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C语言-简单哈希表(hash table)








  1 #include <stdio.h>  2 #include <stdlib.h>  3 #include <math.h>  4 #include <string.h>  5   6 struct node {  7     int count;   // count the same value   8     char *value;  9     node *next; 10 }; 11  12 // 使用链地址法解决冲突 13 struct hash_table { 14     int size;    // table size 15     node **list; // 链表队列一条链为一个散列位置 16 }; 17  18 //==================================================// 19 // declare 20  21 int hash_func(char *str, int tableSize); 22 hash_table *hash_table_init(int tableSize); 23 node *hash_table_new_node(char *str, int len); 24 int hash_table_insert(char *str, struct hash_table * head); 25 node *hash_table_find(char *str, struct hash_table * head); 26 void hash_table_clear(struct hash_table * head); 27 void hash_table_print(hash_table *head); 28  29 //==================================================// 30 // realize 31  32 // hash function: return the position of str in the hash table 33 int hash_func(char *str, int tableSize) { 34     unsigned int hashVal = 0; 35  36     while (*str != \0) 37         hashVal += (hashVal << 5) + *str++; 38      39     return hashVal % tableSize; 40 } 41  42 // init & create hash table 43 hash_table *hash_table_init(int tableSize) {     44     hash_table *head; 45  46     head = (hash_table *)malloc(sizeof(hash_table)); 47     if (NULL == head) 48         return NULL; 49     // 元素总数量尽可能为素数,以保证mod尽可能均匀 50     head->size = tableSize; 51  52     // 链表队列中,一条链为一个散列位置 53     head->list = (node **)malloc(sizeof(node *) * tableSize); 54  55     // initialize each hash list  56     int i; 57     for (i = 0; i < head->size; i++) 58         head->list[i] = NULL; 59  60     return head; 61 } 62  63 // return one new node 64 node *hash_table_new_node(char *str, int len) { 65     node *newNode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 66     newNode->count = 1; 67     newNode->next = NULL; 68     newNode->value = http://www.mamicode.com/(char *)malloc(len + 1); 69     memset(newNode->value, 0, len + 1); 70     memcpy(newNode->value, str, len); 71  72     return newNode; 73 } 74  75 // insert one node into hash table 76 int hash_table_insert(char *str, hash_table *head) { 77     int len = strlen(str); 78     // get str‘s position in the hash table 79     int pos = hash_func(str, head->size); 80  81     printf("[insert] %s at pos: %d\n", str, pos); 82  83     // locate list 84     node *q = head->list[pos], *p = head->list[pos]; 85     for ( ; p != NULL; p = p->next) { 86         if (memcmp(p->value, str, len) == 0) { 87             p->count++; // found the same value, count+1 88             return pos; 89         } 90         q = p; // store the previous node 91     } 92  93     // if not found, then insert one new node 94     node *newNode = hash_table_new_node(str, len); 95     /* 96     //===================================================================// 97     // method 1: 98     // TODO: 如果是字符串不同,但是哈希值一样呢???貌似没考虑到这种情况 99     // insert into the head of list100     newNode->next = head->list[pos];101     head->list[pos] = newNode;102     */103     //===================================================================//104     // method 2:105     // insert into the tail of list106     // 由于p指向了NULL,所以要插入链表尾的话,就必须增加一个变量q记录p前一个节点位置107     if (NULL == q) {108         newNode->next = head->list[pos];109         head->list[pos] = newNode;110     } else {111         q->next = newNode;112         newNode->next = NULL;113     }114 115     return pos;116 }117 118 // find the node which stored str & return it119 node *hash_table_find(char *str, hash_table *head) {120     if (NULL == head)121         return NULL;122 123     int pos = hash_func(str, head->size);124     node *p = head->list[pos];125     126     int len = strlen(str);127 128     for ( ; p != NULL; p = p->next) 129         if (memcmp(p->value, str, len) == 0) 130             break;//return p; // found & return131 132     return p; //return NULL;133 }134 135 // clear the whole hash table136 void hash_table_clear(hash_table *head) {137     if (NULL == head)138         return;139     140     node *p = NULL, *q = NULL;141 142     int i;143     for (i = 0; i < head->size; i++) {144         p = head->list[i];        145         while (p != NULL) {146             p->count = 0; // TODO: test147             q = p->next;148             // free value149             if (p->value) {150                 free(p->value);151                 p->value =http://www.mamicode.com/ NULL;152             }153             // free current node154             if (p) {155                 free(p);156                 p = NULL;157             }158             // point to next node159             p = q;160         }        161     }162     // free list163     if (head->list) {164         free(head->list);165         head->list = NULL;166     }167     // free head168     if (head) {169         free(head);170         head = NULL;171     }172 }173 174 // print the whole hash table175 void hash_table_print(hash_table *head) {176     if (NULL == head) {177         printf("hash table is NULL! \n");178         return;179     }180     181     int i;182     node *p = NULL;183 184     for ( i = 0; i < head->size; i++) {185         p = head->list[i];186         printf("//============list %d============//\n", i);187         while (p != NULL) {            188             if (p->value)189                 printf("%s:%d ", p->value, p->count);190             else191                 printf("(NULL):(0) ");192             p = p->next;193         }194         printf("\n");195     }196 }197 198 // test199 int main() {200     // create201     hash_table *head = hash_table_init(10);202 203     // insert204     hash_table_insert("test 1", head);205     hash_table_insert("test 2", head);206     hash_table_insert("test 2", head);207     hash_table_insert("test 3", head);208     hash_table_insert("test 4", head);209 210     hash_table_print(head);211 212     // find213     node *find = hash_table_find("test 2", head);214     printf("\n[Find] %s:%d\n\n", find->value, find->count);215 216     // clear217     hash_table_clear(head);218 219     hash_table_print(head);220 221     // create222     head = hash_table_init(6);223 224     // insert225     hash_table_insert("test 1", head);226     hash_table_insert("test 2", head);227     hash_table_insert("test 2", head);228     hash_table_insert("test 3", head);229     hash_table_insert("test 4", head);230 231     hash_table_print(head);232 233     return 0;234 }


C语言-简单哈希表(hash table)