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Stack switching mechanism in a computer system

A method and mechanism for performing an unconditional stack switch in a processor. A processor includes a processing unit coupled to a memory. The memory includes a plurality of stacks, a special mode?task?state?segment, and a descriptor table. The processor detects interrupts and accesses a descriptor corresponding to the interrupt within the descriptor table. Subsequent to accessing the descriptor, the processor is configured to access an index within the descriptor in order to determine whether or not an interrupt stack table mechanism is enabled. In response to detecting the interrupt stack table mechanism is enabled, the index is used to select an entry in the interrupt stack table. The selected entry in the interrupt stack table indicates a stack pointer which is then used to perform an unconditional stack switch.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention is related to the field of processors and, more particularly, to the handling of interrupts.

2. Description of the Related Art

The x86 architecture (also known as the IA-32 architecture) has enjoyed widespread acceptance and success in the marketplace. Accordingly, it is advantageous to design processors according to the x86 architecture. Such processors may benefit from the large body of software written to the x86 architecture (since such processors may execute the software and thus computer systems employing the processors may enjoy increased acceptance in the market due to the large amount of available software).

As computer systems have continued to evolve, 64 bit address size (and sometimes operand size) has become desirable. A larger address size allows for programs having a larger memory footprint (the amount of memory occupied by the instructions in the program and the data operated upon by the program) to operate within the memory space. A larger operand size allows for operating upon larger operands, or for more precision in operands. More powerful applications and/or operating systems may be possible using 64 bit address and/or operand sizes.

Unfortunately, the x86 architecture is limited to a maximum 32 bit operand size and 32 bit address size. The operand size refers to the number of bits operated upon by the processor (e.g. the number of bits in a source or destination operand). The address size refers to the number of bits in an address generated by the processor. Thus, processors employing the x86 architecture may not serve the needs of applications which may benefit from 64 bit address or operand sizes.

In addition, there are various operating system (OS) support features of the x86 architecture which are not widely used in practice, but which may complicate the design and verification of a given implementation or the addition of useful architectural extensions. One example of this is the built-in?task?switching support, whereby a single control transfer instruction may automatically cause the entire register?state?of the running program (commonly called the context) to be stored to a system data structure known as the?Task?State?Segment?(TSS), and the context of a different program to be loaded from a second TSS, including the Instruction Pointer at which to start execution. This?task?switching operation may also be initiated by an exception, software interrupt, or external hardware interrupt.

Although the intent of this?task?switching feature was to automate a large part of the common OS procedure of switching between programs, it eliminates flexibility that OS writers typically prefer, and which they can gain by writing their own context-switching sequences using basic instructions. Hence, most all mainstream x86 operating systems typically use their own sequences to handle context switching, along with their own software data structures rather than the TSS.

There is however one aspect of the TSS which is still used in many systems to support exceptions and interrupts, and which is required by architectural definition. When an exception or interrupt occurs, the processor responds with a control transfer to a special code sequence intended to deal with such an event. The special code sequence typically runs in supervisor mode. The address of this special code sequence, or routine, is retrieved by the processor from an Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), using an index (the exception vector) into the IDT that is specific to the type of exception that occurred (e.g. one exception vector may correspond to a page fault while another corresponds to an overflow exception). Before loading the address of the routine into the Instruction Pointer (EIP) register to complete the control transfer, the original EIP value is saved for later inspection or resumption of the interrupted sequence by pushing it onto the stack. For a user-mode exception/interrupt the original stack pointer (ESP) must also be saved and loaded with a new value pointing to the exception handler‘s stack, since the x86 architecture requires separate stacks for different privilege levels. This new stack is where the original EIP and ESP values are saved. The pointer to this new stack is retrieved from a location in the TSS structure, and the original instruction pointer (EIP) and stack pointer (ESP) are saved on that new stack. Hence even if the built-in?task?switching is not used, a TSS must be set up simply to hold this stack pointer. Typically, since there is only one instance of the supervisor program, there need be only one instance of the supervisor stack, and hence only one such TSS is needed.

Although this mechanism suffices for handling routine application exceptions such as page faults or numerical errors, there are at least two cases where this is not sufficient. When a processor is running in supervisor mode it can be susceptible to the same exceptions and interrupts as a user-mode application. In this case, since it is already in supervisor mode and no change in privilege level is required, the stack pointer does not need to be switched and the exception information is just written to the stack indicated by the current stack pointer. But for certain types of faults this can lead to a situation where no forward progress can be made. For example, if the current stack pointer became corrupted and pointed to a virtual page which was not mapped to physical memory, a reference to the top of the stack would cause a page fault exception. In response to this page fault exception, the processor would try to write the exception information to the stack indicated by the stack pointer, incurring another page fault exception known architecturally as a Double Fault. A Double Fault is itself a distinct exception condition with an associated interrupt vector. If, in response to the Double Fault, the processor again attempts to write to the stack, it will again incur the Page Fault exception. This situation is known as a Triple Fault, and a point the processor halts and enters Shutdown?state.

In order to properly handle this situation, a?Task?Gate descriptor must be used in the IDT for the Double Fault exception vector, instead of a Trap or Interrupt Gate. This causes the processor to do a complete?task?switch using the built-in task?switching feature, regardless of privilege level, which establishes a known good stack. In this situation, most of the exception?state?is available in the TSS, but any error code associated with the exception will be pushed on the new stack.

However, because the above?task?switching support mechanism of the x86 architecture is not widely used in mainstream operating systems and its full implementation may complicate the design and verification of useful architectural extensions, and because certain features of the TSS are required by the architecture, a new mechanism is desired which ensures a known good stack.


The problems outlined above are in large part solved by a method and mechanism as described herein.

Broadly speaking, a processor configured to perform an unconditional stack switch and ensure a good stack pointer is contemplated. The processor includes a processing unit coupled to a memory. The memory comprises a plurality of stacks, a data structure, and a descriptor table. The processor is configured to detect interrupts and access a descriptor corresponding to the interrupt within the descriptor table. The descriptor table includes a number of descriptors, each of which includes an index corresponding to entries in an interrupt stack table within the data structure. Subsequent to accessing the descriptor, the processor is configured to access the index within the descriptor in order to determine whether or not an interrupt stack table mechanism is enabled. In response to detecting the interrupt stack table is enabled, the index is used to select an entry in the interrupt stack table. The selected entry in the interrupt stack table indicates a stack pointer which is then used to perform a stack switch.

In one embodiment, the processor is configured to operate in either a legacy mode or a long mode. When operating in a legacy mode, the processor is configured to utilize an existing stack switch mechanism. However, when operating in a long mode, the processor is configured to have access to the interrupt stack switch mechanism.


Other objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon reference to the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a processor.

FIG. 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a?segment?descriptor for 32/64 mode.

FIG. 3 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a?segment?descriptor for compatibility mode.

FIG. 4 is a table illustrating one embodiment of operating modes as a function of segment?descriptor and control register values.

FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating an Interrupt Stack Table Mechanism.

FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating one embodiment of an interrupt/trap call gate descriptor.

FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing one embodiment of a stack switch mechanism using an Interrupt Stack Table.

FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating one embodiment of a computer system including the processor of FIG.?1.

While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof are shown by way of example in the drawings and will herein be described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the drawings and detailed description thereto are not intended to limit the invention to the particular form disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims.


Turning now to FIG. 1, a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of a processor?10?is shown. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. In the embodiment of FIG. 1, processor?10?includes an instruction cache?12, an execution core?14, a data cache?16, an external interface unit?18, a memory management unit (MMU)?20, and a register file?22. In the illustrated embodiment, MMU?20?includes a set of?segment?registers?24, a first control register?26, a second control register?28, a local descriptor table register (LDTR)?30, an interrupt descriptor table register (IDTR)?31, a global descriptor table register (GDTR)?32, and a?task?register (TR)?33. Instruction cache?12?is coupled to external interface unit?18, execution core?14, and MMU?20. Execution core?14?is further coupled to MMU?20, register file?22, and data cache?16. Data cache?16?is further coupled to MMU?20?and external interface unit?18. External interface unit18?is further coupled to MMU?20?and to an external interface.

Generally speaking, processor?10?employs a processor architecture compatible with the x86 architecture and including additional architectural features to support 64 bit processing. Processor?10?is configured to establish an operating mode in response to information stored in a code?segment?descriptor corresponding to the currently executing code and in further response to one or more enable indications stored in one or more control registers. As used herein, an "operating mode" specifies default values for various programmbly selectable processor attributes. For example, the operating mode may specify a default operand size and a default address size. The default operand size specifies the number of bits in an operand of an instruction, unless an instruction‘s encoding overrides the default. The default address size specifies the number of bits in an address of a memory operand of an instruction, unless an instruction‘s encoding overrides the default. The default address size specifies the size of at least the virtual address of memory operands, and may also specify the size of the physical address. Alternatively, the size of the physical address may be independent of the default address size and may instead be dependent on the Long Mode Enable (LME) bit described below (e.g. the physical address may be 32 bits if the LME bit is clear and an implementation-dependent size greater than 32 bits and less than 64 bits if the LME bit is set) or on another control bit (e.g. the physical address extension (PAE) bit in another control register). As used herein, a "virtual address" is an address generated prior to translation through an address translation mechanism (e.g. a paging mechanism) to a "physical address", which is the address actually used to access a memory. Additionally, as used herein, a "segment descriptor" is a data structure created by software and used by the processor to define access control and status for a segment?of memory. A "segment?descriptor table" is a table in memory having multiple entries, each entry capable of storing a?segment?descriptor.

In the illustrated embodiment, MMU?20?generates an operating mode and conveys the operating mode to execution core?14. Execution core?14?executes instructions using the operating mode. More particularly, execution core?14?fetches operands having the default operand size from register file?22?or memory (through data cache?16, if the memory operands are cacheable and hit therein, or through external interface unit?18?if the memory operands are noncacheable or miss data cache?16) unless a particular instruction‘s encoding overrides the default operand size, in which case the overriding operand size is used. Similarly, execution core?14?generates addresses of memory operands, wherein the addresses have the default address size unless a particular instruction‘s encoding overrides the default address size, in which case the overriding address size is used. In other embodiments, the information used to generate the operating mode may be shadowed locally in the portions of processor?10?which use the operating mode (e.g. execution core?14), and the operating mode may be determined from the local shadow copies.

As mentioned above, MMU?20?generates the operating mode responsive to a code?segment?descriptor corresponding to the code being executed and further responsive to one or more values in control registers. Information from the code segment?descriptor is stored in one of the?segment?registers?24?(a register referred to as CS, or code?segment). Additionally, control register?26?stores an enable indication (LME) which is used to enable an operating mode in which the default address size is greater than 32 bits ("32/64 mode") as well as certain compatibility modes for the 32 bit and 16 bit operating modes. The default operand size may be 32 bits in 32/64 mode, but instructions may override the default 32 bit operand size with a 64 bit operand size when desired. If the LME indication is in an enabled?state, then 32/64 mode may be used in addition to 32 bit and 16 bit modes. If the LME indication is in a disabled?state, then 32/64 mode is disabled. In one embodiment, the default address size in 32/64 mode may be implementation-dependent but may be any value up to and including 64 bits. Furthermore, the size of the virtual address may differ in a given implementation from the size of the physical address in that implementation.

It is noted that enable indications may be described herein as bits with the enabled?state?being the set?state?of the bit and the disabled?state?being the cleared?state?of the bit. However, other encodings are possible, including encodings in which multiple bits are used and encodings in which the enabled?state?is the clear?state?and the disabled?state?is the set?state. Accordingly, the remainder of this description may refer to the LME indication in control register?26?as the LME bit, with the enabled?state?being set and the disabled?state?being clear. However, other encodings of the LME indication are contemplated, as set forth above.

Segment?registers?24?store information from the?segment?descriptors currently being used by the code being executed by processor?10. As mentioned above, CS is one of?segment?registers?24?and specifies the code?segment?of memory. The code?segment?stores the code being executed. Other?segment?registers may define various data segments (e.g. a stack data?segment?defined by the SS?segment?register, and up to four data segments defined by the DS, ES, FS, and GS segment?registers). FIG. 1 illustrates the contents of an exemplary?segment?register?24A, including a selector field?24AA and a descriptor field?24AB. Selector field?24AA is loaded with a?segment?selector to activate a particular?segment?in response to certain?segment?load instructions executed by execution core?14. The?segment?selector identifies the?segment descriptor in a?segment?descriptor table in memory. More particularly, processor?10?may employ two?segment?descriptor tables: a local descriptor table and a global descriptor table. The base address of the local descriptor table is stored in the LDTR?30. Similarly, the base address of the global descriptor table is stored in GDTR?32. A bit within the?segment?selector (the table indicator bit) selects the descriptor table, and the remainder of the?segment?selector is used as an index into the selected table. When an instruction loads a?segment?selector into one of?segment?registers?24, MMU?20?reads the corresponding?segment?descriptor from the selected?segment?descriptor table and stores information from the?segment descriptor into the?segment?descriptor field (e.g.?segment?descriptor field?24AB for?segment?register?24A). The information stored in the?segment?descriptor field may comprise any suitable subset of the?segment?descriptor, including all of the segment?descriptor, if desired. Additionally, other information derived from the?segment?descriptor or other sources may be stored in the?segment?descriptor field, if desired. For example, an embodiment may decode the operating mode indications from the code?segment?descriptor and store the decoded value rather than the original values of the operating mode indications. If an instruction causes CS to be loaded with a?segment?selector, the code?segment?may change and thus the operating mode of processor?10?may change.?Segment?descriptor tables are described in more detail below.

In one embodiment, only the CS?segment?register is used in 32/64 mode. The data?segment?registers are ignored. In 16 and 32 bit modes, the code?segment?and data segments may be active. Furthermore, a second enable indication (PE) in control register?28?may affect the operation of MMU?20. The PE enable indication may be used to enable protected mode, in which segmentation and/or paging address translation mechanisms may be used. If the PE enable indication is in the disabled?state, segmentation and paging mechanisms are disabled and processor?10?is in "real mode" (in which addresses generated by execution core?14?are physical addresses). Similar to the LME indication, the PE indication may be a bit in which the enabled?state?is the bit being set and the disabled?state?is the bit being clear. However, other embodiments are contemplated as described above.

In addition to local descriptor tables and global descriptor tables, another data structure, called an Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), is used for handling interrupts. A pointer to the IDT is maintained in the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR)?31. Another data structure which is utilized in the handling of interrupts is the?Task?State?Segment?(TSS). The TSS includes information required for performing?task?switches, such as stack pointers and an I/O map base address. Each?task may have its own TSS.?Task?Register?33?contains a pointer to the TSS corresponding to the current?task. Interrupt handling is discussed further below.

It is noted that MMU?20?may employ additional hardware mechanisms, as desired. For example, MMU?20?may include paging hardware to implement paging address translation from virtual addresses to physical addresses. The paging hardware may include a translation look aside buffer (TLB) to store page translations.

It is noted that control registers?26?and?28?may be implemented as architected control registers (e.g. control register?26may be CR4 and control register?28?may be CR0). Alternatively, one or both of the control registers may be implemented as model specific registers to allow for other uses of the architected control registers without interfering with 32/64 mode.

Generally, instruction cache?12?is a high speed cache memory for storing instruction bytes. Execution core?14?fetches instructions from instruction cache?12?for execution. Instruction cache?12?may employ any suitable cache organization, including direct-mapped, set associative, and fully associative configurations. If an instruction fetch misses in instruction cache?12, instruction cache?12?may communicate with external interface unit?18?to fill the missing cache line into instruction cache?12. Additionally, instruction cache?12?may communicate with MMU?20?to receive physical address translations for virtual addresses fetched from instruction cache?12.

Execution core?14?executes the instructions fetched from instruction cache?12. Execution core?14?fetches register operands from register file?22?and updates destination registers in register file?22. The size of the register operands is controlled by the operating mode and any overrides of the operating mode for a particular instruction. Similarly, execution core?14?fetches memory operands from data cache?16?and updates destination memory locations in data cache?16, subject to the cacheability of the memory operands and hitting in data cache?16. The size of the memory operands is similarly controlled by the operating mode and any overrides of the operating mode for a particular instruction. Furthermore, the size of the addresses of the memory operands generated by execution core?14?is controlled by the operating mode and any overrides of the operating mode for a particular instruction.

Execution core?14?may employ any suitable construction. For example, execution core?14?may be a super pipelined core, a superscalar core, or a combination thereof. Execution core?14?may employ out of order speculative execution or in order execution, according to design choice.

Register file?22?may include 64 bit registers which may be accessed as 64 bit, 32 bit, 16 bit, or 8 bit registers as indicated by the operating mode of processor?10?and any overrides for a particular instruction. The registers included in register file22?may include the RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RDI, RSI, RSP, and RBP registers (which may be 64 bit versions of the EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, ESP, and EBP registers defined in the x86 processor architecture, respectively). Register file22?may further include the RIP register which may be a 64 bit version of the EIP register. Alternatively, execution core?14may employ a form of register renaming in which any register within register file?22?may be mapped to an architected register. The number of registers in register file?22?may be implementation dependent for such an embodiment.

Data cache?16?is a high speed cache memory configured to store data. Data cache?16?may employ any suitable cache organization, including direct-mapped, set associative, and fully associative configurations. If a data fetch or update misses in data cache?16, data cache?16?may communicate with external interface unit?18?to fill the missing cache line into data cache?16. Additionally, if data cache?16?employs a write back caching policy, updated cache lines which are being cast out of data cache?16?may be communicated to external interface unit?18?to be written back to memory. Data cache?16?may communicate with MMU?20?to receive physical address translations for virtual addresses presented to data cache?16.

External interface unit?18?communicates with portions of the system external to processor?10. External interface unit?18?may communicate cache lines for instruction cache?12?and data cache?16?as described above, and may communicate with MMU20?as well. For example, external interface unit?18?may access the?segment?descriptor tables and/or paging tables on behalf of MMU?20.

It is noted that processor?10?may include an integrated level 2 (L2) cache, if desired. Furthermore, external interface unit?18may be configured to communicate with a backside cache in addition to communicating with the system.

Turning now to FIG. 2, a block diagram of one embodiment of a code?segment?descriptor?40?for 32/64 mode is shown. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. In the embodiment of FIG. 2, code?segment?descriptor?40?comprises 8 bytes with the most significant 4 bytes illustrated above the least significant 4 bytes. The most significant four bytes are stored at a numerically larger address than the least significant four bytes. The most significant bit of each group of four bytes is illustrated as bit?31?in FIG. 2 (and FIG. 3 below), and the least significant bit is illustrated as bit?0. Short vertical lines within the four bytes delimit each bit, and the long vertical lines delimit a bit but also delimit a field (both in FIG.?2?and in FIG.?3).

Unlike the 32 bit and 16 bit code?segment?descriptors illustrated in FIG. 3 below, code?segment?descriptor?40?does not include a base address or limit. Processor?10?employs a flat virtual address space for 32/64 mode (rather than the segmented linear address space employed in 32 bit and 16 bit modes). Accordingly, the portions of code?segment descriptor?40?which would otherwise store the base address and limit are reserved in?segment?descriptor?40. It is noted that a virtual address provided through segmentation may also be referred to herein as a "linear address". The term "virtual address" encompasses any address which is translated through a translation mechanism to a physical address actually used to address memory, including linear addresses and other virtual addresses generated in non-segmented architectures.

Segment?descriptor?40?includes a D bit?42, an L bit?44?(set to one for a 32/64 mode code?segment), an available bit (AVL)46, a present (P) bit?48, a descriptor privilege level (DPL)?50, and a type field?52. D bit?42?and L bit?44?are used to determine the operating mode of processor?10, as illustrated in FIG. 5 below. AVL bit?46?is available for use by system software (e.g. the operating system). P bit?48?is used to indicate whether or not the?segment?is present in memory. If P bit48?is set, the?segment?is present and code may be fetched from the?segment. If P bit?48?is clear, the?segment?is not present and an exception is generated to load the?segment?into memory (e.g. from disk storage or through a network connection). The DPL indicates the privilege level of the?segment. Processor?10?employs four privilege levels (encoded as 0 through 3 in the DPL field, with level 0 being the most privileged level). Certain instructions and processor resources (e.g. configuration and control registers) are only executable or accessible at the more privileged levels, and attempts to execute these instructions or access these resources at the lower privilege levels result in an exception. When information from code segment?40?is loaded into the CS?segment?register, the DPL becomes the current privilege level (CPL) of processor?10. Type field?52?encodes the type of?segment. For code segments, the most significant bit two bits of type field?52?may be set (the most significant bit distinguishing a code or data?segment?from a system?segment, and the second most significant bit distinguishing a code?segment?from a data?segment), and the remaining bits may encode additional?segment?type information (e.g. execute only, execute and read, or execute and read only, conforming, and whether or not the code segment?has been accessed).

It is noted that, while several indications in the code?segment?descriptor are described as bits, with set and clear values having defined meanings, other embodiments may employ the opposite encodings and may use multiple bits, as desired. Thus, for example, the D bit?42?and the L bit?44?may each be an example of an operating mode indication which may be one or more bits as desired, similar to the discussion of enable indications above.

Turning now to FIG. 3, a block diagram of one embodiment of a code?segment?descriptor?54?for 32 and 16 bit compatibility mode is shown. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. As with the embodiment of FIG. 2, code?segment descriptor?54?comprises 8 bytes with the most significant 4 bytes illustrated above the least significant 4 bytes.

Code?segment?descriptor?54?includes D bit?42, L bit?44, AVL bit?46, P bit?48, DPL?50, and type field?52?similar to the above description of code?segment?descriptor?40. Additionally, code?segment?descriptor?54?includes a base address field (reference numerals?56A,?56B, and?56C), a limit field (reference numerals?57A and?57B) and a G bit?58. The base address field stores a base address which is added to the logical fetch address (stored in the RIP register) to form the linear address of an instruction, which may then optionally be translated to a physical address through a paging translation mechanism. The limit field stores a?segment?limit which defines the size of the?segment. Attempts to access a byte at a logical address greater than the?segment?limit are disallowed and cause an exception. G bit?58?determines the scaling of the?segment?limit field. If G bit?58?is set the limit is scaled to 4K byte pages (e.g. 12 least significant zeros are appended to the limit in the limit field). If G bit?58?is clear, the limit is used as is.

It is noted that code?segment?descriptors for 32 and 16 bit modes when 32/64 mode is not enabled via the LME bit in control register?26?may be similar to code?segment?descriptor?54, except the L bit is reserved and defined to be zero. It is further noted that, in 32 and 16 bit modes (both compatibility mode with the LMF bit set and modes with the LME bit clear) according to one embodiment, data segments are used as well. Data?segment?descriptors may be similar to code?segment descriptor?54, except that the D bit?42?is defined to indicate the upper bound of the?segment?or to define the default stack size (for stack segments).

Turning next to FIG. 4, a table?70?is shown illustrating the states of the LME bit, the L bit in the code?segment?descriptor, and the D bit in the code?segment?descriptor and the corresponding operating mode of processor?10?according to one embodiment of processor?10. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. As table?70?illustrates, is if the LME bit is clear, then the L bit is reserved (and defined to be zero). However, processor?10?may treat the L bit as a don‘t care if the LME bit is clear. Thus, the x86 compatible 16 bit and 32 bit modes may be provided by processor?10?if the LME bit is clear. If the LME bit is set and the L bit in the code?segment?is clear, then a compatibility operating mode is established by processor?10?and the D bit selects 16 bit or 32 bit mode. If the LME bit and the L bit are set and the D bit is clear, 32/64 mode is selected for processor?10. Finally, the mode which would be selected if the LME, L and D bits are all set is reserved.

As mentioned above, the 32/64 operating mode includes a default address size in excess of 32 bits (implementation dependent but up to 64 bits) and a default operand size of 32 bits. The default operand size of 32 bits may be overridden to 64 bits via a particular instruction‘s encoding. The default operand size of 32 bits is selected to minimize average instruction length (since overriding to 64 bits involves including an instruction prefix in the instruction encoding which may increase the instruction length) for programs in which 32 bits are sufficient for many of the data manipulations performed by the program. For such programs (which may be a substantial number of the programs currently in existence), moving to a 64 bit operand size may actually reduce the execution performance achieved by the program (i.e. increased execution time). In part, this reduction may be attributable to the doubling in size in memory of the data structures used by the program when 64 bit values are stored. If 32 bits is sufficient, these data structures would store 32 bit values, thus, the number of bytes accessed when the data structure is accessed increases if 64 bit values are used where 32 bit values would be sufficient, and the increased memory bandwidth (and increased cache space occupied by each value) may cause increased execution time. Accordingly, 32 bits is selected as the default operand size and the default may be overridden via the encoding of a particular instruction.

Task?Switching and Long Mode

As mentioned above, the x86 architecture includes a well-known built-in?task?switching support mechanism, whereby a single control transfer instruction may automatically cause the entire register?state?of the running program (commonly called the context) to be stored to a system data structure known as the?Task?State?Segment?(TSS), and the context of a different program to be loaded from a second TSS, including the Instruction Pointer at which to start execution. This?task?switching operation may also be initiated by an exception, software interrupt, or external hardware interrupt.

As described above, certain conditions such as a "Double Fault" may lead to the processor halting. Such problems may be the result of a corrupted or otherwise invalid stack pointer when attempting to respond to an interrupt, and may be handled through the use of the TSS stack switching mechanism of the x86 architecture. However, because the above?task?switching support mechanism of the x86 architecture is not widely used in mainstream operating systems and its full implementation may complicate the design and verification of useful architectural extensions, and because certain features of the TSS are required by the architecture, a new mechanism for ensuring a pointer to a good stack is desired. While reference is made to interrupts in the following discussion, other forms of control transfer, such as exceptions, faults, and traps, etc. are contemplated as well.

In one embodiment, when processor?10?is configured to operate in 16 bit mode or 32 bit mode, as shown in table?70, the well-known ("legacy") x86 TSS stack switching mechanism may be employed. Legacy-mode stack pointers consist of an SS:ESP pair (16-bit selector and a 16-bit or 32-bit offset). The operating system creates stack pointers for privilege levels 0, 1 and 2 and stores them in the current TSS. In legacy mode, when responding to an interrupt where the associated IDT entry is an Interrupt or Trap Gate descriptor that causes a change in privilege level, the processor automatically performs a stack switch from the current stack to the inner-level stack defined for the new privilege level. A new SS:ESP pair is loaded from the TSS and the stack switch is initiated. After completing the stack switch, the processor pushes the old SS:ESP pair onto the new stack so that the subsequent IRET (return from interrupt) instruction restores the old stack. Also, when responding to an interrupt where the associated IDT entry is a?Task?Gate descriptor, the processor automatically switches stacks as the entire register context is written out to the current TSS and the new register context, including SS and ESP values, is loaded from the target TSS. However, as discussed above, when operating in other modes as indicated by table70?(i.e., compatibility modes or 32/64 mode, hereinafter referred to as "long mode") which may involve architectural extensions, it may not be desirable or appropriate to fully support the legacy TSS?task?switching mechanism. Consequently, an alternative stack switching mechanism which unconditionally switches stacks is described below.

In one embodiment, the legacy x86?task?switching architecture may not be supported when operating in long mode. Consequently, when operating in long mode,?task?management and switching may be performed by software (though any suitable combination of hardware and/or software may be employed). While the legacy hardware?task?switching mechanism may not be supported in long mode, a 64-bit TSS may still be supported. The 64-bit TSS may include information for use in long mode such as stack pointers (RSPs) and, in particular, a table of several stack pointers. In one embodiment, the operating system creates at least one 64-bit TSS after activating long mode, and executes an LTR (load?task?register) instruction in 64-bit mode to load the TR register with a pointer to the 64-bit TSS.

Interrupt Stack Table

FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating one embodiment of an alternative stack switching mechanism utilizing an Interrupt Stack Table (IST). Included in FIG. 5 are an interrupt vector?502, IDTR?31, TR?33, a memory?560, Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)?530, Interrupt/Trap Gate?510,?Task?State?Segment?520, Interrupt Stack Table?550?containing 8 entries, and Stack Pointer register RSP?540. Generally speaking, when an interrupt is detected, the processor?10?obtains an interrupt vector502?which is used as an index into the IDT?530?identified by the IDTR?31. The IDT?530?typically includes a number of interrupt/trap gates, each of which correspond to different types of interrupts and include information related to the handling of that interrupt.

In one embodiment, the index into the IDT?530?is formed by scaling the interrupt vector by 16. In FIG. 5, interrupt vector502?indexes into IDT?530?and selects interrupt/trap gate?510. Interrupt/trap gate?510?includes an IST field which indicates whether or not an IST mechanism is to be used. If the IST field indicates the IST mechanism is not to be used, then the IST mechanism is not used. However, if the IST field indicates the IST mechanism is to be used, the IST field forms an index which is used to locate an entry in the current IST?550. The IST?550?is located in the current TSS?520?which is identified by the value in the TR?33. Upon indexing into the IST?550?and selecting the corresponding entry, a new stack pointer is identified which may then be conveyed to the RSP?540. Advantageously, by utilizing the IST mechanism, an unconditional stack switch may be made and a good stack pointer ensured. Consequently, "double fault", "NMI", "Machine Check" and similar problems may be avoided by using the IST stack switch mechanism for interrupts corresponding to those faults.

In the embodiment of FIG. 5, the IST field indicates whether or not the IST mechanism is to be used. In one embodiment, if the IST mechanism is not used, a modified form of the legacy stack switching mechanism may be utilized. In the modified form, when stacks are switched as part of a privilege level change resulting from an interrupt, a new SS descriptor is not loaded. Rather, the modified form only loads an inner-level RSP from the TSS. The new SS selector is forced to null and the SS selector‘s RPL field is set to the new CPL. The new SS is set to null in order to handle nested far transfers (CALLF, INT, interrupts and exceptions). The old SS and RSP are saved on the new stack. On the subsequent IRET, these are popped from the stack and loaded into the SS and RSP registers, respectively.

The above described IST mechanism may be enabled on an individual interrupt-vector basis via a field in the IDT entry. Thus, some interrupt vectors can use the IST mechanism while others do not. In one embodiment, the IST mechanism is only available in long mode. Further, in one embodiment, when operating in long mode only 64-bit interrupt gates may be referenced. If a reference is made to a 16-bit interrupt or trap gate, a general-protection exception may be generated.

In legacy mode the size of an IDT entry (16 bits or 32 bits) determines the size of interrupt-stack-frame pushes, and the SS:ESP is pushed only on a CPL change. However, because only long-mode gates may be referenced in long mode, the size of the interrupt-stack-frame push is fixed at eight bytes during long mode operation. Long mode also pushes SS:RSP unconditionally, rather than pushing only on a CPL change. Pushing SS:RSP unconditionally presents operating systems with a consistent interrupt-stack-frame across all interrupts.

In addition to the above, in one embodiment IRET semantics may be changed when operating in long mode. In long mode, IRET is executed with an 8-byte operand size. In 64-bit mode, SS:RSP is popped unconditionally. In compatibility and legacy modes, SS:RSP is popped only if the CPL changes. This allows legacy applications to run properly in compatibility mode when using the IRET instruction. Because interrupt-stack-frame pushes are always eight bytes in long mode, an IRET must pop eight byte items off the stack. This may be accomplished by preceding the IRET with a 64-bit operand-size prefix. Further, 64-bit interrupt service routines that exit with an IRET unconditionally pop SS:RSP off of the interrupt stack frame, even if the target code?segment?is running in 64-bit mode or at CPL=0. This is done because the original interrupt vector always pushes SS:RSP.

Turning now to FIG. 6, a block diagram of one embodiment of an interrupt/trap gate descriptor?120?is shown. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. Similar to FIGS. 2 and 3, the most significant bytes are illustrated above the least significant bytes. The most significant bit of each group of four bytes is illustrated as bit?31?and the least significant bit is illustrated as bit?0. Short vertical lines within the four bytes delimit each bit, and the long vertical lines delimit a bit but also delimit a field. As mentioned above, a call gate descriptor occupies two entries in a descriptor table. The horizontal dashed line in FIG. 6 divides call gate descriptor?120?into an upper portion (above the line) and a lower portion (below the line). The lower portion is stored in the entry indexed by the call gate‘s?segment?selector, and the upper portion is stored in the next succeeding entry.

Interrupt/trap gate descriptor?120?includes a target?segment?selector (field?122), an offset (fields?124A,?124B, and?124C), a present (P) bit?126, a descriptor privilege level (DPL)?128, a type field?130, and an IST field?131. The P bit is similar to P bit48?described above. The target?segment?selector identifies an entry within one of the descriptor tables at which the target segment?descriptor (having the greater privilege level) is stored. The offset identifies the address at which code fetching is to begin. In 32/64 mode, since the code?segment?has no base address and flat linear addressing is used, the offset is the address at which code fetching begins. In other modes, the offset is added to the?segment?base defined by the target segment?descriptor to generate the address at which code fetching begins. As mentioned above, the offset may comprise 64 bits in the present embodiment.

DPL?128?stores the minimum privilege level of the calling routine must have (both in the current privilege level and the requested privilege level) which may successfully pass through the call gate and execute the called routine at the privilege level specified in the target?segment?descriptor.

Type field?130?is coded to an interrupt/trap gate type. In one embodiment, this type is coded as a 64 bit gate. Alternatively, other encodings may be used. Finally, IST field?131?is used to store an IST index. In one embodiment, the IST index is 3 bits.

FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the method for utilizing an IST mechanism. Upon detection of an interrupt (step?702), the processor obtains an interrupt vector (step?704). In one embodiment the interrupt vector may be obtained according to standard x86 methods, though other methods may be used. The obtained interrupt vector is then used to index into the IDT (step?706) which is pointed to by the value in the IDTR. After selecting an interrupt/trap gate descriptor entry (step?706) in the IDT, the IST index is obtained. If the IST index is equal to zero (step?708), then the new IST mechanism for stack switching is not used and a non-IST mechanism may be used (e.g., an x86 method such as selecting a new stack based on the Current Privilege Level, or the modified form of the legacy stack switching mechanism described above). On the other hand, if the IST index is not equal to zero (step?708), the IST index is used to select an entry from the IST which is in the current TSS (step?712). Finally, the selected IST entry contains a pointer to a new stack which may then be conveyed to the processor (step?714).

Turning now to FIG. 8, a block diagram of one embodiment of a computer system?200?including processor?10?coupled to a variety of system components through a bus bridge?202?is shown. Other embodiments are possible and contemplated. In the depicted system, a main memory?204?is coupled to bus bridge?202?through a memory bus?206, and a graphics controller?208?is coupled to bus bridge?202?through an AGP bus?210. Finally, a plurality of PCI devices?212A-212B are coupled to bus bridge?202?through a PCI bus?214. A secondary bus bridge?216?may further be provided to accommodate an electrical interface to one or more EISA or ISA devices?218?through an EISA/ISA bus?220. Processor?10?is coupled to bus bridge?202?through a CPU bus?224?and to an optional L2 cache?228. Together, CPU bus?224?and the interface to L2 cache?228?may comprise an external interface to which external interface unit?18?may couple.

Bus bridge?202?provides an interface between processor?10, main memory?204, graphics controller?208, and devices attached to PCI bus?214. When an operation is received from one of the devices connected to bus bridge?202, bus bridge202?identifies the target of the operation (e.g. a particular device or, in the case of PCI bus?214, that the target is on PCI bus?214). Bus bridge?202?routes the operation to the targeted device. Bus bridge?202?generally translates an operation from the protocol used by the source device or bus to the protocol used by the target device or bus.

In addition to providing an interface to an ISA/EISA bus for PCI bus?214, secondary bus bridge?216?may further incorporate additional functionality, as desired. An input/output controller (not shown), either external from or integrated with secondary bus bridge?216, may also be included within computer system?200?to provide operational support for a keyboard and mouse222?and for various serial and parallel ports, as desired. An external cache unit (not shown) may further be coupled to CPU bus?224?between processor?10?and bus bridge?202?in other embodiments. Alternatively, the external cache may be coupled to bus bridge?202?and cache control logic for the external cache may be integrated into bus bridge?202. L2 cache?228?is further shown in a backside configuration to processor?10. It is noted that L2 cache?228?may be separate from processor10, integrated into a cartridge (e.g. slot 1 or slot A) with processor?10, or even integrated onto a semiconductor substrate with processor?10.

Main memory?204?is a memory in which application programs are stored and from which processor?10?primarily executes. A suitable main memory?204?comprises DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory). For example, a plurality of banks of SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) or RAMBUS DRAM (RDRAM) may be suitable.

PCI devices?212A-212B are illustrative of a variety of peripheral devices. The peripheral devices may include devices for communicating with another computer system to which the devices may be coupled (e.g. network interface cards, modems, etc.). Additionally, peripheral devices may include other devices, such as, for example, video accelerators, audio cards, hard or floppy disk drives or drive controllers, SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) adapters and telephony cards. Similarly, ISA device?218?is illustrative of various types of peripheral devices, such as a modem, a sound card, and a variety of data acquisition cards such as GPIB or field bus interface cards.

Graphics controller?208?is provided to control the rendering of text and images on a display?226. Graphics controller?208may embody a typical graphics accelerator generally known in the art to render three-dimensional data structures which can be effectively shifted into and from main memory?204. Graphics controller?208?may therefore be a master of AGP bus?210in that it can request and receive access to a target interface within bus bridge?202?to thereby obtain access to main memory?204. A dedicated graphics bus accommodates rapid retrieval of data from main memory?204. For certain operations, graphics controller?208?may further be configured to generate PCI protocol transactions on AGP bus?210. The AGP interface of bus bridge?202?may thus include functionality to support both AGP protocol transactions as well as PCI protocol target and initiator transactions. Display?226?is any electronic display upon which an image or text can be presented. A suitable display?226?includes a cathode ray tube ("CRT"), a liquid crystal display ("LCD"), etc.

It is noted that, while the AGP, PCI, and ISA or EISA buses have been used as examples in the above description, any bus architectures may be substituted as desired. It is further noted that computer system?200?may be a multiprocessing computer system including additional processors (e.g. processor?10?a?shown as an optional component of computer system200). Processor?10?a?may be similar to processor?10. More particularly, processor?10?a?may be an identical copy of processor?10. Processor?10?a?may be connected to bus bridge?202?via an independent bus (as shown in FIG. 17) or may share CPU bus?224?with processor?10. Furthermore, processor?10?a?may be coupled to an optional L2 cache?228?a?similar to L2 cache?228.


Stack switching mechanism in a computer system