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convex hull - Graham's scam Algorithm version-0.1

input:a finite set of two dimentional points P (the number of points n is more than 2)

output: the convex hull of P 


1, sort P in Lexgrahical order

2, construct the upper hull UHLL:

        1‘ add two points on UHLL

        2‘ for i=3 to  n

                 add P[i] on UHLL

                 While( UHLL.Length > 2 && the last 3 points of UHLL do not make a right turn)

                            delete the middle point of the last 3 points of UHLL

3, construct the lower hull LHLL:

        1‘ add two points on LHLL

        2‘ for i=3 to  n

                 add P[i] on LHLL

                 While( LHLL.Length > 2 && the last 3 points of LHLL do not make a right turn)

                            delete the middle point of the last 3 points of LHLL

4, delete the first and last point of LHULL

5, merge UHLL and LHULL to  convex hull of P CHULL

6, output CHULL


next is objectarx implementation( with visual studio 2010 + AutoCAD 2013 x64 +object 2013):


first, get the point set:

 1 /********************************************************************************/ 2 /* get points in selection set                                                  */ 3 /* reference: http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=30971.msg365170#msg365170 */ 4 /********************************************************************************/ 5 void CModifyEnt::getPoints(AcGePoint3dArray &vec) 6 { 7     AcDbObjectIdArray ids; 8     CResbufPtr pFilter (acutBuildList(RTDXF0,ACRX_T("POINT,LINE,LWPOLYLINE"),NULL)); 9     CSelectionSet sset;10     sset.userSelect(pFilter);11     sset.asArray(ids);12     if (ids.length() < 3)13     {14         acutPrintf(L"there must be more than 3 entities!");15         return;16     }17     for(int i = 0 ; i < ids.length(); i++)18     {19         AcDbEntityPointer pEnt(ids[i],AcDb::kForRead);20         if(pEnt.openStatus() == eOk )21         {22             if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbPoint::desc())23             {24                 AcDbPoint *pPoint = AcDbPoint::cast(pEnt);25                 if(pPoint)26                 {27                     vec.append(pPoint->position());28                 }29             }30             else if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbLine::desc())31             {32                 AcDbLine *pLine = AcDbLine::cast(pEnt);33                 if(pLine)34                 {35                     vec.append(pLine->startPoint());36                     vec.append(pLine->endPoint());37                 }38             }39             else if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbPolyline::desc())40             {41                 AcDbPolyline *pLine = AcDbPolyline::cast(pEnt);42                 if(pLine)43                 {44                     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pLine->numVerts() ; i++)45                     {46                         AcGePoint3d pt;47                         pLine->getPointAt(i,pt);48                         vec.append(pt);49                     }50                 }51             }52         }53     }54 }


second, sort points:


 1 void CCalculation::insertion_sort(AcGePoint3dArray &points) 2 { 3     int p; 4     int k; 5     AcGePoint3d current_element; 6  7     int length = points.length(); 8     for ( p = 1; p < length; p++ ) 9     {10         current_element = points.at(p);11         k = p - 1;12         while( k >= 0 && isLessOrEqual(current_element, points.at(k)))13         {14             points.at(k+1) = points.at(k);15             k--;16         }17         points.at(k+1) = current_element;18     }19 }


in this method, there is a method called "isLessOrEqual" to compare two point in lexicographical order:

 1 bool CCalculation::isLessOrEqual(AcGePoint3d &p1, AcGePoint3d &p2) 2 { 3     if (p1.x == p2.x) 4     { 5         if (p1.y == p2.y) 6         { 7             return p1.z <= p2.z; 8         } 9         else10         {11             return p1.y < p2.y;12         }13     }14     else15     {16         return p1.x < p2.x;17     }18 }



then construct the upper hull:


 1 void CCalculation::constructUpper() 2 { 3     this->m_upperHull.removeAll(); 4     this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(0)); 5     this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(1)); 6  7     int k; 8     AcGeVector3d v1, v2; 9     for (int i=2; i < this->m_points.length(); i++)10     {11         this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(i));12 13         while(this->m_upperHull.length() > 2)14         {15             k = this->m_upperHull.length() - 1;//the last point of current hull‘s index16 17             v1 = this->m_upperHull.at(k) - this->m_upperHull.at(k-2);18             v2 = this->m_upperHull.at(k-1) - this->m_upperHull.at(k-2);19 20             if(CCalculation::isRightTurn(v1,v2))21                 break;22 23             this->m_upperHull.removeAt(k-1);24         }25     }26 }




then construct the lower hull:


 1 void CCalculation::constructLower() 2 { 3     this->m_lowerHull.removeAll(); 4     this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(0)); 5     this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(1)); 6  7     int k; 8     AcGeVector3d v1, v2; 9     for (int i=2; i < this->m_points.length(); i++)10     {11         this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(i));12 13         while(this->m_lowerHull.length() > 2)14         {15             k = this->m_lowerHull.length() - 1;//the last point of current hull‘s index16 17             v1 = this->m_lowerHull.at(k) - this->m_lowerHull.at(k-2);18             v2 = this->m_lowerHull.at(k-1) - this->m_lowerHull.at(k-2);19 20             if(CCalculation::isLeftTurn(v1,v2))21                 break;22 23             this->m_lowerHull.removeAt(k-1);24         }25     }26 }


in this method, there are three methods:

isRightTurn( if two vectors are in right turn order);

1 bool  CCalculation::isRightTurn(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2)2 {3     return     crossProduction(p1, p2).z > 0;4 }


isLeftTurn( if two vectors are in left turn order); 

1 bool  CCalculation::isLeftTurn(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2)2 {3     return     crossProduction(p1, p2).z < 0;4 }


crossProduction(calculate two vectors‘ cross production):



then construct the convex hull:


 1 AcGePoint3dArray CCalculation::getConvexHull() 2 { 3     this->initPoints(); 4     this->constructUpper(); 5     this->constructLower(); 6  7     this->m_convexHull.removeAll(); 8     for (int i=0; i < this->m_upperHull.length(); i++) 9     {10        this->m_convexHull.append(this->m_upperHull[i]);11     }12 13     for (int i = this->m_lowerHull.length() - 2; i >=0 ; i--)14     {15         this->m_convexHull.append(this->m_lowerHull[i]);16     }17 18     return this->m_convexHull;19 }



the CCalculation.h:

 1 class CCalculation 2 { 3 public: 4     CCalculation(void); 5     ~CCalculation(void); 6  7     static bool isLessOrEqual(AcGePoint3d &p1, AcGePoint3d &p2); 8     static void insertion_sort(AcGePoint3dArray &points); 9     static AcGeVector3d crossProduction(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2);10     static bool isRightTurn(AcGeVector3d &, AcGeVector3d &);11     static bool isLeftTurn(AcGeVector3d &, AcGeVector3d &);12     static void getPoints(AcGePoint3dArray &points);13     void initPoints();14     AcGePoint3dArray getUpperHull();15     AcGePoint3dArray getLowerHull();16     AcGePoint3dArray getConvexHull();17 private:18     AcGePoint3dArray m_points;//selected points19     AcGePoint3dArray m_upperHull;//upper hull20     AcGePoint3dArray m_lowerHull;//lower hull21     AcGePoint3dArray m_convexHull;//convex hull22 23     void constructUpper();24     void constructLower();25     void constructConveHull();26 };


the CCalculation.cpp:

  1 /********************************************************************************/  2 /* get points in selection set                                                  */  3 /* reference: http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=30971.msg365170#msg365170 */  4 /********************************************************************************/  5 void CCalculation::getPoints(AcGePoint3dArray &points)  6 {  7     AcDbObjectIdArray ids;  8     CResbufPtr pFilter (acutBuildList(RTDXF0,ACRX_T("POINT,LINE,LWPOLYLINE"),NULL));  9     CSelectionSet sset; 10     sset.userSelect(pFilter); 11     sset.asArray(ids); 12     if (ids.length() < 3) 13     { 14         acutPrintf(L"there must be more than 3 entities!"); 15         return; 16     } 17     for(int i = 0 ; i < ids.length(); i++) 18     { 19         AcDbEntityPointer pEnt(ids[i],AcDb::kForRead); 20         if(pEnt.openStatus() == eOk ) 21         { 22             if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbPoint::desc()) 23             { 24                 AcDbPoint *pPoint = AcDbPoint::cast(pEnt); 25                 if(pPoint) 26                 { 27                     points.append(pPoint->position()); 28                 } 29             } 30             else if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbLine::desc()) 31             { 32                 AcDbLine *pLine = AcDbLine::cast(pEnt); 33                 if(pLine) 34                 { 35                     points.append(pLine->startPoint()); 36                     points.append(pLine->endPoint()); 37                 } 38             } 39             else if(pEnt->isA() == AcDbPolyline::desc()) 40             { 41                 AcDbPolyline *pLine = AcDbPolyline::cast(pEnt); 42                 if(pLine) 43                 { 44                     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pLine->numVerts() ; i++) 45                     { 46                         AcGePoint3d pt; 47                         pLine->getPointAt(i,pt); 48                         points.append(pt); 49                     } 50                 } 51             } 52         } 53     } 54 } 55  56 void CCalculation::initPoints() 57 { 58     CCalculation::getPoints(this->m_points); 59     CCalculation::insertion_sort(this->m_points); 60 } 61  62 bool CCalculation::isLessOrEqual(AcGePoint3d &p1, AcGePoint3d &p2) 63 { 64     if (p1.x == p2.x) 65     { 66         if (p1.y == p2.y) 67         { 68             return p1.z <= p2.z; 69         } 70         else 71         { 72             return p1.y < p2.y; 73         } 74     } 75     else 76     { 77         return p1.x < p2.x; 78     } 79 } 80  81 void CCalculation::insertion_sort(AcGePoint3dArray &points) 82 { 83     int p; 84     int k; 85     AcGePoint3d current_element; 86  87     int length = points.length(); 88     for ( p = 1; p < length; p++ ) 89     { 90         current_element = points.at(p); 91         k = p - 1; 92         while( k >= 0 && isLessOrEqual(current_element, points.at(k))) 93         { 94             points.at(k+1) = points.at(k); 95             k--; 96         } 97         points.at(k+1) = current_element; 98     } 99 }100 101 AcGeVector3d CCalculation::crossProduction(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2)102 {103      return AcGeVector3d((p1.y*p2.z - p1.z*p2.y), (p1.z*p2.x - p1.x*p2.z), (p1.x*p2.y - p1.y*p2.x));104 }105 106 bool  CCalculation::isRightTurn(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2)107 {108     return     crossProduction(p1, p2).z > 0;109 }110 111 bool  CCalculation::isLeftTurn(AcGeVector3d &p1, AcGeVector3d &p2)112 {113     return     crossProduction(p1, p2).z < 0;114 }115 116 void CCalculation::constructUpper()117 {118     this->m_upperHull.removeAll();119     this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(0));120     this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(1));121 122     int k;123     AcGeVector3d v1, v2;124     for (int i=2; i < this->m_points.length(); i++)125     {126         this->m_upperHull.append(this->m_points.at(i));127 128         while(this->m_upperHull.length() > 2)129         {130             k = this->m_upperHull.length() - 1;//the last point of current hull‘s index131 132             v1 = this->m_upperHull.at(k) - this->m_upperHull.at(k-2);133             v2 = this->m_upperHull.at(k-1) - this->m_upperHull.at(k-2);134 135             if(CCalculation::isRightTurn(v1,v2))136                 break;137 138             this->m_upperHull.removeAt(k-1);139         }140     }141 }142 143 void CCalculation::constructLower()144 {145     this->m_lowerHull.removeAll();146     this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(0));147     this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(1));148 149     int k;150     AcGeVector3d v1, v2;151     for (int i=2; i < this->m_points.length(); i++)152     {153         this->m_lowerHull.append(this->m_points.at(i));154 155         while(this->m_lowerHull.length() > 2)156         {157             k = this->m_lowerHull.length() - 1;//the last point of current hull‘s index158 159             v1 = this->m_lowerHull.at(k) - this->m_lowerHull.at(k-2);160             v2 = this->m_lowerHull.at(k-1) - this->m_lowerHull.at(k-2);161 162             if(CCalculation::isLeftTurn(v1,v2))163                 break;164 165             this->m_lowerHull.removeAt(k-1);166         }167     }168 }169 170 171 172 AcGePoint3dArray CCalculation::getUpperHull()173 {174     this->constructUpper();175     return this->m_upperHull;176 }177 178 AcGePoint3dArray CCalculation::getLowerHull()179 {180     this->constructLower();181     return this->m_lowerHull;182 }183 184 AcGePoint3dArray CCalculation::getConvexHull()185 {186     this->initPoints();187     this->constructUpper();188     this->constructLower();189 190     this->m_convexHull.removeAll();191     for (int i=0; i < this->m_upperHull.length(); i++)192     {193        this->m_convexHull.append(this->m_upperHull[i]);194     }195 196     for (int i = this->m_lowerHull.length() - 2; i >=0 ; i--)197     {198         this->m_convexHull.append(this->m_lowerHull[i]);199     }200 201     return this->m_convexHull;202 }

the getPoints method use two class(reference http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=30971.msg365170#msg365170):


 1 #pragma once 2 #include "StdAfx.h" 3 // Chuck Gabriel @ TheSwamp 4  5 class CResbufPtr { 6     resbuf* pHead; // Maintain a pointer to the head of the resource chain for de-allocation 7     resbuf* pBuffer; 8 public: 9     CResbufPtr(resbuf* ptr) : pHead(ptr), pBuffer(ptr) {}10     ~CResbufPtr() {11         acutRelRb(pHead); // release the buffer12         pHead = pBuffer = 0;13     }14     resbuf* operator->() { return pBuffer; }  // so you can do things like buf->resval.rstring15     operator resbuf*() { return pBuffer; } // so you can pass the smart pointer to functions that expect a resbuf*16     bool isNull() { return pBuffer == 0; } // null pointer check17     void start() { pBuffer = pHead; } // in case you need to return to the head of the resource chain18     void next() { pBuffer = pBuffer->rbnext; } // try to move the pointer to the next item in the resource chain19 };



 1 #pragma once 2 #include "arxHeaders.h" 3  4 class CSelectionSet 5 { 6     ads_name ssname; 7 public: 8     CSelectionSet(void); 9     ~CSelectionSet(void);10     bool isNull();11     Acad::PromptStatus userSelect(const resbuf *pFilter);12     Acad::ErrorStatus asArray(AcDbObjectIdArray &setIds);13 };


 1 #include "StdAfx.h" 2 #include "SelectionSet.h" 3  4  5 CSelectionSet::CSelectionSet(void) 6 { 7     ssname[0] = 0L; 8     ssname[1] = 0L; 9 }10 11 CSelectionSet::~CSelectionSet(void)12 {13     acedSSFree(ssname);14 }15 16 17 bool CSelectionSet::isNull()18 {19     return ssname[0] == 0L && ssname[1] == 0L;20 }21 22 Acad::PromptStatus CSelectionSet::userSelect(const resbuf *pFilter)23 {24     acedSSFree(ssname);25     return (Acad::PromptStatus) acedSSGet(NULL,NULL,NULL,pFilter,ssname);26 }27 28 Acad::ErrorStatus CSelectionSet::asArray( AcDbObjectIdArray &setIds )29 {30     if(this->isNull())31         return Acad::eNullPtr;32     long sslength;33     ads_name ent;34     acedSSLength(ssname,&sslength);35     for (long i = 0; i < sslength; i++)36     {37         AcDbObjectId oId;38         acedSSName(ssname, i, ent);39         if(acdbGetObjectId(oId, ent) == eOk)40             setIds.append(oId);41         else42             return Acad::eNullObjectId;43     }44     return eOk;45 }

the demo:





1. http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=30971.msg365170#msg365170

2. Computational Geometry - Algorithms and Applications(Mark de Berg · Otfried Cheong & Marc van Kreveld · Mark Overmars)

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_scan



convex hull - Graham's scam Algorithm version-0.1