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算法导论 10.1-2 用一个数组实现两个栈


    用一个数组A[ 1....N ]实现两个栈,除非数组的每一个单元都被使用,否则栈例程不能有溢出,注意PUSH和POP操作的时间应为O(1)。




struct Node;typedef Node *ComStack;struct Node{    int Capacity;    int TopL;    int TopR;    ElementType *Array;};ComStack CreatComStack( int MaxElements );int IsEmpty_L( ComStack S );int IsEmpty_R( ComStack S );int IsFull( ComStack S );void MakeEmpty( ComStack S );void Push_L( ElementType X, ComStack S );void Push_R( ElementType X, ComStack S );ElementType Pop_L( ComStack S );ElementType Pop_R( ComStack S );void DisposeComStack( ComStack S );ComStack CreatComStack( int MaxElements ){    ComStack S;    S = (ComStack)malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );    if ( S == NULL )    {        printf( "Out of space" );        return NULL;    }    S->Array = (ElementType *)malloc( sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements );    if ( S->Array == NULL )    {        printf( "Out of space" );        return NULL;    }    S->Capacity = MaxElements;    MakeEmpty(S);    return S;}int IsEmpty_L( ComStack S ){    if ( S->TopL == -1 )        return true;    else        return false;}int IsEmpty_R( ComStack S ){    if ( S->TopR == S->Capacity )        return true;    else        return false;}int IsFull( ComStack S ){    if ( S->TopL + 1 == S->TopR )        return true;    else        return false;}void MakeEmpty( ComStack S ){    S->TopL = -1;    S->TopR = S->Capacity; // Capacity在数组界外}void Push_L(  ElementType X, ComStack S ){    if ( IsFull(S) )        printf( "Stack is full" );    else    {        S->TopL++;        S->Array[S->TopL] = X;    }}void Push_R( ElementType X, ComStack S ){    if ( IsFull(S) )        printf( "Stack is full" );    else    {        S->TopR--;        S->Array[S->TopR] = X;    }}ElementType Pop_L( ComStack S ){    ElementType TmpCell;    if ( IsEmpty_L(S) )        printf( "Left Stack is empty" );    else    {        TmpCell = S->Array[S->TopL];        S->TopL--;    }    return TmpCell;}ElementType Pop_R( ComStack S ){    ElementType TmpCell;    if ( IsEmpty_R(S) )        printf( "Right stack is empty" );    else    {        TmpCell = S->Array[S->TopR];        S->TopR++;    }    return TmpCell;}void DisposeComStack( ComStack S ){    if ( S != NULL )    {        free( S->Array );        free( S );    }}


算法导论 10.1-2 用一个数组实现两个栈