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1.   修改元素值 second_node.set_value("miller");不对


2. 小例子


#include <iostream>
#include "pugixml.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace pugi;

cout << "Hello world!" << endl; xml_document agentdoc; agentdoc.load_file("agent.xml"); xml_node root_node = agentdoc.child("root"); xml_node first_node = root_node.child("thrift"); xml_node second_node = first_node.child("switch"); cout<<"first name : "<<first_node.name()<<endl; cout<<"second name : "<<second_node.name()<<endl; cout<<"second value : "<<second_node.child_value()<<endl; 此处不能用value

// Note: For <node>text</node> node.value() does not return "text"! Use child_value() or text() methods to access text inside nodes.
// second_node.first_child().value(); second_node.first_child().set_value("qinbin"); cout<<"second value 执行完 : "<<second_node.child_value()<<endl; agentdoc.save_file("agent.xml");





// Uncomment this to switch to header-only version #define PUGIXML_HEADER_ONLY #include "pugixml.cpp"



// Uncomment this to enable wchar_t mode #define PUGIXML_WCHAR_MODE



5.官网文档  http://pugixml.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/docs/quickstart.html#quickstart.main.modify 不FQ不知道能不能打开

pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("node");// change node namestd::cout << node.set_name("notnode");std::cout << ", new node name: " << node.name() << std::endl;// change comment textstd::cout << doc.last_child().set_value("useless comment");std::cout << ", new comment text: " << doc.last_child().value() << std::endl;// we can‘t change value of the element or name of the comment  见第一条std::cout << node.set_value("1") << ", " << doc.last_child().set_name("2") << std::endl;pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute("id");// change attribute name/valuestd::cout << attr.set_name("key") << ", " << attr.set_value("345");std::cout << ", new attribute: " << attr.name() << "=" << attr.value() << std::endl;// we can use numbers or booleansattr.set_value(1.234);std::cout << "new attribute value: " << attr.value() << std::endl;// we can also use assignment operators for more concise codeattr = true;std::cout << "final attribute value: " << attr.value() << std::endl;


This is an example of adding new attributes/nodes to the document (samples/modify_add.cpp):// add node with some namepugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child("node");// add description node with text childpugi::xml_node descr = node.append_child("description");descr.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value("Simple node");// add param node before the descriptionpugi::xml_node param = node.insert_child_before("param", descr);// add attributes to param nodeparam.append_attribute("name") = "version";param.append_attribute("value") = 1.1;param.insert_attribute_after("type", param.attribute("name")) = "float";
This is an example of removing attributes/nodes from the document (samples/modify_remove.cpp):// remove description node with the whole subtreepugi::xml_node node = doc.child("node");node.remove_child("description");// remove id attributepugi::xml_node param = node.child("param");param.remove_attribute("value");// we can also remove nodes/attributes by handlespugi::xml_attribute id = param.attribute("name");param.remove_attribute(id);

