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#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <iostream>#include <exception>using namespace std;class MyException : public exception{public:	MyException() :exception("the stack is empty...\n")	{	}	MyException(int a) :exception("the queue is empty...\n")	{	}};template <typename T>class Stack{	int Size;	int Room;	T* data;public:	Stack()	{		Size = 0;		Room = 0;		data = http://www.mamicode.com/NULL;"/*test of my stack*/\n\n";	cout << "***********************\n";	Stack<int> s;		cout << "the stack has: " << s.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the stack can contain: " << s.room() << " elements...\n";		for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)		s.push(i);	cout << "the stack has: " << s.size() << " elements...\n"; 	cout << "the stack can contain: " << s.room() << " elements...\n";	s.push(30);	cout << "the stack has: " << s.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the stack can contain: " << s.room() << " elements...\n";		cout << "the top element is " << s.getTop() <<"...\n";	s.pop();	cout << "the top element is " << s.getTop() << "...\n";	cout << "the stack is empty? " << s.isEmpty()<<"...\n";		s.clear();	cout << "the stack is empty? " << s.isEmpty() <<"...\n\n";	cout << "/*test of my queue*/\n\n";	cout << "***********************\n";	Queue<int> t;	cout << "the queue has: " << t.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the queue can contain: " << t.room() << " elements...\n";	for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)		t.enqueue(j);	cout << "the queue has: " << t.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the queue can contain: " << t.room() << " elements...\n";	t.enqueue(-1);	cout << "the queue has: " << t.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the queue can contain: " << t.room() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the top element is " << t.getHead() <<"...\n";	t.dequeue();	cout << "the queue has: " << t.size() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the queue can contain: " << t.room() << " elements...\n";	cout << "the top element is " << t.getHead() << "...\n";		cout << "the queue is empty? " << t.isEmpty()<<"...\n";		t.clear();	cout << "the queue is empty? " << t.isEmpty() <<"...\n";	return 0;}//栈的结构通过连续内存(数组)来模拟,数组的尾端相当于栈顶//出栈操作并没有将栈顶元素删除,只是通过Size自减1,使得原栈顶元素无法访问//队列的结构同样也是通过连续内存(数组)来模拟,数组的尾端相当于队首//出列操作也同样没有将队首元素删除,只是通过Head自加1,使得原队首元素无法访问

