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LeetCode 38 Count and Say(字符串规律输出)

package leetcode_50;/*** *  * @author pengfei_zheng * 按照规律进行求解字符串 */public class Solution38 {    public static String countAndSay(int n) {        if(n<=0) {            return "";        }        String s="1";        int times = 1;        while(times<n){            s = getSay(s);            times++;        }        return s;    }    private static String getSay(String s) {        int count =0;        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("");        for(int i = 0; i<s.length(); i++){            //first to add in order to prevent thinking about the index            count ++;            //not reach the end of s and next item is not equal to the pre item            if ((i< s.length()-1) && (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(i + 1))) {                str = str.append(count).append(s.charAt(i));//rebuild the str                count = 0;//reset count to zero            }            else if ((i == s.length()-1)) {//meet the end of s                 str = str.append(count).append(s.charAt(i));            }            }        return str.toString();    }    public static void main(String[]args){        String s = countAndSay(2);        System.out.println(s);    }}


LeetCode 38 Count and Say(字符串规律输出)