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今天看了一下windows c中多线程编程,写了一小段程序。死活跑出结果,先贴一下我的代码

 1 #include <windows.h> 2 #include <iostream.h> 3 #include <string> 4  5 using namespace std; 6  7 DWORD WINAPI countThread1(LPVOID argv);//声明一个线程函数 8 DWORD WINAPI countThread2(LPVOID argv); 9 10 int main(){11     //创建两个线程14     HANDLE handle1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, countThread1, NULL, 0, NULL);16 17     WaitForSingleObject(handle1, INFINITE);24 25 26     return 0;27 }28 //下面是两个线程函数29 DWORD WINAPI countThread1(LPVOID argv){30     int i = 0;31     cout<<"i am in"<<endl;32     while(i++){      //这里开始没看出来有错,开始没注意这段代码,以为是main里面出错了。后面输出i am in我知道这段代码有问题了33         if(10 == i)34             ExitThread(0);35         cout<<"this is thread2 and i = "<<i<<endl;36         Sleep(1000);37     }38 39     return 0;40 }41 DWORD WINAPI countThread2(LPVOID argv){42     int i = 0;43     while(i++){44         if(10 == i)45             ExitThread(0);46         cout<<"this is thread2 and i = "<<i<<endl;47         Sleep(1000);48     }49     return 0;50 }

while循环中,因为i = 0为初始条件,后置的i ++会先判断条件,i = 0不会执行while语句。将i++变成++i就好了

 1 #include <windows.h> 2 #include <iostream.h> 3 #include <string> 4  5 using namespace std; 6  7 DWORD WINAPI countThread1(LPVOID argv);//声明一个线程函数 8 DWORD WINAPI countThread2(LPVOID argv); 9 10 int main(){11     //创建两个线程12 //    int i = 0;13 //    while(i < 50){14     HANDLE handle1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, countThread1, NULL, 0, NULL);15 //    HANDLE handle2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, countThread2, NULL, 0, NULL);16 17     WaitForSingleObject(handle1, INFINITE);18 //    WaitForSingleObject(handle2, INFINITE);19 20             //CreateThread(NULL, 0, countThread2, NULL, 0, NULL);21             //Sleep(50000);22 23 //    }24 25 26     return 0;27 }28 //下面是两个线程函数29 DWORD WINAPI countThread1(LPVOID argv){30     int i = 0;31     cout<<"i am in"<<endl;32     while(++i){33         if(10 == i)34             ExitThread(0);35         cout<<"this is thread2 and i = "<<i<<endl;36         Sleep(1000);37     }38 39     return 0;40 }41 DWORD WINAPI countThread2(LPVOID argv){42     int i = 0;43     while(++i){44         if(10 == i)45             ExitThread(0);46         cout<<"this is thread2 and i = "<<i<<endl;47         Sleep(1000);48     }49     return 0;50 }



WaitForSingleObject(handle1, INFINITE);现在要加上这条语句才可以。
