?accessible by guest software running in the virtual machines?302and?314. To support physical?memory?management in one embodiment, the processor?318?provides an extended page table (EPT) mechanism. In the embodiment, the VMM?312?may include a physical?memory?management module?326?that provides values for fields associated with physical?memory?virtualization that may need to be provided before transition of control to the virtual machine?302?or?314. These fields are collectively referred to as EPT controls. EPT controls may include, for example, an EPT enable indicator specifying whether the EPT mechanism should be enabled and one or more EPT table configuration controls indicating the form and semantics of the physical?memory?virtualization mechanism. These will be discussed in detail below. Additionally, in one embodiment, EPT tables?328?indicate the physical address translation and protection semantics which the VMM?312?may place on guest software?303?and?313.

In one embodiment, the EPT controls are stored in the VMCS?324. Alternatively, the EPT controls may reside in a processor?318, a combination of the?memory?320?and the processor?318, or in any other storage location or locations. In one embodiment, separate EPT controls are maintained for each of the virtual machines?302?and?314. Alternatively, the same EPT controls are maintained for both virtual machines and are updated by the VMM?312?before each virtual machine entry.

In one embodiment, the EPT tables?328?are stored in?memory?320. Alternatively, the EPT tables?328?may reside in the processor?318, a combination of the?memory?320?and the processor?318, or in any other storage location or locations. In one embodiment, separate EPT tables?328?are maintained for each of the virtual machines?302?and?314. Alternatively, the same EPT tables?328?are maintained for both virtual machines?302?and?314?and are updated by the VMM?312?before each virtual machine entry.

In one embodiment, the processor?318?includes EPT access logic?322?that is responsible for determining whether the EPT mechanism is enabled based on the EPT enable indicator. If the EPT mechanism is enabled, the processor translates guest-physical addresses to host-physical addresses-based on the EPT controls and EPT tables?328.

In one embodiment, in which the system?300?includes multiple processors or multi-threaded processors, each of the logical processors is associated with a separate EPT access logic?322, and the VMM?312?configures the EPT tables?328?and EPT controls for each of the logical processors.

Resources that can be accessed by guest software (e.g.,?303, including guest OS?304?and application?308) may either be classified as "privileged" or "non-privileged." For privileged resources, the VMM?312?facilitates functionality desired by guest software while retaining ultimate control over these privileged resources. Further, each guest software?303?and?313?expects to handle various platform events such as exceptions (e.g., page faults, general protection faults, etc.), interrupts (e.g., hardware interrupts, software interrupts), and platform events (e.g., initialization (INIT) and system management interrupts (SMIs)). Some of these platform events are "privileged" because they must be handled by the VMM?312?to ensure proper operation of virtual machines?302?and?314?and for protection from and among guest software. Both guest operating system and guest applications may attempt to access privileged resources and both may cause or experience privileged events. Privileged platform events and access attempts to privileged resources are collectively referred to as "privileged events‘ or ‘virtualization events" herein.

FIGS. 4?a?and?4?b: Operation of a virtual machine environment in an embodiment such as that previously described and depicted in?FIG. 3?is depicted by processing shown in?FIGS. 4?a?and?4?b.?FIG. 4?a?depicts the operation of a VM environment in an embodiment to process a privileged event occurring in guest software; and the operation of the embodiment to process a non-privileged event by guest software.?FIG. 4?b?depicts operations of a VM environment in an embodiment specifically related to extended paging tables, specifically relating to guest software access to guest-physical memory?and to the management of the EPT mechanism in hardware by the VMM in the embodiment.?FIGS. 4?a?and?4?b?do not depict all components or all operations that may occur in an environment such as that depicted in?FIG. 3. This is solely for clarity of presentation. While a small set of components and a few specific operations are represented in?FIGS. 4?a?and4?b, a VM environment in an embodiment may comprise many other components, and many other operations may take place in such an embodiment.

FIG. 4?a?is considered first.?FIG. 4?a?depicts one exemplary set of operations of guest software?303?executing on a virtual machine abstraction?302, and platform hardware?316?previously described in?FIG. 3. The operations are depicted within blocks indicating where in the system (e.g. in the VMM?312, in the guest software?303, etc.) they occur. In addition to other components of the VM environment previously described, VM abstraction?302?may store a virtual machine state and other state information for the guest software?303?at?412?and may also provide other resources such as a virtual network connection or set of general registers, to name two of many examples, to guests. Of course, the physical resources that implement VM state, guest state, and other VM resources are actually provided by the platform hardware?316?on which the VM executes. The platform hardware includes?memory?320, VMCS?324?and processor?318.

At?440, guest software?303?accesses a non-privileged resource?442. Non-privileged resources do not need to be controlled by the VMM?312?and can be accessed directly by guest software which continues without invoking the VMM?312, allowing the guest to continue operation at?445?after accessing the non-privileged resource?442. A non-privileged platform event would likewise be handled without the intervention of the VMM?312?(this is not shown in?FIG. 4?a).

At?405, the guest software?303?attempts to access a privileged resource, and/or experiences a privileged platform event. When such a privileged event occurs as at?405, control may be transferred?407?to the VMM?312. The transfer of control407?from guest software to the VMM?312?is referred to herein as a virtual machine exit. After facilitating the resource access or otherwise handling the privileged event appropriately, the VMM?312?may return control to guest software as at432?which then resumes operation,?435. The transfer of control?432?from the VMM?312?to guest software is referred to as a virtual machine entry. In one embodiment, the VMM?312?initiates a virtual machine entry by executing an instruction specially designed to trigger the transition,?430, referred to herein as a virtual machine entry instruction.

In one embodiment, when a virtual machine exit occurs, components of the processor state used by guest software are saved,?410, components of the processor state required by the VMM?312?are loaded, and the execution resumes in the VMM?312?at?420. In one embodiment, the components of the processor state used by guest software are stored in a guest-state area of VMCS?324?and the components of the processor state required by the VMM?312?are stored in a monitor-state area of VMCS?324. The VMM?312?initiates a transition of control to the guest software at?430. In one embodiment, the VMM executes a specific instruction to initiate the transition. In one embodiment, when a transition from the VMM?312?to guest software occurs, components of the processor state that were saved at the virtual machine exit (and may have been modified by the VMM?312?while processing the virtual machine exit) are restored?425?and control is returned to the virtual machine?302?or?314.

Next,?FIG. 4?b?is considered. As noted previously,?FIG. 4?b?depicts those operations of the VM environment described above and depicted in?FIG. 4?a?specifically related to extended paging tables, to guest program access to guest-physical memory?and to the management of the EPT mechanism in hardware by the VMM in one embodiment. As before, for clarity of presentation?FIG. 4?b?does not depict all components or all operations that may occur in a VM environment in an embodiment. While a small set of components and a few specific operations are represented in?FIG. 4?b, a VM environment in an embodiment may comprise many other components, and many other operations may take place in such an embodiment.

The components of the VM environment in the embodiment depicted in?FIG. 4?b?are the guest software?303, VM?302, VMM312?with a physical?memory?management module?326, and platform hardware or physical machine?316. The platform hardware further comprises?memory?320, including, in this embodiment, a set of EPT tables?328?and a VMCS?324; and a processor?318?with EPT access logic?322. In general a use of the EPT facilities in platform hardware may be initiated by guest software, as shown in?FIG. 4?at?450, when an access to guest-physical?memory?is made, for instance by the guest software?303. Guest-physical?memory?accesses are referred to the VM abstraction of?memory?451?provided by VM?302, which in turn is referred to the physical machine?316. If the EPT mechanism is enabled, the platform hardware?316?may process the VM reference to guest-physical?memory?using the EPT access logic?322?and the EPT tables?328?to translate an access to guest-physical?memory?to an access to host-physical?memory?320. Details of EPT operation are discussed with reference to?FIGS. 5 and 6?below

The EPT mechanism itself may be configured by the VMM?312?which configures the EPT tables?328?and the EPT controls which may be stored in the VMCS?324. In this embodiment, the configuration of the EPT mechanism may be done by the VMM?312?as part of the operation of the physical?memory?management module?326?following the processing of a privileged event?405?in the VMM?312?and prior to VM entry?430. In configuring the EPT mechanism, the VMM?312?may update the EPT tables?328?and EPT controls, in order to enable, disable or otherwise control the EPT mechanism,?460.

Of course, many other forms of processing are possible for the use of extended paging tables in conjunction with a VM environment, for example, different locations for the EPT controls and EPT tables?328?as discussed earlier with reference to FIG. 3, multiple VMs, multiple processors, multiple threads, multiple guests, and combinations of these variations, among many others.

The basic EPT mechanism is described in further detail in a previously filed patent application, listed above as a related patent application (EPT Patent Application). The above description of EPT is provided as background for the matter below.

A processor may have one or more caches as is known in the art. In one embodiment a processor may be able to specify the?type?of caching to be associated with a specific?memory?location in its physical?memory, or may prohibit caching of that memory?location. These attributes are generally termed cacheability. Furthermore, a processor may permit or disable of the dynamic reordering of?memory?accesses. This may be termed?memory?ordering. A general term for the properties of a memory?location relevant to a process executing on a processor that may depend on its cacheability, snooping characteristics, communication protocols and on its?memory?ordering properties, among other factors, is the?memory?type of the?memory?location.

Table 1 depicts?memory?types in one embodiment, the IA-32 architecture, and their properties as described in the IA-32 documentation. As seen in Table 1, the specific?memory?type?for a location in?memory?specifies the cacheablity and writeback cacheability of the data at the location, and whether speculative reading is allowed for the?memory?location accessed. The?memory?type?for a location may thus determine a?memory?ordering model that may be assumed by a program using the?memory. Certain?memory?types are required or desirable for certain operations. For example,?memory reads with side effects or?memory?mapped I/O operations must be performed on?memory?of an uncacheable?type?(UC or UC—in the table above); in another instance, write-combining (WC)?memory?is often used for the implementation of video frame buffers for efficiency reasons. Further details of?memory?types in IA-32 may be found in the documentation. Other processor architectures may have different supported?memory?types. For example, in an embodiment, the ordering characteristics of?memory?accesses (e.g., strongly ordered, weakly ordered, processor ordered) or the snooping characteristics (e.g., snooped, self-snooped, unsnooped) may be specified. Discussion herein of the specific elements of the IA-32?memory?type?support in no way limits the scope of the invention.

FIG. 5?FIG. 5?depicts?memory?type?specification in an IA-32 embodiment. In the IA-32 embodiment, a hierarchy of cache control flags, registers, and tables operate to specify a?memory?type. While the details of these may be found in the IA-32 documentation, a brief overview is presented here to clarify the subject matter of this paper. IA-32 control registers CR0530, and CR3?520?in certain IA-32 processors may each include a field, or fields (a specified?range?or ranges of bits), affecting?memory?type?determination. For example, the global flags CD and NW in CR0?530?control overall caching. CR3520?has flags PCD and PWT which control page directory caching. Other bits in the IA32_MISC_ENABLE_MSR?register550?may enable or disable the L3 cache of an IA-32 processor, if it is present.

Furthermore, as discussed above, paging in the IA-32 and other architectures is controlled at least in part by a page table in the processor, and the page-directory entry (PDE) or page-table entry (PTE)?540?referencing a page may contain fields affecting the?memory?type?of the page, including PCD and PWT flags and the page access table bit (PAT)?570, among others. Finally, the PAT model specific?register?(MSR)?570?and the?memory?type?range?registers (MTRRs)?580?control caching of paged?memory?and of ranges of physical?memory?respectively, and thus determine the?memory?types of those locations in physical?memory.

A process to determine the?memory?type?of a specific access based on the values of one or more of the above?register fields and table entries is specified in the IA-32 documentation. IA-32?Intel Architecture Software Developer‘s Manual, Vol. 3: System Programming Guide, Ch.?10.

In general, it should be appreciated that the above description of?memory?typing is only an example of one embodiment. Many other embodiments of?memory?typing exist and are implemented and others may readily be visualized and designed by one in the art. For instance, a particular architecture may support more or fewer than the six?memory?types defined in Table 1. Other architectures may support more?memory?types including specific types based, for example, on level of caching, that are not supported in IA-32. Furthermore, the artisan may readily discern that a plethora of schemes for the specification of?memory?type?by a processor for a?memory?location may be designed and implemented. Such schemes may or may not use a multiplicity of registers and?register?fields as are used in IA-32. In some instances fewer, or no, control registers may be used. In others?memory?type?may be determined entirely from table-like structures maintained in the processor, or in?memory, akin to the PAT or the MTRRs or both. Many other mechanisms for specifying and determining memory?type?are possible.

In a virtualized system, a virtual machine executing on a host implemented with an IA-32 architecture may itself provide an IA-32 virtual machine interface to guest software. Thus, the entire scheme of?memory?typing described above may be used by a guest process to specify a?memory?type?for a guest-physical?memory?access by the virtual processor of a virtual machine implemented on a host. The virtual processor would in such a scenario have a virtual set of control registers, virtual MTRRs and PAT, and other fields and registers to specify caching behavior of the virtual processor‘s accesses to guest memory.

In such a circumstance, it may be important to reconcile the?memory?typing requirement of a?memory?access to guest-physical?memory?by a guest with the actual?memory?type?of the?memory?location accessed by the host in fulfilling the requirements of the virtual machine making the access to guest-physical?memory. Thus the underlying host must ensure correct behavior for guest?memory?accesses with respect to guest specified?memory?types.

If the virtual machine‘s?memory?typing scheme is implemented entirely by a VMM, this may cause a virtual machine exit event for all accesses by the guest to?memory?of certain types to ensure correctness of the access, which may in turn impose substantial performance penalties. For example, a guest access to guest-physical?memory?that is specified as uncacheable by the guest software generally must be mapped to a host-physical?memory?location that is also specified as uncacheable by the VMM. A VMM would then have to remap every uncacheable?memory?access request to an uncacheable memory?access in the host.

In one embodiment such VMM monitoring may be avoided by incorporating support for?memory?typing of guest-physical memory?by adding additional?memory?typing information to the EPT of the virtualization subsystem of the host processor and a set of fields to the VMCS.

FIG. 6: This figure depicts an exemplary embodiment of the format of a leaf-node entry in an EPT table that supports virtualized?memory?typing. The general format of the entry is similar to that previously described in the EPT Patent Application. As therein described, each entry in an EPT table is 8 bytes in size, and contains a base host-physical address of a page in?memory?(ADDR) at bits?52:12?and permission and other configuration information. These include the present and writeable bits?0?and?1, and the reserved field at?63:53. This embodiment differs from the embodiments described in the EPT Patent Application in that bits?11:9?are now used to specify an Extended?Memory?Type?(EMT) field and bit?8?is used to specify the Ignore Guest?Memory?Type?(IGMT) flag, or IGMT. The remainder, bits?7:2?are reserved or used for other configuration or control information.

As before, the widths of the various bit fields may vary in other embodiments, for example the ADDR width may change depending on the number of address bits in a particular architecture or implementation. Furthermore, as discussed with reference to the EPT generally in the EPT Patent Application, EPT tables may be in a variety of different formats. For example, they may be implemented as simple, hierarchical tables. Alternatively, they may be single-level page tables or they may be hashed tables in some form. It will be obvious to one skilled in the art that a myriad of possible configurations are possible in other embodiments. Other variations are possible as discussed in the EPT Patent Application. Furthermore, the support for?memory?type?information within the EPT tables is itself subject to myriad possible implementations. The width of the bit field used for?memory?type?and its location within the EPT entry may vary. In a hierarchical table, a?memory type?may be specified for a number of leaf nodes by setting a field value in an interior node of the EPT table. More than one of these approaches may be combined as would be appreciated by one in the art.

Additionally, fields may be added to the VMCS to support EPT?memory?typing. In one embodiment, two fields are provided in the VMCS to support EPT?memory?typing. These fields are termed GUEST_PAT and HOST_PAT. A VMM utilizing EPT memory?typing can use these fields to automatically change PAT values on transitions to and from a guest. In other embodiments, different support for translation of PAT values or other similar processor registers from the guest may be envisioned by one in the art.

FIG. 7?In?FIG. 7, the process of determining effective?memory?type?based on a guest?memory?type?as specified by the extended?memory?type, or EMT field of the referencing EPT entry and the PAT values in the VMCS in one embodiment is shown starting at?710. After a guest access to guest linear?memory?location L at?720, the virtual processor in the guest using its internal?memory?management structures, such as the virtual machine‘s page table and virtual control registers, translates this access to guest-physical?memory?location G,?730. The?memory?mapping functionality of the EPT is then used to obtain the corresponding host-physical address H,?740. The host processor then reads the ignore-guest?memory?type flag, or IGMT, and the EMT entry from the EPT leaf entry for location G,?750.

If IGMT is set,?760?the EMT value specifies the?memory?type?for the host?memory?access. In this case, the?memory?type specified by the guest software (e.g., as specified in the virtual control registers, MSRs, page-table, etc.) is not used.

If IGMT is clear,?760?and the guest-physical reference is generated as a translation of a guest-linear address,?765, the guest?memory?type?is determined with reference to the PAT value chosen by bits in the guest paging entry (PDE or PTE) and the guest‘s value of the PAT MSR,?770.

If IGMT is clear,?760?and the guest-physical reference is not generated as a translation of a guest-linear address (i.e., the memory?access is to a guest paging structure or other structure that is accessed using physical address only),?765, the guest?memory?type?is determined by Table 10-6 in volume 3 of the IA-32 documentation, where the PCD and PWT come from either the guest value of CR3?or from a guest paging entry (whichever references the entry being accessed) and the "MTRR" value is the?type?indicated in EMT,?770.

In one embodiment, the final effective?memory?type?is determined?780?using the guest?memory?type?(GT) and EMT. In one embodiment, these values are combined in accordance with the process defined for the IA-32 architecture with the "MTRR" value using the?type?indicated in EMT. In other embodiments, other mechanisms to combine GT and EMT are possible.

Although the examples provided may describe providing support for?memory?typing in physical?memory?virtualization in a virtual machine system in the context of execution units and logic circuits, other embodiments can be accomplished at least in part by way of software. Some embodiments may be provided as a software program product or software which may include a machine or machine-readable medium having stored thereon instructions which when accessed by the machine perform a process of the embodiment. In other embodiments, processes might be performed by specific hardware components that contain hardwired logic for performing the processes, or by any combination of programmed components and custom hardware components.


Virtualizing memory type