首页 > 代码库 > Linux下扫描目录把所有的普通文本列入列表里面


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <unistd.h>const static int STRARRAYLEN=256;typedef char StringBuffer[STRARRAYLEN];typedef struct StringList_t StringList;struct StringList_t{    StringBuffer sb;    StringList *next;    StringList_t() {        next = 0;        memset(sb, 0, sizeof (sb)); //sb[0]=‘\0‘;    }    ~StringList_t() {        StringList *itor = this->next;        while (itor != NULL) {            this->next = itor->next;            delete itor;            itor = this->next;        }    }};void OutputList(StringList *list) {    StringList *itor = list;    while (itor != 0) {        printf("%s\n", itor->sb);        itor = itor->next;    }}int ScanFilesToList(char* folderPath, StringList *fileList) {        //get rid of ‘/‘ within folderPath    int slen = strlen(folderPath);    if (folderPath[slen - 1] == ‘/‘) {        folderPath[slen - 1] = ‘\0‘;    }    StringBuffer pwd = "";    getcwd(pwd, sizeof (pwd));    if (strncmp(folderPath, "..", 2) == 0) {        char pwdbak[200] = "";        strcpy(pwdbak, pwd);        chdir(folderPath);        memset(pwd, 0, sizeof (pwd));        getcwd(pwd, sizeof (pwd));        strcpy(folderPath, pwd);        strcpy(pwd, pwdbak);    } else {        chdir(folderPath);    }    DIR *dir = opendir(folderPath);    if (dir == NULL) {        printf("failed to open dir <%s> \n", folderPath);    }    struct dirent *dt = NULL;    struct stat statbuf;    while (dt = readdir(dir)) {        if (‘.‘ == dt->d_name[0]) {            continue;        }        lstat(dt->d_name, &statbuf);        if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {            StringBuffer sb = "";            sprintf(sb, "%s/%s", folderPath, dt->d_name);            chdir(sb);            ScanFilesToList(sb, fileList);            chdir("..");        } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) {            //addfiles to list            StringList *tmp=new StringList;            sprintf(tmp->sb,"%s/%s", folderPath, dt->d_name);            tmp->next=fileList->next;            fileList->next=tmp;        }    }    chdir(pwd);    return 0;}
