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Magento white screen or how XML can break your site?

Magento white screen or how XML can break your site?

Malformed XML breaks MagentoI had an odd white screen on one of my websites. No exceptions, no messages, it was time to check the error log.

There I found the following error:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function extend() on a non-object in httpdocs/lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 600

That looked very scary like there was some mess with the core library of Magento.

Actually it turned out it’s not that bad just I had a malformed XML file under my “app/etc/modules/” directory.

Removed the file, you might need to use a bit of a trail and error here, and all worked as a charm.

Also make sure that you have there only XML files with “.xml” extension.

Magento white screen or how XML can break your site?