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[ACM] zoj 3818 Pretty Poem (2014 ACMICPC Regional 牡丹江站网络赛 J题)
Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. There are many famous poets in the contemporary era. It is said that a few ACM-ICPC contestants can even write poetic code. Some poems has a strict rhyme scheme like "ABABA" or "ABABCAB". For example, "niconiconi" is composed of a rhyme scheme "ABABA" with A = "ni" and B = "co".
More technically, we call a poem pretty if it can be decomposed into one of the following rhyme scheme: "ABABA" or "ABABCAB". The symbol A, B and C are different continuous non-empty substrings of the poem. By the way, punctuation characters should be ignored when considering the rhyme scheme.
You are given a line of poem, please determine whether it is pretty or not.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
There is a line of poem S (1 <= length(S) <= 50). S will only contains alphabet characters or punctuation characters.
For each test case, output "Yes" if the poem is pretty, or "No" if not.
Sample Input
3 niconiconi~ pettan,pettan,tsurupettan wafuwafu
Sample Output
Yes Yes No
Author: JIANG, Kai
Source: The 2014 ACM-ICPC Asia Mudanjiang Regional First Round
题意为输入一个只包含字母和标点符号的字符串,问该字符串是否符合 "ABABA" or "ABABCAB"的形式,其中A,B,C为原字符串中连续的不相同的子串。
比如niconiconi 符合ABABA的形式,因为 A= ni B= con, 判断的时候要忽略掉字符串中的标点符号
思路为首先提取出来字符串中的字母,然后分别判断是否符合以上两种形式,判断ABABA的时候枚举A的长度,那么B的长度也就确定了,判断ABABCAB的时候,枚举A,B的长度,那么C的长度也就确定了。做题中出现的问题是char s[60],输入字符串的时候用了cin>>s,一直WA,换了gets(s)以后就过了,难道测试数据中字符串包含空格?可是空格不是标点符号啊。。。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <string.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f; int n; int main() { cin>>n; getchar(); while(n--) { char s[60]; char temp[60]; gets(s); int l=strlen(s); if(l<5) { cout<<"No"<<endl; continue; } int len=0; for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { if((s[i]>=65&&s[i]<=90)||(s[i]>=97&&s[i]<=122)) { temp[len]=s[i]; len++; } } temp[len]='\0'; if(len<5) { cout<<"No"<<endl; continue; } //ABABA的情况 int la=0,lb=0;//A的长度,B的长度 bool ok; for(la=1;;la++) { ok=0; if(len-3*la<2) break; if((len-3*la)%2!=0) continue; lb=(len-3*la)/2; string A=""; string B=""; for(int i=0;i<la;i++) A+=temp[i]; for(int i=la;i<la+lb;i++) B+=temp[i]; if(A==B) continue; string ans=""; ans=A+B+A+B+A; int i; for(i=0;i<len&&ans[i]==temp[i];i++){} if(i==len) { ok=1; break; } } if(ok) { cout<<"Yes"<<endl; continue; } //ABABCAB的情况 int lc=0; for(la=1;la<len-3;la++) { ok=0; for(lb=1;lb<len-3;lb++) { if(3*la+3*lb>=len) break; if(len-3*la-3*lb<0) break; lc=len-3*la-3*lb; string A=""; string B=""; string C=""; for(int i=0;i<la;i++) A+=temp[i]; for(int i=la;i<la+lb;i++) B+=temp[i]; for(int i=(la+lb)*2;i<(la+lb)*2+lc;i++) C+=temp[i]; if(A==B||A==C||B==C)//注意这一点,ABC不能相同 continue; string ans=""; ans=A+B+A+B+C+A+B; int i; for(i=0;i<len&&ans[i]==temp[i];i++){} if(i==len) { ok=1; break; } } if(ok) break; } if(ok) cout<<"Yes"<<endl; else cout<<"No"<<endl; } return 0; }
[ACM] zoj 3818 Pretty Poem (2014 ACMICPC Regional 牡丹江站网络赛 J题)