首页 > 代码库 > 一个Window/Linux(Fedora测试平台)的CPU,磁盘,内存,PC,进程相关信息采集功能


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#ifndef _PEER_2_PEER_DATA_H#define _PEER_2_PEER_DATA_H#include <cstring> /* unsigned long long */typedef unsigned long long ULLong;#define ELAPSEDSECONDS                10000000#define ADAYTOTALSECONDS            (1 * 24 * 60 * 60)#define RECEIVED_BUFFER_LENGTH        (1024 * 4)#define QUERY_SLEEP_TIMESTAMP_MS    1024     #define MESSAGEMAXLENGGTH            (1024 * 1024 * 128)#define HEADER                        0x02#define PACKHEADERLENGTH            (1 + sizeof(int))#define TYPE_CPUUSAGE                1#define TYPE_MEMORYUSAGE            2#define TYPE_DRIVEUSAGE                3#define TYPE_RUNTHEFILE                4#define TYPE_PROCESSINFO            5#define TYPE_CMD_CURRENT            20#define TYPE_CMD_AVERAGE            702#define TYPE_CMD_APPOINT            888#define TYPE_CMD_RESERVE            999#define CMD_CALC_UNIT_MINUTES        101#define CMD_CALC_UNIT_HOURS            45#define UNIT_VALUE_ONE                1#define UNIT_VALUE_THREE            3#define UNIT_VALUE_SIX                6#define UNIT_VALUE_TEN                10#define UNIT_VALUE_TWELVE            12#define UNIT_VALUE_TWENTYFOUR        24#define UNIT_VALUE_THIRTY            30#define UNIT_VALUE_SIXTY            60/* 磁盘/挂载/盘符容量信息 */struct CapacityInfo{    /* 总值(kB) */    ULLong m_nTotal;    /* 空闲值(kB) */    ULLong m_nFree;    /* 磁盘/挂载/盘符名称 */    char m_szName[128];    CapacityInfo() : m_nTotal(0), m_nFree(0)    {        memset(m_szName, 0, sizeof(m_szName));    }};/* 进程信息 */struct ProcessInfo{    /* Start-Time Year */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Year;    /* Start-Time Month */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Month;     /* Start-Time Day */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Day;    /* Start-Time Hour */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Hour;    /* Start-Time Minute */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Minute;    /* Start-Time Second */    unsigned short m_nStartTime_Second;     /* Pid */    unsigned short m_nPid;    /* Run-Time(s) */    unsigned long long m_nRunTime;    /* Process Name */    char m_szName[128];    /* Process File-Name */    char m_szFileName[256]; #ifdef WIN32    /* Process Describe */    char m_szDescribe[512];#endif    ProcessInfo() : m_nPid(0), m_nRunTime(0)    {                 m_nStartTime_Year = m_nStartTime_Month = m_nStartTime_Day = m_nStartTime_Hour = m_nStartTime_Minute = m_nStartTime_Second = 0;        memset(m_szName, 0, sizeof(m_szName));        memset(m_szFileName, 0, sizeof(m_szFileName));#ifdef WIN32        memset(m_szDescribe, 0, sizeof(m_szDescribe));#endif    }};#endif //_PEER_2_PEER_DATA_H
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#ifndef    _DATA_ACQUISITION_#define    _DATA_ACQUISITION_#include "Peer2PeerData.h"#include <vector> #include <string>using namespace std;/*    Data Acquisition (DAQ)*/class DataAcquisition{public:    DataAcquisition(void);    ~DataAcquisition(void);    /*------CPU Start------*/public:        /**     *  CPU核数.     *     *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version      **/    int ProcessorCores();     /**     *  CPU各核的使用率(%).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  vector<double> &vUtilization: [使用率]     *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version      *    @example    cpu : 2.47525(%)     *                cpu0: 1.96078(%)     *                cpu1: 2.2703(%)     *                ...     **/    int CpuUsageOfCores(vector<double> &vUtilization);    /**     *  进程的CPU使用率(%).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  double &nUtilize: [使用率]     *  @param        -[in]  int nPid: [PID]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version      *    @remark        -[Pid = -1] Mean Current Process     *    @example    2.47525(%)     **/    int CpuUsageByProcess(double &nUtilize, int nPid = -1);private:    /* CPU Cores */    int m_nProcessorCores;/*------ CPU End ------*/    /*------Memory Start------*/public:    /**     *  物理内存(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nTotal: [总值]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @example    1024(kB)     **/    int    PhysicalMemory(ULLong &nTotal);        /**     *  空闲物理内存(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nFree: [空闲值]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @example    512(kB)     **/    int PhysicalMemoryFree(ULLong &nFree);        /**     *  进程的物理内存使用值(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nUsage: [使用值]      *  @param        -[in]  int nPid: [PID]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[Pid = -1] Mean Current Process     *    @example    64(kB)     **/    int PhysicalMemroyUsageByProcess(ULLong &nUsage, int nPid = -1);    /**     *  虚拟内存(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nTotal: [总值]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @example    1024(kB)     **/    int    VirtualMemory(ULLong &nTotal);        /**     *  空闲虚拟内存(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nFree: [空闲值]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @example    512(kB)     **/    int VirtualMemoryFree(ULLong &nFree);        /**     *  进程的虚拟内存使用值(kB).     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  ULLong &nUsage: [使用值]      *  @param        -[in]  int nPid: [PID]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[Pid = -1] Mean Current Process     *    @example    64(kB)     **/    int VirtualMemroyUsageByProcess(ULLong &nUsage, int nPid = -1);private:    /* 物理内存(kB) */    ULLong    m_nPhysicalMemory;    /* 虚拟内存(kB) */    ULLong    m_nVirtualMemory;    /*------ Memory End ------*/    /*------Disk Start------*/public:    /**     *  磁盘数.     *     *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       **/    int DiskCount();    /**     *  挂载/盘符数.     *     *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       **/    int    DriveLetterCount();    /**     *  磁盘容量信息.     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  vector<CapacityInfo> &vCapacityInfo: [容量信息]       *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version         **/    int TheDiskCapacityInfo(vector<CapacityInfo*> &vCapacityInfo);    /**     *  挂载/盘符容量信息.     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  vector<CapacityInfo> &vCapacityInfo: [容量信息]      *  @param        -[in]  const char* szDriveLetter: [挂载/盘符]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[szDriveLetter = NULL] Mean All Drive-Letter      *    @example    Windows(szDriveLetter = ‘C:\‘), Linux(szDriveLetter = ‘/root‘)     **/    int TheDriveLetterCapacityInfo(vector<CapacityInfo*> &vCapacityInfo, const char* szDriveLetter = NULL);/*------ Disk End ------*/    /*------Process Start------*/public:    /**     *  打开文件.     *     *  @param        -[in]  const char* szFile: [文件]      *  @param        -[in]  const char* szParameters: [参数]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[szParameters = NULL] Mean Without Parameter      **/    int OpenTheFile(const char* szFile, const char* szParameters = NULL);        /**     *  进程信息.     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  vector<ProcessInfo*> &vProcessInfo: [进程信息]      *  @param        -[in]  int nPid: [PID]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[nPid = -1] Mean All Process-Info      **/    int Processes(vector<ProcessInfo*> &vProcessInfo, int nPid = -1);        /**     *  进程信息.     *     *  @param        -[in]  const char* szProcessName: [进程名称]      *  @param        -[in,out]  int &nPid: [PID]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[nPid = -1] Mean Error Occurred      **/    int TheProcessIDByName(const char* szProcessName, int &nPid);/*------ Process End ------*/    /*------PC Start------*/public:            /**     *  Ping.     *     *  @param        -[in]  char* szHostName: [主机地址]       *  @return        bool.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version        **/    bool Ping(const char *szIPAddress);    /**     *  主机名称.     *     *  @param        -[in]  char* szHostName: [主机名称]      *  @param        -[in,out]  unsigned long &nLength: [长度]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version       *    @remark        -[nPid = -1] Mean Error Occurred      **/    int    TheHostName(char* szHostName, unsigned long &nLength);            /**     *  当前用户名称.     *     *  @param        -[in]  char* szUserName: [用户名称]      *  @param        -[in,out]  unsigned long &nLength: [长度]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version        **/    int TheUserName(char* szUserName, unsigned long &nLength);            /**     *  主机IP.     *     *  @param        -[in,out]  vector<string> &vIPAddress: [IP]      *  @param        -[in]  unsigned short nFamily: [协议]      *  @return        int.       *  @version    10/28/2016    W   Initial Version        *    @remark             OS                Family        Value     *                Windows            AF_INET                2     *                Windows/Linux    AF_INET6        23/10     *                Windows            AF_UNSPEC            0     **/    int TheHostIPAddress(vector<string> &vIPAddress, unsigned short nFamily /* = AF_INET or AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC*/);/*------ PC End ------*//*------Net Start------*//*------ Net End ------*/};#endif //_DATA_ACQUISITION_


#include "DataAcquisition.h"//#include <cstdio>#include <stdio.h> #include <sstream>#ifdef WIN32 //#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN    1#define    C_DRIVERLETTER        0x43#include <tchar.h> #include <ctype.h>  #include <Winsock2.h>#include <WS2tcpip.h>#include <Windows.h> #include <TlHelp32.h> #include <Pdh.h>#pragma comment(lib, "Pdh.lib")#include <Psapi.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib")#include <IPHlpApi.h>#pragma comment(lib, "Iphlpapi.lib")#include <WinIoCtl.h>#include <ShellAPI.h>#include <devguid.h>#include <Setupapi.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Setupapi.lib")PDH_HQUERY g_Query = NULL;PDH_HCOUNTER *g_pCounters = NULL; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE *g_pCounterValue =http://www.mamicode.com/ NULL;#else #ifdef __GNUC__#include "x86intrin.h"#define __rdtsc() __builtin_ia32_rdtsc()#endif#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <stdio.h>#include <cstring>#include <sys/times.h>#include <sys/vtimes.h>#include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/sysinfo.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <fstream>#include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h>  #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <map>#define HERTZ (sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) * 1.0) #define READ_CHARS_LENGTH    256 #endifusing namespace std;DataAcquisition::DataAcquisition(void) :     m_nProcessorCores(0),    m_nPhysicalMemory(0),    m_nVirtualMemory(0){} DataAcquisition::~DataAcquisition(void){#ifdef WIN32     if(g_Query)        PdhCloseQuery(g_Query);     if(g_pCounters != NULL || g_pCounterValue != NULL)    {        delete[] g_pCounters;        delete[] g_pCounterValue;    } #else#endif}/*------Global Function Start------*/ #ifdef WIN32bool AdjustTokenPrivilege(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD nDesiredAccess = TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS /* TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY */){    HANDLE hToken = NULL;    if(!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, nDesiredAccess, &hToken))    {        if(hToken != NULL)            CloseHandle(hToken);        if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)              return true;        else return false;    }    TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tokenPrivileges;      if(!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME/*SE_SECURITY_NAME*/, &tokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Luid))    {        if(hToken != NULL)            CloseHandle(hToken);        return false;    }    tokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1;    tokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;    BOOL bReturn = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tokenPrivileges, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL, (PDWORD)NULL);    if(hToken != NULL)        CloseHandle(hToken);    return bReturn == TRUE;}int TheProcessIDByWindowName(const char* szWinName){    DWORD ProcessID = -1;    HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, szWinName);    if (hWnd != NULL)         GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &ProcessID);      return ProcessID;}HANDLE TheProcessByID(int nPid, unsigned long nDesiredAccess = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION /* PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS */){    return OpenProcess(nDesiredAccess, FALSE, nPid);}#elsevoid LinesFrom(FILE *pFile, vector<string> &vResult){    vResult.clear();    char szLine[READ_CHARS_LENGTH] = { 0 };    while(fgets(szLine, READ_CHARS_LENGTH, pFile) != NULL)    {        int nLength = strlen(szLine);        if(szLine[nLength - 1] == \n)            szLine[nLength - 1] = \0;        vResult.push_back(szLine);    }}int ExecuteCommand(const char *szCommand, vector<string> &vResult){        FILE *pCmd = popen(szCommand, "r");    if(pCmd == NULL)         return -1;     LinesFrom(pCmd, vResult);    return pclose(pCmd);}int OpenTheFileWithMode(const char *szFile, vector<string> &vResult, const char *szMode = "r"){    FILE *pFile = fopen(szFile, szMode);    if(pFile == NULL)         return -1;     LinesFrom(pFile, vResult);    return fclose(pFile);}int CPUCurrentUsageCalculator(vector<ULLong> &vltTotal, vector<ULLong> &vltIdle){    vltTotal.clear();    vltIdle.clear();        // /proc/stat | grep cpu | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{ print $2 + $3 + $4 + $5 + $6 + $7 + $8 + $9, $5 }‘    vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand("cat /proc/stat | grep cpu | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{ print $2 + $3 + $4 + $5 + $6 + $7 + $8 + $9, $5 }‘", vResult);            int nCores = vResult.size();    for(int i = 0; i < nCores; i++)    {        ULLong ltTotal, ltIdle;        sscanf(vResult[i].c_str(), "%llu %llu", &ltTotal, &ltIdle);        vltTotal.push_back(ltTotal);        vltIdle.push_back(ltIdle);    }    return nCores;}#endif/*------Global Function End------*/ /*------CPU Start------*/ int DataAcquisition::ProcessorCores(){    if(m_nProcessorCores == 0)    {#ifdef WIN32        SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo;        GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo);        m_nProcessorCores = sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;#else         m_nProcessorCores = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);#endif    }    return m_nProcessorCores;}int DataAcquisition::CpuUsageOfCores(vector<double> &vUtilization){    vUtilization.clear();    int nCores = ProcessorCores();    vUtilization.assign(nCores + 1, 0);    #ifdef WIN32    /*also by FILETIME  GetSystemTimes()        utilization = (1 - idle / (kernel + user)) * 100;    */    if(g_Query == NULL || g_pCounters == NULL)        {        g_pCounters = new PDH_HCOUNTER[nCores + 1];        g_pCounterValue = new PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE[nCores + 1];        PdhOpenQuery(NULL, NULL, &g_Query);        PdhAddCounter(g_Query, "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", NULL, &g_pCounters[0]);        char szCounterPath[64] = { 0 };        for(int i = 1; i <= nCores; i++)        {            sprintf(szCounterPath, "\\Processor(%d)\\%% Processor Time", i);            PdhAddCounter(g_Query, szCounterPath, NULL, &g_pCounters[i]);        }        PdhCollectQueryData(g_Query);        for(int i = 0; i <= nCores; i++)        {            PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(g_pCounters[i], PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, NULL, &g_pCounterValue[i]);        }        Sleep(QUERY_SLEEP_TIMESTAMP_MS / 8);    }        PdhCollectQueryData(g_Query);    for(int i = 0; i <= nCores; i++)    {        PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(g_pCounters[i], PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, NULL, &g_pCounterValue[i]);        vUtilization[i] = g_pCounterValue[i].doubleValue;    }    //Sleep(QUERY_SLEEP_TIMESTAMP_MS / 16);//WaitForSingleObject#else    vector<ULLong> vltTotalFirst, vltIdleFirst;      nCores = CPUCurrentUsageCalculator(vltTotalFirst, vltIdleFirst);             sleep(1);     vector<ULLong> vltTotalSecond, vltIdleSecond;    nCores = CPUCurrentUsageCalculator(vltTotalSecond, vltIdleSecond);    for(int i = 0; i < nCores; i++)    {        double divisor = (vltIdleSecond[i] - vltIdleFirst[i]) * 1.0;        double dividend = (vltTotalSecond[i] - vltTotalFirst[i]) * 1.0;        double utilizate = (dividend <= 0 || divisor <= 0) ? 0 : (dividend - divisor) <= 0 ? 0 : (dividend - divisor) / dividend;        vUtilization[i] = utilizate >= 1 ? 100 : utilizate * 100;     }  #endif    return 0;      }int DataAcquisition::CpuUsageByProcess(double &nUtilize, int nPid){    nUtilize = 0; #ifdef WIN32     /*also by "\\Process(%s)\\% Processor Time"          %s=The Process Name;    */    ULARGE_INTEGER uiPFistIdle, uiPFistKernel, uiPFistUser;    FILETIME ftPFistIdle, ftPFistKernel, ftPFistUser;        GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftPFistIdle);    memcpy(&uiPFistIdle, &ftPFistIdle, sizeof(FILETIME));         HANDLE hProcess = nPid == -1 ? GetCurrentProcess() : TheProcessByID(nPid);    AdjustTokenPrivilege(hProcess);    if(FALSE == GetProcessTimes(hProcess, &ftPFistIdle, &ftPFistIdle, &ftPFistKernel, &ftPFistUser))        return -1;    memcpy(&uiPFistUser, &ftPFistUser, sizeof(FILETIME));          memcpy(&uiPFistKernel, &ftPFistKernel, sizeof(FILETIME));             Sleep(QUERY_SLEEP_TIMESTAMP_MS / 16);//WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, QUERY_SLEEP_TIMESTAMP_MS / 4);           DWORD eCode = 0;    GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &eCode);        if(eCode != STILL_ACTIVE)          return -1;    ULARGE_INTEGER uiPSecondIdle, uiPSecondKernel, uiPSecondUser;     FILETIME ftPSecondIdle, ftPSecondKernel, ftPSecondUser;    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftPSecondIdle);    memcpy(&uiPSecondIdle, &ftPSecondIdle, sizeof(FILETIME));          if(FALSE == GetProcessTimes(hProcess, &ftPSecondIdle, &ftPSecondIdle, &ftPSecondKernel, &ftPSecondUser))        return -1;    memcpy(&uiPSecondUser, &ftPSecondUser, sizeof(FILETIME));          memcpy(&uiPSecondKernel, &ftPSecondKernel, sizeof(FILETIME));    //(kernel + user) / (idle * cors) * 100;     double divisor = (uiPSecondKernel.QuadPart - uiPFistKernel.QuadPart + uiPSecondUser.QuadPart - uiPFistUser.QuadPart) * 1.0;    double dividend = (uiPSecondIdle.QuadPart - uiPFistIdle.QuadPart) * 1.0;     double utilization = (dividend <= 0 || divisor <= 0) ? 0 : divisor / dividend * ProcessorCores();        nUtilize = utilization >= 1 ? 100 : utilization * 100; #else     // also "ps -p {pid} h -o %cpu"    // cat /proc/{pid}/stat | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{     print $14 + $15 + $16 + $17 }‘    if(nPid == 0)        return -1;    if(nPid <= -1)        nPid = getpid();            char cmd[128] = { 0 };    sprintf(cmd, "cat /proc/%i/stat | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{ print $14 + $15 + $16 + $17 }‘", nPid);    vector<string> vResult;          ExecuteCommand(cmd, vResult);      if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;              ULLong nTotalFirst;    sscanf(vResult[0].c_str(), "%llu", &nTotalFirst);    vector<ULLong> vltTotalFirst, vltIdleFirst;      CPUCurrentUsageCalculator(vltTotalFirst, vltIdleFirst);    sleep(1);           ExecuteCommand(cmd, vResult);      if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;          ULLong nTotalSecond;    sscanf(vResult[0].c_str(), "%llu", &nTotalSecond);    vector<ULLong> vltTotalSecond, vltIdleSecond;    CPUCurrentUsageCalculator(vltTotalSecond, vltIdleSecond);                   double divisor = (nTotalSecond - nTotalFirst) * 1.0;    double dividend = (vltTotalSecond[0] - vltTotalFirst[0]) * 1.0;    double utilization = (dividend <= 0 || divisor <= 0) ? 0 : divisor / dividend * ProcessorCores();    nUtilize = utilization >= 1 ? 100 : utilization * 100; #endif    return 0;}     /*------ CPU End ------*//*------Memory Start------*/int    DataAcquisition::PhysicalMemory(ULLong &nTotal){    if(m_nPhysicalMemory == 0)    {#ifdef WIN32        MEMORYSTATUSEX vMemory;        vMemory.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);        GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&vMemory);        m_nPhysicalMemory = vMemory.ullTotalPhys / 1024;#else        struct sysinfo pMemory;        sysinfo(&pMemory);             m_nPhysicalMemory = pMemory.totalram * pMemory.mem_unit / 1024;#endif    }    nTotal = m_nPhysicalMemory;    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::PhysicalMemoryFree(ULLong &nFree){    nFree = 0;#ifdef WIN32    /*also by "\\Memory\\Available Bytes";    */    MEMORYSTATUSEX vMemory;    vMemory.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);    GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&vMemory);    if(m_nPhysicalMemory == 0)        m_nPhysicalMemory = vMemory.ullTotalPhys / 1024;    nFree = vMemory.ullAvailPhys / 1024; #else    /*also /proc/meminfo    */    struct sysinfo pMemory;    sysinfo(&pMemory);     if(m_nPhysicalMemory == 0)        m_nPhysicalMemory = pMemory.totalram * pMemory.mem_unit / 1024;    nFree = pMemory.freeram * pMemory.mem_unit / 1024;#endif    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::PhysicalMemroyUsageByProcess(ULLong &nUsage, int nPid){    nUsage = 0;    #ifdef WIN32    PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pMemCounter;     GetProcessMemoryInfo(nPid == -1 ? GetCurrentProcess() : TheProcessByID(nPid), &pMemCounter, sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS));     nUsage = pMemCounter.WorkingSetSize / 1024;#else    /*also "ps -p {pid} h -o %mem"    */    if(nPid == 0)        return -1;    if(nPid <= -1)        nPid = getpid();    //            grep VmRSS /proc/{nPid}/status    //            RssAnon :system-monitor value    char buf[32] = { 0 };    sprintf(buf, "grep VmRSS /proc/%i/status", nPid);     vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand(buf, vResult);        if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;          sscanf(vResult[0].c_str(), "VmRSS:%llukB", &nUsage); #endif    return 0;}int    DataAcquisition::VirtualMemory(ULLong &nTotal){    if(m_nVirtualMemory == 0)    {#ifdef WIN32        MEMORYSTATUSEX vMemory;        vMemory.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);        GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&vMemory);        m_nVirtualMemory = vMemory.ullTotalVirtual / 1024;#else        struct sysinfo vMemory;        sysinfo(&vMemory);                m_nVirtualMemory = vMemory.totalswap * vMemory.mem_unit / 1024;   #endif    }    nTotal = m_nVirtualMemory;    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::VirtualMemoryFree(ULLong &nFree){    nFree = 0;    #ifdef WIN32    MEMORYSTATUSEX vMemory;    vMemory.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);    GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&vMemory);    if(m_nVirtualMemory == 0)        m_nVirtualMemory = vMemory.ullTotalVirtual / 1024;    nFree = vMemory.ullAvailVirtual / 1024; #else    struct sysinfo vMemory;    sysinfo(&vMemory);     if(m_nVirtualMemory == 0)        m_nVirtualMemory = vMemory.totalswap * vMemory.mem_unit / 1024;     nFree = vMemory.freeswap * vMemory.mem_unit / 1024; #endif    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::VirtualMemroyUsageByProcess(ULLong &nUsage, int nPid){    nUsage = 0; #ifdef WIN32    PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pMemCounter;     GetProcessMemoryInfo(nPid == -1 ? GetCurrentProcess() : TheProcessByID(nPid), &pMemCounter, sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS));     nUsage = pMemCounter.PagefileUsage / 1024;#else      if(nPid == 0)        return -1;    if(nPid <= -1)        nPid = getpid();     char buf[32] = { 0 };    sprintf(buf, "ps p %i -o vsz h", nPid);     vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand(buf, vResult);        if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;          sscanf(vResult[0].c_str(), "%llu", &nUsage); #endif    return 0;}/*------ Memory End ------*//*------Disk Start------*/int    DataAcquisition::DiskCount(){    int nCount = 1;//At Least 1#ifdef WIN32    HDEVINFO hDeviceInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE, NULL, NULL,  DIGCF_PRESENT);    if (hDeviceInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)           return nCount;        SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData;    deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);     DWORD nDeviceIndex  = 0;       while(SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDeviceInfoSet, nDeviceIndex, &deviceInfoData))         nDeviceIndex++;       if(hDeviceInfoSet)        SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDeviceInfoSet);     nCount = nDeviceIndex;#else    //lsblk -nd | grep -w disk    vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand("lsblk -dn | grep -w disk", vResult);    int nSize = vResult.size();    if(nSize > 0)        return nSize;#endif    return nCount;}int    DataAcquisition::DriveLetterCount(){     int nCount = 0;#ifdef WIN32     //Bit position 0 (the least-significant bit) is drive A, bit position 1 is drive B, bit position 2 is drive C, and so on.    DWORD nDrive = GetLogicalDrives();    while(nDrive)    {        if(nDrive & 1)              ++nCount;        nDrive >>= 1;    } #else    //df --output=target    vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand("df --output=target", vResult);    int nSize = vResult.size();    if(nSize > 0)        return nSize - 1;#endif    return nCount;}    int DataAcquisition::TheDiskCapacityInfo(vector<CapacityInfo*> &vCapacityInfo){    vCapacityInfo.clear();    #ifdef WIN32    int nPhsicalDriveCount = DiskCount();    while(nPhsicalDriveCount-- > 0)    {        char szPhysicalDrive[32] = { 0 };        sprintf(szPhysicalDrive, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", nPhsicalDriveCount);          HANDLE hDevice = CreateFile(szPhysicalDrive, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);        if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)            return -1;         DWORD nReturn = 0;        DISK_GEOMETRY outBuffer;         if(DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, &outBuffer, sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY), &nReturn, (LPOVERLAPPED)NULL))         {            CapacityInfo *pCI = new CapacityInfo();            pCI->m_nTotal = outBuffer.Cylinders.QuadPart * (ULONG)outBuffer.TracksPerCylinder * (ULONG)outBuffer.SectorsPerTrack * (ULONG)outBuffer.BytesPerSector / 1024;             vCapacityInfo.push_back(pCI);        }        CloseHandle(hDevice);       }    #else    //lsblk -ndbo name,size,type | grep -w disk | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{print $1, $2 / 1024}‘    vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand("lsblk -ndbo name,size,type | grep -w disk | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{print $1, $2 / 1024}‘", vResult);    if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;    for(vector<string>::iterator item = vResult.begin(); item != vResult.end(); item++)    {        CapacityInfo *pCI = new CapacityInfo();        sscanf(item->c_str(), "%s %llu", pCI->m_szName, &pCI->m_nTotal);         vCapacityInfo.push_back(pCI);    }#endif    return 0;}    int DataAcquisition::TheDriveLetterCapacityInfo(vector<CapacityInfo*> &vCapacityInfo, const char* szDriveLetter){    vCapacityInfo.clear();    #ifdef WIN32      int nDriveCount = 0, nIndex = 0;    if(szDriveLetter == NULL)         nDriveCount = DriveLetterCount();    char szDriveLetterFormat[4] = { 0 };    ULARGE_INTEGER atc, nTotal, nFree;     do    {        if(szDriveLetter == NULL)             sprintf(szDriveLetterFormat, "%c:\\", C_DRIVERLETTER + nIndex++);        UINT nType = GetDriveType(szDriveLetter == NULL ? szDriveLetterFormat : szDriveLetter);        if(nType != DRIVE_REMOVABLE && nType != DRIVE_FIXED)             continue;         if(GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(szDriveLetter == NULL ? szDriveLetterFormat : szDriveLetter, &atc, &nTotal, &nFree))        {             CapacityInfo *pCI = new CapacityInfo();            pCI->m_nTotal = nTotal.QuadPart / 1024;            pCI->m_nFree = nFree.QuadPart / 1024;            strncpy(pCI->m_szName, szDriveLetter == NULL ? szDriveLetterFormat : szDriveLetter, strlen(szDriveLetter == NULL ? szDriveLetterFormat : szDriveLetter));            vCapacityInfo.push_back(pCI);        }         if(szDriveLetter != NULL)             break;    }while(nIndex < nDriveCount);#else    vector<string> vResult;    //all of mounted partitions    if(szDriveLetter == NULL)    {        //df -l | grep -E ‘^/|/mnt/‘        ExecuteCommand("df -l | grep -E ‘^/|/mnt/‘", vResult);     }    else//just the special one    {        //df -l | grep -w {szPartition}        if(szDriveLetter[0] != /)            return -1;        string cmd("df -l | grep -w ");        cmd.append(szDriveLetter);        ExecuteCommand(cmd.c_str(), vResult);            printf(cmd.c_str());    }        if(vResult.size() == 0)        return -1;            for(vector<string>::iterator item = vResult.begin(); item != vResult.end(); item++)    {        CapacityInfo *pCI = new CapacityInfo();        sscanf(item->c_str(), "%*s %llu %*llu %llu %*i%% %s", &pCI->m_nTotal, &pCI->m_nFree, pCI->m_szName);          vCapacityInfo.push_back(pCI);    }  #endif    return 0;}    /*------ Disk End ------*//*------Process Start------*/int DataAcquisition::OpenTheFile(const char* szFile, const char* szParameters){#ifdef WIN32    ShellExecute(NULL, "open", szFile, szParameters, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);    return 0;#else     //execve(szFile, argv, envp);    string cmd(szFile);    if(szParameters != NULL)    {        cmd.append(" ");        cmd.append(szParameters);    }    return system(cmd.c_str());#endif}int DataAcquisition::Processes(vector<ProcessInfo*> &vProcessInfo, int nPid){    vProcessInfo.clear();#ifdef WIN32    AdjustTokenPrivilege(GetCurrentProcess());    HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);      if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)         return -1;          PROCESSENTRY32 proEntry32;     proEntry32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);    if(!Process32First(hSnapshot, &proEntry32))    {        CloseHandle(hSnapshot);        return -1;    }     while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &proEntry32))    {            if(nPid != -1)        {            if(proEntry32.th32ProcessID != nPid)                continue;        }        ProcessInfo *pi = new ProcessInfo();         pi->m_nPid = proEntry32.th32ProcessID;          strncpy(pi->m_szName, proEntry32.szExeFile, strlen(proEntry32.szExeFile));        //WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, proEntry32.szExeFile, -1, pi.m_szName, sizeof(pi.m_szName), NULL, NULL);        HANDLE theProcess = TheProcessByID(proEntry32.th32ProcessID);        DWORD dwSize = sizeof(pi->m_szFileName);        QueryFullProcessImageName(theProcess, 0/*PROCESS_NAME_NATIVE or 0*/, pi->m_szFileName, &dwSize);         if(dwSize > 0)        {                /*                    Comments  InternalName  ProductName  CompanyName  LegalCopyright  ProductVersion                    FileDescription  LegalTrademarks  PrivateBuild  FileVersion  OriginalFilename  SpecialBuild                */            DWORD nHandle = 0;            DWORD nSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(pi->m_szFileName, &nHandle);             if(nSize > 0)            {                char *szVersionInfo = new char[nSize + 1]();                if(GetFileVersionInfo(pi->m_szFileName, 0, nSize + 1, szVersionInfo))                {                    DWORD *nLangCode = NULL;                    UINT nLen = 0;                    VerQueryValue(szVersionInfo, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (LPVOID*)&nLangCode, &nLen);                             char szDes[64] = { 0 };                     sprintf(szDes, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileDescription", LOWORD(nLangCode[0]), HIWORD(nLangCode[0]));                    UINT nLenFileDes = 0;                    char *szFileDes = NULL;                    VerQueryValue(szVersionInfo, szDes, (LPVOID*)&szFileDes, &nLenFileDes);                     memcpy(pi->m_szDescribe, szFileDes, nLenFileDes);                        //WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, proEntry32.szExeFile, -1, pi.m_szName, sizeof(pi.m_szName), NULL, NULL);                         //char szPN[64] = { 0 };                         //sprintf(szPN, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\ProductName", LOWORD(nLangCode[0]), HIWORD(nLangCode[0]));                        //UINT nLenProName = 0;                        //char *szProName = NULL;                        //VerQueryValue(szVersionInfo, szPN, (LPVOID*)&szProName, &nLenProName);                          //pi->m_pProductName = new char[nLenProName + 1]();                        ////WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, proEntry32.szExeFile, -1, pi.m_szName, sizeof(pi.m_szName), NULL, NULL);                         //memcpy(pi->m_pProductName, szProName, nLenProName);                }                delete[] szVersionInfo;            }        }         FILETIME ftCreationTime, ftExitTime, ftKernelTime, ftUserTime;         if(GetProcessTimes(theProcess, &ftCreationTime, &ftExitTime, &ftKernelTime, &ftUserTime))        {            //or ULARGE_INTEGER uiStart;            //     memcpy(&uiStart, &creationTime, sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));             FILETIME ftNowTime;            GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftNowTime);            pi->m_nRunTime = (reinterpret_cast<ULARGE_INTEGER*>(&ftNowTime)->QuadPart - reinterpret_cast<ULARGE_INTEGER*>(&ftCreationTime)->QuadPart) / ELAPSEDSECONDS;            FILETIME ftLocalCreationTime;            FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ftCreationTime, &ftLocalCreationTime);            SYSTEMTIME stLocalUTC8CreationTime;            FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLocalCreationTime, &stLocalUTC8CreationTime);            pi->m_nStartTime_Year = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wYear;            pi->m_nStartTime_Month = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wMonth;            pi->m_nStartTime_Day = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wDay;            pi->m_nStartTime_Hour = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wHour;            pi->m_nStartTime_Minute = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wMinute;            pi->m_nStartTime_Second = stLocalUTC8CreationTime.wSecond;                    }        vProcessInfo.push_back(pi);         if(nPid != -1)             break;     }    CloseHandle(hSnapshot);#else     static map<string, int> Month = { };    if(Month.size() == 0)    {        Month["Jan"] = 1;Month["Feb"] = 2; Month["Mar"] = 3; Month["Apr"] = 4; Month["May"] = 5; Month["Jun"] = 6;         Month["Jul"] = 7; Month["Aug"] = 8; Month["Sep"] = 9; Month["Oct"] = 10; Month["Nov"] = 11; Month["Dec"] = 12;     }    DIR *dir = opendir("/proc");    if(dir == NULL)        return -1;    char cmd[128] = { 0 };    char month[4] = { 0 };    vector<string> vResult;    struct dirent *dirEnt;    while(dirEnt = readdir(dir))    {        if(dirEnt->d_type != DT_DIR)            continue;        pid_t pid = (pid_t)atoi(dirEnt->d_name);        if(pid <= 0)            continue;                //ps -p 950 -o pid,etimes,lstart h        sprintf(cmd, "ps -p %i -o etimes,lstart h", pid);        ExecuteCommand(cmd, vResult);        ProcessInfo *pi = new ProcessInfo();          if(vResult.size() > 0)        {            sscanf(vResult[0].c_str(), "%llu %*s %s %d %d:%d:%d %d", &pi->m_nRunTime, month, &pi->m_nStartTime_Day, &pi->m_nStartTime_Hour, &pi->m_nStartTime_Minute, &pi->m_nStartTime_Second, &pi->m_nStartTime_Year);            pi->m_nStartTime_Month = Month[string(month)];         }         sprintf(cmd, "/proc/%i/exe", pid);        readlink(cmd, pi->m_szFileName, sizeof(pi->m_szFileName));        int nLength = strlen(pi->m_szFileName);        if(nLength > 0)               strncpy(pi->m_szName, basename(pi->m_szFileName), nLength);         else        {            sprintf(cmd, "cat /proc/%i/comm", pid);            ExecuteCommand(cmd, vResult);            if(vResult.size() > 0)                 strncpy(pi->m_szName, vResult[0].c_str(), strlen(vResult[0].c_str()));              else                printf("%d %s\n", pid, "No Result.");        }        pi->m_nPid = static_cast<unsigned short>(pid);        vProcessInfo.push_back(pi);     }     closedir(dir);#endif    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::TheProcessIDByName(const char* szProcessName, int &nPid){    nPid = -1;#ifdef WIN32    HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);     if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)         return -1;     PROCESSENTRY32 process;     process.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);     if(!Process32First(hSnapshot, &process))    {        CloseHandle(hSnapshot);        return -1;    }     while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &process))    {          if (strcmp(process.szExeFile, szProcessName) == 0)        {             nPid = process.th32ProcessID;            break;        }    }     CloseHandle(hSnapshot); #else      DIR *dir = opendir("/proc");    if(dir == NULL)        return -1;        struct dirent *dirEnt;    vector<string> vResult;    while(dirEnt = readdir(dir))    {        if(dirEnt->d_type != DT_DIR)            continue;        pid_t pid = (pid_t)atoi(dirEnt->d_name);        if(pid <= 0)            continue;        /* also ls -l /proc/{pid}/exe  (better)            //  http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/readlink.2.html        */        //Not Recommended (/proc/{pid}/cmdline)        string cmdPath = string("/proc/") + dirEnt->d_name + "/cmdline";            OpenTheFileWithMode(cmdPath.c_str(), vResult);                  if(vResult.size() == 0)            continue;             /*        if(strlen(vResult[0].c_str()) >= TASK_COMM_LEN)            vResult[0][TASK_COMM_LEN] = ‘\0‘;        if(strcmp(szProcessName, vResult[0].c_str()) != 0)                continue;        */        /*The code below has a bug!!!            also cout << strrchr(vResult[0].c_str(), ‘/‘) + 1 << endl;         */        string::size_type pos = vResult[0].rfind(/);        if(pos != string::npos)        {            if(string(szProcessName) != vResult[0].substr(pos + 1))                continue;        }        else        {             if(strcmp(szProcessName, vResult[0].c_str()) != 0)                continue;        }                nPid = pid;        break;    }     closedir(dir);#endif    return 0;}/*------ Process End ------*//*------PC Start------*/bool DataAcquisition::Ping(const char *szIPAddress){#ifdef WIN32        string cmd("cmd /C ping -n 3 -w 1024 ");    cmd.append(szIPAddress);     //WinExec(cmd.c_str(), SW_HIDE);     return system(cmd.c_str()) == 0;#else    string cmd("ping -c 3 -W 1 ");    cmd.append(szIPAddress);    cmd += " | grep received";    cmd += " | awk -F , ‘{ print $2 }‘ | awk ‘{ print $1 }‘";    vector<string> vResult;    ExecuteCommand(cmd.c_str(), vResult);    if(vResult.size() == 0)        return false;    if(vResult[0] == "0")        return false;    return true; #endif }int    DataAcquisition::TheHostName(char* szHostName, unsigned long &nLength){#ifdef WIN32      if(!GetComputerName(szHostName, &nLength)) //char*,DWORD*        return -1; #else        if(gethostname(szHostName, nLength) == 0)        nLength = strlen(szHostName);    else return -1;#endif    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::TheUserName(char* szUserName, unsigned long &nLength){#ifdef WIN32    if(!GetUserName(szUserName, &nLength))//(w)char*,DWORD*        return -1;#else    /* also getlogin()    */    if(getlogin_r(szUserName, nLength) == 0)        nLength = strlen(szUserName);    else return -1;#endif    return 0;}int DataAcquisition::TheHostIPAddress(vector<string> &vIPAddress, unsigned short nFamily){    vIPAddress.clear();#ifdef WIN32     DWORD nSize = 0;     IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *pAdapterAddress = NULL;    GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, pAdapterAddress, &nSize);     pAdapterAddress = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES*)malloc(nSize);     if(GetAdaptersAddresses(nFamily, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, pAdapterAddress, &nSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)     {        free(pAdapterAddress);        return -1;    }     IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *pAdapter = pAdapterAddress;     for(; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->Next)    {        // Skip loopback adapters        if (IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK == pAdapter->IfType)           continue;          // Parse all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses        for(IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* pAddress = pAdapter->FirstUnicastAddress; pAddress; pAddress = pAddress->Next)        {            auto family = pAddress->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family;            if (AF_INET == family)            {                // IPv4                SOCKADDR_IN* Ipv4 = reinterpret_cast<SOCKADDR_IN*>(pAddress->Address.lpSockaddr);                vIPAddress.push_back(inet_ntoa(Ipv4->sin_addr));                //char v4Buf[16] = { 0 };                //InetNtop(AF_INET, &(Ipv4->sin_addr), v4Buf, sizeof(v4Buf));                  //vIPAddress.push_back(string(v4Buf));            }            else if(AF_INET6 == family)            {                // IPv6                SOCKADDR_IN6* Ipv6 = reinterpret_cast<SOCKADDR_IN6*>(pAddress->Address.lpSockaddr);                 char v6Buf[64] = { 0 };                 DWORD nAddrSize = sizeof(sockaddr_storage);                WSAAddressToString((LPSOCKADDR)Ipv6, nAddrSize, NULL, v6Buf, &nAddrSize);                //WCHAR  v6Buf[64] = { 0 };                 //InetNtop(AF_INET6, &(Ipv6->sin6_addr), v6Buf, sizeof(v6Buf));                  vIPAddress.push_back(string(v6Buf));            }        }    }    free(pAdapterAddress);#else       /* also https://linux.die.net/man/3/getnameinfo    */    addrinfo hints, *result, *next;       memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));      hints.ai_family = nFamily;//PF_UNSPEC (IPv4 r IPv6)      hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME;      hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;//SOCK_DGRAM     char szHostName[256] = { 0 };    unsigned long length = sizeof(szHostName);    TheHostName(szHostName, length);          if(getaddrinfo(szHostName, NULL, &hints, &result) != 0)           return -1;                 char szAddress[128] = { 0 };    for(next = result; next != NULL; next = next->ai_next)    {        void *addr;        switch(next->ai_family)        {            case AF_INET:                  addr = &(((sockaddr_in*)next->ai_addr)->sin_addr);              break;            case AF_INET6:                  addr = &(((sockaddr_in6*)next->ai_addr)->sin6_addr);              break;        }                //convert ip address to human-readable form          inet_ntop(next->ai_family, addr, szAddress, sizeof(szAddress));          vIPAddress.push_back(string(szAddress));    }       freeaddrinfo(result);    return vIPAddress.size(); #endif    return 0;}/*------ PC End ------*/#ifdef WIN32#else#endif
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