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XIV Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev. GP of SPb

A. Bracket Expression



#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<math.h>#include<string.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<time.h>#include<assert.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;typedef pair<int,int>pi;const int Maxn=55;char s[Maxn];int ls;LL sta[Maxn];int top=0;int main(){	freopen("bracket-expression.in","r",stdin);	freopen("bracket-expression.out","w",stdout);	fgets(s,sizeof s,stdin);	for(int i=0;(s[i]==‘(‘)||(s[i]==‘)‘);i++){//-1,-2		if(s[i]==‘(‘)sta[top++]=-1;		else{			LL cur=1;			while(top&&sta[top-1]!=-1){				cur=cur*sta[top-1];				top--;			}			sta[top-1]=cur+1;		}	}	LL ret=1;	while(top)ret=1LL*ret*sta[top-1],top--;	printf("%lld\n",ret);	return 0;}


B. Checkers



#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<math.h>#include<string.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<time.h>#include<assert.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;typedef pair<int,int>pi;int n,k;string s[22];int ans=0;int jud(vector<int>&V,string &s){	for(int i=V.size()-1,j=s.size()-1;i>=0&&j>=0;i--,j--){		if(V[i]==(s[j]==‘W‘))continue;		if(V[i])return 0;		else return 1;	}	return 1;}void dfs(int cur,int op,int win,vector<int>V){	if(cur>=k){		ans=max(ans,win);		return;	}	for(int i=1;i+cur<=k&&i<=2;i++){		string tmp=s[op];		vector<int>nxt=V;		int tmpwin=win;		for(int j=0;j<i;j++){			int res=jud(nxt,s[op]);			nxt.push_back(res);			if(res)tmpwin++;			s[op].push_back(res?‘B‘:‘W‘);//res==1:w		}		dfs(cur+i,(op+1)%n,tmpwin,nxt);		s[op]=tmp;	}}int main(){	freopen("checkers.in","r",stdin);	freopen("checkers.out","w",stdout);	scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>s[i];	vector<int>V;	dfs(0,0,0,V);	printf("%d\n",ans);	return 0;}


C. Convex and Compact



#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std ;typedef long long LL ;typedef pair < int , int > pii ;#define clr( a , x ) memset ( a , x , sizeof a )const int MAXN = 65 ;const double INF = 1e60 ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;const double pi = acos ( -1.0 ) ;int dcmp ( double x ) {	return ( x > eps ) - ( x < -eps ) ;}struct Point {	int x , y ;	Point () {}	Point ( int x , int y ) : x ( x ) , y ( y ) {}	bool operator < ( const Point& a ) const {		return x != a.x ? x < a.x : y < a.y ;	}	Point operator + ( const Point& a ) const {		return Point ( x + a.x , y + a.y ) ;	}	Point operator - ( const Point& a ) const {		return Point ( x - a.x , y - a.y ) ;	}	int operator * ( const Point& a ) const {		return x * a.y - y * a.x ;	}	double angle () {		return atan2 ( y , x ) ;	}	double len () {		return sqrt ( 0.0 + x * x + y * y ) ;	}} ;struct Node {	double r ;	int idx ;	bool operator < ( const Node& a ) const {		return r < a.r ;	}} ;struct Pre {	int x , y , z ;	Pre () {}	Pre ( int x , int y , int z ) : x ( x ) , y ( y ) , z ( z ) {}} ;Node a[MAXN] ;Point p[MAXN] ;int n , K ;int in[MAXN][MAXN] ;Pre pre[MAXN][MAXN][17] ;double len2[MAXN][MAXN] ;double dp[MAXN][MAXN][17] ;double ans ;int S[MAXN] , top ;int vis[MAXN] ;int id[MAXN] ;int cmp ( const int&a , const int& b ) {	return p[a].x != p[b].x ? p[a].x < p[b].x : p[a].y < p[b].y ;}bool PointInTri ( int i , int j , int k , int l ) {	LL a = ( p[i] - p[l] ) * ( p[j] - p[l] ) ;	LL b = ( p[j] - p[l] ) * ( p[k] - p[l] ) ;	LL c = ( p[k] - p[l] ) * ( p[i] - p[l] ) ;	return a * b > 0 && b * c > 0 && c * a > 0 ;}void insert ( int x , int y , int z ) {	Pre t = pre[x][y][z] ;	if ( t.x ) insert ( t.x , t.y , t.z ) ;	S[top ++] = a[x].idx ;}void calc ( int m ) {	for ( int i = 0 ; i <= m ; ++ i ) {		for ( int j = 0 ; j <= m + 1 ; ++ j ) {			for ( int k = 0 ; k <= K ; ++ k ) {				dp[i][j][k] = INF ;				pre[i][j][k] = Pre ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;			}		}		for ( int j = 0 ; j <= m ; ++ j ) {			len2[i][j] = ( p[a[i].idx] - p[a[j].idx] ).len () ;		}	}	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++ i ) {		for ( int j = i + 1 ; j <= m ; ++ j ) {			in[i][j] = 3 ;			for ( int l = 1 ; l <= m ; ++ l ) if ( l != i && l != j ) {				if ( PointInTri ( a[0].idx , a[i].idx , a[j].idx , a[l].idx ) ) {					in[i][j] ++ ;				}			}		}	}	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++ i ) {		dp[i][2][2] = len2[0][i] * 2 ;		pre[i][2][2] = Pre ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;		for ( int j = 2 ; j <= m ; ++ j ) {			for ( int k = 3 ; k <= min ( i + 1 , K ) ; ++ k ) {				for ( int l = 1 ; l < i ; ++ l ) if ( dp[l][j][k - 1] < 1e50 ) {					int num = j + in[l][i] - 2 ;					double tmp = dp[l][j][k - 1] - len2[0][l] + len2[0][i] + len2[i][l] ;					if ( dp[i][num][k] > tmp ) {						dp[i][num][k] = tmp ;						//printf ( "%d %d %d %.5f\n" , i , num , k , dp[i][num][k] ) ;						pre[i][num][k] = Pre ( l , j , k - 1 ) ;					}				}			}		}	}	int x = -1 , y , z ;	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++ i ) {		for ( int j = K ; j <= m + 1 ; ++ j ) {			for ( int k = 3 ; k <= K ; ++ k ) if ( dp[i][j][k] < 1e50 ) {				//printf ( "dp[%d][%d][%d] = %.5f\n" , i , j , k , dp[i][j][k] ) ;				if ( dcmp ( dp[i][j][k] - ans ) < 0 ) {					ans = dp[i][j][k] ;					x = i ;					y = j ;					z = k ;				}			}		}	}	if ( ~x ) {		top = 0 ;		insert ( x , y , z ) ;		S[top ++] = a[0].idx ;	}}int check ( int x ) {	LL f = ( p[x] - p[S[0]] ) * ( p[x] - p[S[1]] ) ;	for ( int i = 0 ; i < top ; ++ i ) {		LL ff = ( p[x] - p[S[i]] ) * ( p[x] - p[S[( i + 1 ) % top]] ) ;		if ( f * ff < 0 ) return 0 ;	}	return 1 ;}void solve () {	ans = INF ;	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) {		scanf ( "%d%d" , &p[i].x , &p[i].y ) ;	}	if ( K == 1 ) {		printf ( "%d\n" , 0 ) ;		printf ( "%d\n" , 1 ) ;		return ;	}	if ( K == 2 ) {		int x , y ;		for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) {			for ( int j = i + 1 ; j <= n ; ++ j ) {				double tmp = ( p[i] - p[j] ).len () ;				if ( tmp < ans ) {					ans = tmp ;					x = i ;					y = j ;				}			}		}		printf ( "%.8f\n" , ans ) ;		printf ( "%d %d\n" , x , y ) ;		return ;	}	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) {		id[i] = i ;	}	sort ( id + 1 , id + n + 1 , cmp ) ;	a[0].r = -INF ;	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) {		int m = 0 ;		for ( int j = i + 1 ; j <= n ; ++ j ) {			++ m ;			a[m].idx = id[j] ;			a[m].r = ( p[id[j]] - p[id[i]] ).angle () ;			//if ( dcmp ( a[j].r ) < 0 ) a[j].r = 2 * pi + a[j].r ;		}		a[0].idx = id[i] ;		sort ( a + 1 , a + m + 1 ) ;		if ( m + 1 >= K ) calc ( m ) ;	}	printf ( "%.8f\n" , ans ) ;	int flag = 0 ;	clr ( vis , 0 ) ;	for ( int i = 0 ; i < top ; ++ i ) {		if ( flag ) printf ( " " ) ;		flag = 1 ;		printf ( "%d" , S[i] ) ;		vis[S[i]] = 1 ;	}	for ( int i = top + 1 ; i <= K ; ++ i ) {		for ( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; ++ j ) if ( !vis[j] ) {			if ( check ( j ) ) {				printf ( " %d" , j ) ;				vis[j] = 1 ;				break ;			}		}	}	puts ( "" ) ;}int main () {	freopen ( "convexset.in" , "r" , stdin ) ;	freopen ( "convexset.out" , "w" , stdout ) ;	while ( ~scanf ( "%d%d" , &n , &K ) ) solve () ;	return 0 ;}


D. Forbidden Words



E. Four Prime Numbers

设$f[i]$表示用两个质数能拼出$i$的方案数,可以通过暴力枚举两个质数求出,则$ans=\sum f[i]f[n-i]$。


#include<cstdio>const int N=100010;int n,i,j,tot,v[N],p[N],f[N];long long ans;int main(){  freopen("fourprimes.in","r",stdin);  freopen("fourprimes.out","w",stdout);  scanf("%d",&n);  for(i=2;i<=n;i++){    if(!v[i])p[tot++]=i;    for(j=0;j<tot;j++){      if(i*p[j]>n)break;      v[i*p[j]]=1;      if(i%p[j]==0)break;    }  }  for(i=0;i<tot;i++){    if(p[i]+p[i]<=n)f[p[i]+p[i]]++;    for(j=0;j<i;j++){      if(p[i]+p[j]>n)break;      f[p[i]+p[j]]+=2;    }  }  for(i=1;i<=n;i++)ans+=1LL*f[i]*f[n-i];  printf("%lld",ans);  return 0;}


F. Set Intersection


#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<math.h>#include<string.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<time.h>#include<assert.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;typedef pair<int,int>pi;int LIM=1000;int a[1000020],b[1000020];int n,l,m;int c[1000020],ans[1000020];int main(){	freopen("intset.in","r",stdin);	freopen("intset.out","w",stdout);	while(scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&l,&m)!=EOF){        long long now=1LL*m*l/n;        printf("%lld",now);/*		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)b[i]=i;		for(int i=0;i<LIM;i++){			random_shuffle(b,b+n);			int cur=0;			for(int j=0;j<m;j++){				if(b[j]<l)cur++;			}			ans[cur]++;		}		for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)ans[i]+=ans[i+1];		int rep=0;		for(int i=n;i>=0;i--){			if(ans[i]>=LIM/2){				rep=i;				break;			}		}		printf("%d\n",rep);*/	}	return 0;}


G. Medals


#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<math.h>#include<string.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<time.h>#include<assert.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;typedef __int128 LL;typedef pair<int,int>pi;const int Maxn=2020,Maxe=200020;LL Inf=1LL<<60;LL pw[15];int ne;int n,s,t;vector<int>G[Maxn];struct E{	int v,c;	LL w;	E(){}	E(int v,int c,LL w):v(v),c(c),w(w){}}e[Maxe];void add(int u,int v,int c,LL w){	e[ne]=E(v,c,w);	G[u].push_back(ne++);	e[ne]=E(u,0,-w);	G[v].push_back(ne++);}int pre[Maxn],pe[Maxn],inq[Maxn];LL d[Maxn];bool spfa(){	for(int i=0;i<=t;i++)d[i]=Inf,inq[i]=0;	d[s]=0;	queue<int>q;	q.push(s);	while(!q.empty()){		int u=q.front();q.pop();		for(int i=0;i<G[u].size();i++){			int id=G[u][i];			int v=e[id].v;			LL w=e[id].w;			int c=e[id].c;			if(!c)continue;			if(d[v]>d[u]+w){				pre[v]=u;				pe[v]=id;				d[v]=d[u]+w;				if(!inq[v]){q.push(v);inq[v]=1;}			}		}		inq[u]=0;	}	return d[t]<0;}int rep[100];int cho[Maxn];void costflow(){	LL ans=0;	while(spfa()){		ans-=d[t];		for(int i=t;i!=s;i=pre[i]){			e[pe[i]].c--;			e[pe[i]^1].c++;		}	}	for(int i=0;i<10;i++)rep[10-i]=ans%1001,ans/=1001;	for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)printf("%d%c",rep[i],i==10?‘\n‘:‘ ‘);	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){		cho[i]=0;		for(int j=0;j<G[i].size();j++){			int id=G[i][j];			if(e[id].v!=s&&(!e[id].c)){				cho[i]=e[id].v-n;			}		}	}	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)printf("%d%c",cho[i],i==n?‘\n‘:‘ ‘);}int main(){	freopen("medals.in","r",stdin);	freopen("medals.out","w",stdout);	pw[0]=1;	Inf*=Inf;	for(int i=1;i<=11;i++)pw[i]=pw[i-1]*1001;	scanf("%d",&n);	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){		int k;scanf("%d",&k);		for(int j=0;j<k;j++){			int id,rk;			scanf("%d%d",&id,&rk);			add(i,id+n,1,-pw[10-rk]);		}		add(s,i,1,0);	}	s=0;t=n+1000+1;	for(int i=n+1;i<t;i++)add(i,t,1,0);	costflow();	return 0;}


H. Reachability



#include<cstdio>#include<bitset>using namespace std;typedef unsigned int U;const int N=405;typedef bitset<N>DS;int n,m,i,A,B;bool g[N][N],v[N];U pa[N],pb[N];DS f[N];void dfs(int x){  if(v[x])return;  v[x]=1;  for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)if(g[x][i]){    dfs(i);    f[x]|=f[i];  }}inline void vio(){  int i,j;  for(i=1;i<=n;i++){    v[i]=0,f[i].reset();    f[i][i]=1;  }  for(i=1;i<=n;i++)if(!v[i])dfs(i);  U ret=0;  for(i=1;i<=n;i++)    for(j=1;j<=n;j++)      if(f[i][j]==1&&i!=j){//        printf("%d->%d\n",i,j);        ret+=pa[i-1]*pb[j-1];      }  printf("%u\n",ret);}int main(){  freopen("reachability.in","r",stdin);  freopen("reachability.out","w",stdout);  scanf("%d%d%d%d",&n,&m,&A,&B);  for(pa[0]=i=1;i<=n;i++)pa[i]=pa[i-1]*A;  for(pb[0]=i=1;i<=n;i++)pb[i]=pb[i-1]*B;  for(i=1;i<=m;i++){    char op1[5],op2[5];    int x,k,y;    scanf("%s%s%d%d",op1,op2,&x,&k);    if(op2[0]==‘o‘){      while(k--)scanf("%d",&y),g[x][y]^=1;    }else{      while(k--)scanf("%d",&y),g[y][x]^=1;    }    vio();  }  return 0;}


I. Revolving Lasers



J. Snakes on the Stone


#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std ;typedef long long LL ;typedef pair < int , int > pii ;#define clr( a , x ) memset ( a , x , sizeof a )const int MAXN = 30 ;int a[MAXN][MAXN] , n , m[3] ;int vis[MAXN][MAXN] ;int x[3][MAXN * MAXN] , y[3][MAXN * MAXN] ;void solve () {	clr ( a , 0 ) ;	clr ( vis , 0 ) ;	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++ i ) {		scanf ( "%d" , &m[i] ) ;		for ( int j = 1 ; j <= m[i] ; ++ j ) {			scanf ( "%d%d" , &x[i][j] , &y[i][j] ) ;			vis[x[i][j]][y[i][j]] ++ ;		}	}	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++ i ) {		for ( int j = 1 ; j <= m[i] ; ++ j ) {			int r = x[i][j] , c = y[i][j] ;			if ( vis[r][c] == 2 ) {				if ( !a[r][c] ) {					++ a[r][c] ;					putchar ( ‘-‘ ) ;				} else {					putchar ( ‘+‘ ) ;				}			}		}		puts ( "" ) ;	}}int main () {	freopen ( "snakes2.in" , "r" , stdin ) ;	freopen ( "snakes2.out" , "w" , stdout ) ;	while ( ~scanf ( "%d" , &n ) ) solve () ;	return 0 ;}


K. Dependent Subsets



#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<math.h>#include<string.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<time.h>#include<assert.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;typedef pair<int,int>pi;const int Maxn=1020;int n,d;vector<int> a[Maxn];vector<int> b[Maxn];int id[Maxn];int use[Maxn];int st[Maxn];bool cmp(int t1,int t2){	return b[t1]<b[t2];}int xiao(vector<int>&x){//return first nonzero loc	int fst=x.size();	for(int i=0;i<x.size();i++){		if(x[i]!=0){fst=i;break;}	}	if(fst>=x.size())return fst;	int gc=abs(x[fst]);	for(int i=fst+1;i<x.size();i++){		if(x[i]!=0){			gc=__gcd(abs(x[i]),gc);		}	}	int tmp=x[fst]<0?(-gc):gc;	for(int i=fst;i<x.size();i++){		if(x[i]!=0)x[i]=x[i]/tmp;	}	return fst;}vector<int> dec(vector<int>&x,vector<int>&y,int st1,int st2){	if(!y[st1])return y;	vector<int>ret=x;	int lcm=x[st1]*abs(y[st1])/__gcd(x[st1],abs(y[st1]));	int be1=lcm/x[st1],be2=lcm/y[st1];	for(int i=0;i<x.size();i++)ret[i]=x[i]*be1-y[i]*be2;	return ret;}void pt(vector<int>&x){	for(int i=0;i<x.size();i++)printf("%d ",x[i]);puts("");}bool iszero(vector<int>&x){	for(int i=0;i<x.size();i++)if(x[i])return 0;	return 1;}int main(){	freopen("subset.in","r",stdin);	freopen("subset.out","w",stdout);	scanf("%d%d",&n,&d);	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){		for(int j=0;j<d;j++){			int x;scanf("%d",&x);			a[i].push_back(x);		}	}	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)st[i]=xiao(a[i]);	vector<int>rep;	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){		int cnt=0;		for(int j=i+1;j<=n;j++){			b[cnt]=dec(a[i],a[j],st[i],st[j]);			xiao(b[cnt]);			use[cnt]=cnt;			id[cnt]=j;			cnt++;		}		sort(use,use+cnt,cmp);		int sel=-1,sr;		int now=0;		vector<int>tmp;		tmp.push_back(i);		for(;now<cnt&&iszero(b[use[now]]);now++)tmp.push_back(id[use[now]]);		int tmpans=0;		for(int j=now,k;j<cnt;j=k){			for(k=j+1;k<cnt&&b[use[k]]==b[use[j]];k++);			if((k-j)>tmpans){				sel=j;				sr=k;				tmpans=k-j;			}		}		if(sel>=0){			for(int j=sel;j<sr;j++)tmp.push_back(id[use[j]]);		}		if(tmp.size()>rep.size())swap(tmp,rep);	}	printf("%d\n",(int)rep.size());	for(int i=0;i<rep.size();i++)printf("%d%c",rep[i],i==rep.size()-1?‘\n‘:‘ ‘);	return 0;}


XIV Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev. GP of SPb