首页 > 代码库 > 鼠标消息的位置获取正确方式





Use the following code to obtain the horizontal and vertical position:

xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);

As noted above, the x-coordinate is in the low-order short of the return value; the y-coordinate is in the high-order short (both represent signed values because they can take negative values on systems with multiple monitors). If the return value is assigned to a variable, you can use the MAKEPOINTS macro to obtain a POINTS structure from the return value. You can also use the GET_X_LPARAM or GET_Y_LPARAM macro to extract the x- or y-coordinate.

Important  Do not use the LOWORD or HIWORD macros to extract the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor position because these macros return incorrect results on systems with multiple monitors. Systems with multiple monitors can have negative x- and y- coordinates, and LOWORD and HIWORD treat the coordinates as unsigned quantities.
LMousePt.X := SmallInt(Msg.LParamLo);LMousePt.Y := SmallInt(Msg.LParamHi);//或者LMousePt.X := SmallInt(Msg.LParam);LMousePt.Y := (SmallInt)HiWord(Msg.LParam);



