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procedure TForm27.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var  doc2: IHTMLDocument2;  doc3: IHTMLDocument3;  itableCollection, emtCollection: IHTMLElementCollection;  itable: IHTMLTABLE;  emt: IHTMLElement;  tabrow: IHTMLTableRow;  tabsec: IHTMLTableSection;  I, J, K: integer;  sid, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, sText: string;begin  ListBox1.Clear;  WebBrowser1.Navigate(http://zx.caipiao.163.com/trend/11xuan5/?beginPeriod=14092901&endPeriod=14100875&selectDate=4);  while WebBrowser1.Busy do    Application.ProcessMessages;  doc2 := self.WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2;  doc3 := WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument3;  itableCollection := doc2.all.tags(table) as IHTMLElementCollection;  for I := 0 to itableCollection.Length - 1 do  begin    itable := itableCollection.item(I, 0) as IHTMLTABLE;    emt := itable as IHTMLElement;    if emt.id = chartsTable then    begin      emt := itable.tBodies.item(1, 0) as IHTMLElement; // tbody cpdata      tabsec := emt as IHTMLTableSection;      tabsec.rows.Length;      for J := 0 to tabsec.rows.Length - 1 do      begin        tabrow := tabsec.rows.item(J, 0) as IHTMLTableRow;        if tabrow.cells.Length < 10 then          Continue;        sid := (tabrow.cells.item(0, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 14100718        s1 := (tabrow.cells.item(2, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 01        s2 := (tabrow.cells.item(3, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 02        s3 := (tabrow.cells.item(4, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 03        s4 := (tabrow.cells.item(5, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 04        s5 := (tabrow.cells.item(6, 0) as IHTMLElement).innerText; // 05        sText := Format(%s %s %s %s %s %s, [sid, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]);        ListBox1.Items.Add(sText);      end;    end;  end;end;

