首页 > 代码库 > android.annotation cannot be resolved

android.annotation cannot be resolved


As Artem suggested, you may need to include the annotations.jar file into your project, but note that there are two annotations.jar files in your Android SDK:

android-sdk/tools/support/annotations.jar - Which includes the following annotations:

  • SupportLint
  • TargetApi

android-sdk/extras/android/support/annotations/annotations.jar - Which includes many other annotations:

  • AnimRes
  • AnimatorRes
  • AnyRes
  • ArrayRes
  • AttrRes
  • BoolRes
  • ColorRes
  • DimenRes
  • DrawableRes
  • FractionRes
  • IdRes
  • IntDef
  • IntegerRes
  • InterpolatorRes
  • LayoutRes
  • MenuRes
  • NonNull
  • Nullable
  • PluralsRes
  • RawRes
  • StringDef
  • StringRes
  • StyleRes
  • StyleableRes
  • XmlRes

android.annotation cannot be resolved