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package text/html

1. I want figure out what happens underline of package text/template.


/** * PrintPerson */package mainimport (    "fmt"    "html/template"    "os")type Person struct {    Name   string    Age    int    Emails []string    Jobs   []*Job}type Job struct {    Employer string    Role     string}const templ = `The name is {{.Name}}.The age is {{.Age}}.{{range .Emails}}        An email is {{.}}{{end}}{{with .Jobs}}    {{range .}}        An employer is {{.Employer}}        and the role is {{.Role}}    {{end}}{{end}}`func main() {    job1 := Job{Employer: "Monash", Role: "Honorary"}    job2 := Job{Employer: "Box Hill", Role: "Head of HE"}    person := Person{        Name:   "jan",        Age:    50,        Emails: []string{"jan@newmarch.name", "jan.newmarch@gmail.com"},        Jobs:   []*Job{&job1, &job2},    }    t := template.New("Person template")    t, err := t.Parse(templ)    checkError(err)    err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, person)    checkError(err)}func checkError(err error) {    if err != nil {        fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())        os.Exit(1)    }}


 the sample code from http://jan.newmarch.name/go/template/chapter-template.html


2. analysis



package text/html