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OIL EXTRACTION PLANT bone mineral absorption enhancing

OIL EXTRACTION PLANT bone mineral absorption enhancing:

Oil extraction plant can enhance bone mineral absorption of calcium is conducive to the prevention of osteoporosis.

●Oil extraction plant olive oil and breast milk similar nutrients, easily absorbed, can promote infant nerve and bone development, it is pregnant and maternal excellent nutrition.

●Oil extraction plant women often eat olive oil, can enhance skin elasticity, received the effect of moisturizing beauty: Greece has a Mediterranean named Cretan island, island residents of stroke, cancer, Alzheimer‘s disease Rate is the lowest in the world, almost no heart disease, life expectancy is also long. The World Health Organization survey, one of the reasons is. The island is rich in olives, inhabitants of the olive oil as a daily edible oil: Today, foreign nutritionists best known healthy diet model is the "Mediterranean diet", the Mediterranean diet is an important component of the residents daily consumption of olive oil.

Oil extraction plant Food Guide

Oil extraction plant How to identify

(1) Oil extraction plant General principles

1, a good Oil extraction plant olive oil has the following characteristics:

The characteristics of olive oil and oil production process is closely related to high-quality olive oil produced by cold pressing method, and the need for low pressure to high pressure lane. Low-pressure virgin olive oil was light yellow color, is the best salad oil and cooking oil.

Fake Oil extraction plant pure olive oil test report, formal test report of pure olive oil. From the comparison of the two test reports can be seen, the so-called fake olive oil in the composition of fatty acids and soybean oil fatty acid composition is basically the same. Unfortunately, some Chinese regional agents and regional distributors to meet the needs of the market as an excuse to know fake leave.

Some of the Oil extraction plant labels on the Chinese market are labeled Olive Kernel Oil, or Cooking Olive Oil, which is actually pomace or pure olive oil. Consumers and distributors must carefully identify the product label on the name.

Through the Oil extraction plant understanding of the main physical and chemical indicators of olive oil can also be a good identification of the authenticity of olive oil and the pros and cons. According to the International Oil extraction plant Olive Oil Council of the olive oil and olive pomace oil trade standards, olive oil ultraviolet spectrophotometric analysis method and the people‘s Republic of olive oil, olive pomace oil professional standards, the main physical and chemical indicators of olive oil Including acid value, peroxide value, fatty acid composition and UV absorbance. Usually, foreign formal olive oil manufacturers will be issued with each batch of olive oil once the batch of quality inspection report.



OIL EXTRACTION PLANT bone mineral absorption enhancing