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[CSS] Specify grid columns, rows, and areas at once with the grid-template shorthand

We can specify grid columns, rows, and areas in one property using the grid-template shorthand.


        .container {            display: grid;            height: 100vh;            grid-gap: 10px;            grid-template-areas:                "nav-1 nav-2 nav-3"                "main main nav-3";            grid-template-columns: 2fr auto 1fr;            grid-template-rows:                [nav-start] 1fr                [nav-end main-start] 5fr                [main-end];        }


The same as:

        .container {            display: grid;            height: 100vh;            grid-gap: 10px;            grid-template:                [nav-start] "nav-1 nav-2 nav-3" 1fr [nav-end]                [main-start] "main main nav-3" 5fr [main-end]                / 2fr auto 1fr;            /*                [named grid row line start] "area1 area2 ..." 1fr [named-grid-line end]            */        }



<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 700px;" src="https://embed.plnkr.co/lEJgGAZXTl6LEcwpCpNZ/" width="320" height="240"></iframe>

[CSS] Specify grid columns, rows, and areas at once with the grid-template shorthand