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[LeetCode] Word Break

Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.

For example, given
s = "leetcode",
dict = ["leet", "code"].

Return true because "leetcode" can be segmented as "leet code".


  1 #include <iostream>  2 #include <string>  3 #include <set>  4 #include <cstdio>  5   6 using namespace std;  7   8 set<string> myset;  9 bool ** pmatrix = NULL; 10  11 template<typename T> 12 void BuildMatrix(T *** pmaze,unsigned row_num,unsigned column_num) 13 { 14     *pmaze = new T*[row_num]; 15     for(unsigned i=0;i<row_num;++i){ 16         (*pmaze)[i] = new T[column_num]; 17     } 18 } 19  20 template<typename T> 21 void ReleaseMatrix(T ***pmaze,unsigned row_num) 22 { 23     if(!pmaze) return; 24  25     for(unsigned i=0;i<row_num;++i){ 26         delete [](*pmaze)[i]; 27     } 28  29     delete [](*pmaze); 30 } 31  32 void FindWord(int length){ 33     int i=0; 34     for(i=0;i<length;++i){ 35         for(int j=i;j<length;++j){ 36             if(pmatrix[i][j]){ 37                 i = j+1; 38             } 39         } 40     } 41  42     if(i==length+1) cout<<"true"<<endl; 43     else cout<<"false"<<endl; 44 } 45  46 void Solve(){ 47     myset.clear(); 48  49     string strtomatch; 50     int dicwordnum = 0; 51     cin>>dicwordnum; 52  53     for(int i=0;i<dicwordnum;++i){ 54         cin>>strtomatch; 55         myset.insert(strtomatch); 56     } 57  58     cin>>strtomatch; 59     unsigned strlength = strtomatch.length(); 60  61     BuildMatrix(&pmatrix,strlength,strlength); 62  63     for(unsigned i=0;i<strlength;++i){ 64         for(unsigned j=0;j<strlength;++j){ 65             string strdata; 66             strdata.assign(strtomatch,i,j-i+1); 67             if(myset.find(strdata)!=myset.end()){ 68                 pmatrix[i][j] = true; 69             } 70         } 71     } 72  73     for(int i=strlength-1;i>=0;--i){ 74         bool isallfalse = false; 75         for(int j = i;j<strlength;++j){ 76             if(pmatrix[i][j]){ 77                 isallfalse = true; 78                 break; 79             } 80         } 81  82         if(isallfalse){ 83             for(int j = 0;j<strlength;++j){ 84                 pmatrix[j][i-1] = false; 85             } 86         } 87     } 88  89     FindWord(strlength); 90  91     ReleaseMatrix(&pmatrix,strtomatch.length()); 92 } 93  94 int main() 95 { 96     freopen("txt.in","r",stdin); 97     freopen("txt.out","w",stdout); 98  99     int case_num = 0;100     cin>>case_num;101 102     for(int i=0;i<case_num;++i){103         cout<<"Case "<<i+1<<": ";104         Solve();105     }106 107     return 0;108 }


41a a2what is whats3hello nice to helloto5Kobe Carter LeBron Jordan Iverson Yao


Case 1: trueCase 2: falseCase 3: trueCase 4: false

[LeetCode] Word Break