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RHEL 5用rpm包,直接安装后配置数据及缓存目录即可。

RHEL 6用tar包+配置文件,本文是在RHEL 6上安装IEE的向导。

tar -xvf infobright-4.0.6-x86_64.tarmv infobright-4.0.6-x86_64 /usr/local/mv my-ib.cnf /etc/mv mysqld-ib /etc/init.d/chmod u+x /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib


--启动IEE服务/etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start--关闭IEE服务/etc/init.d/mysqld-ib stop


ln -s /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/bin/mysql /usr/local/bin/mysql-ib 


# pwd(切到软件目录)
# ./postconfig.sh(第一次运行postconfig.sh,更改IEE数据库的数据目录)
Infobright post configuration--------------------------------------Using postconfig you can:--------------------------------------(1) Move existing data directory to other location,(2) Move existing cache directory to other location,(3) Configure server socket,(4) Configure server port,(5) Relocate datadir path to an existing data directory.Please type y for option that you want or press ctrl+c for exit.Current configuration:--------------------------------------Current config file: [/etc/my-ib.cnf]Current brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data/brighthouse.ini]Current datadir: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data]Current CacheFolder in brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache]Current socket: [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]Current port: [5029]--------------------------------------(1) Do you want to copy current datadir [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data] to a new location? [y/n]:yGive new datadir path (e.g. /opt/datadirnewpath/data):/ieedata/data(2) Option to change CacheFolder is disabled when option 1 is chosen!(3) Do you want to change current socket [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]? [y/n]:n(4) Do you want to change current port [5029]? [y/n]:n(5) Relocation is disabled when options 1-4 are chosen!--------------------------------------Datadir(/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data) is going to be copied to /ieedata/data--------------------------------------Please confirm to proceed? [y/n]:yCopying /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data to /ieedata/data ...is done.You can now remove/backup your old /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data ...Done!
# ./postconfig.sh(第二次运行postconfig.sh,更改IEE数据库的cache目录)
Infobright post configuration--------------------------------------Using postconfig you can:--------------------------------------(1) Move existing data directory to other location,(2) Move existing cache directory to other location,(3) Configure server socket,(4) Configure server port,(5) Relocate datadir path to an existing data directory.Please type y for option that you want or press ctrl+c for exit.Current configuration:--------------------------------------Current config file: [/etc/my-ib.cnf]Current brighthouse.ini file: [/ieedata/data/brighthouse.ini]Current datadir: [/ieedata/data]Current CacheFolder in brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache]Current socket: [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]Current port: [5029]--------------------------------------(1) Do you want to copy current datadir [/ieedata/data] to a new location? [y/n]:n(2) Do you want to move current CacheFolder [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache] to a new location? [y/n]:y Give new CacheFolder path:/ieedata/cache(3) Do you want to change current socket [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]? [y/n]:n(4) Do you want to change current port [5029]? [y/n]:n(5) Relocation is disabled when options 1-4 are chosen!--------------------------------------New CacheFolder is going to be /ieedata/cache--------------------------------------Please confirm to proceed? [y/n]:yCreating new cachedir /ieedata/cache ...is done.Done!
# /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start
# mysql-ib
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 3Server version: 5.1.40 build number (revision)=IB_4.0.6_r16086_16275(iee - commercial) (static)Type help; or \h for help. Type \c to clear the current input statement.mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to root@% identified by 123456  WITH GRANT OPTION;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> flush privileges;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> 


character set : utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicodecollation : utf8_bin

