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jQuery 幻灯片 ----摘录

Cloud Carousel (演示 | 下载)ShineTime (演示 | 下载)Nivo Slider (演示 | 下载)Interactive Photo Desk (演示 | 下载)Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 (演示 | 下载)Micro Image Gallery: A jQuery Plugin (演示 | 下载)Minimalistic Slideshow Gallery with jQuery (演示 | 下载)Image Slider with Unique Effects (演示 | 下载)Create image gallery in 4 lines of jQuery (演示 | 下载)Slideshow with strip effects (演示 | 下载)Nivo Zoom(演示 | 下载)AD Gallery, gallery plugin for jQuery (演示 | 下载)MLB.com Content Switcher with jQuery and CSS3 (演示 | 下载)Create Scrollable Interface (演示 | 下载)Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery (演示 | 下载)Image Scale Carousel (演示 | 下载)Sudo Slider (演示 | 下载)GALLERYVIEW (演示 | 下载)Jquery Plugin MopSlider 2.4 (演示 | 下载)jQuery Image Scroller (演示 | 下载)Image Gallery Using jQuery and Flickr (演示 | 下载)jQuery plugin: Wilq32.RotateImage (演示 | 下载)jQZoom Evolution (演示 | 下载)Photo gallery using jQuery and VisualLightBox (演示 | 下载)Zoomimage (演示 | 下载)YoxView (演示 | 下载)Supersized (演示 | 下载)AnythingSlider (演示 | 下载)Photo Revealer (演示 | 下载)Exposure (演示 | 下载)Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider (演示 | 下载)Horinaja (演示 | 下载)S3 Slider (演示 | 下载)Slide Deck (演示 | 下载)Galleriffic (演示 | 下载)Photo Gallery – Dark Theme (演示 | 下载)jQuery morphing gallery (演示 | 下载)Simple Accordion w/ CSS and jQuery (演示 | 下载)Automatic Image Slider w/ CSS & jQuery (演示 | 下载)Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery (演示 | 下载)Fancy Thumbnail Hover Effect w/ jQuery (演示 | 下载)Coda Slider Effect (演示 | 下载)Simple Controls Gallery (演示 | 下载)Popeye (演示 | 下载)Simple 演示 (演示 | 下载)ImageFlow (演示 | 下载)Moving Boxes (演示 | 下载)SlideViewerPro(演示 | 下载)Pirobox (演示 | 下载)

jQuery simple panorama viewer (演示
| 下载)A Beautiful Apple-style Slideshow Gallery (演示 | 下载)Flickr Photobar Gallery (演示 | 下载)Step Carousel Viewer (演示 | 下载)Zoom-Info (演示 | 下载)Box Slider (演示 | 下载)jQuery Panel Gallery (演示 | 下载)Image Highlighting and Preview with jQuery (演示 | 下载)Multimedia Gallery for Images, Video and Audio (演示 | 下载)Awesome Mobile Image Gallery Web App (演示 | 下载)


jQuery 幻灯片 ----摘录