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Qt5官方demo解析集11——Qt Quick Particles Examples - Affectors
接上文Qt5官方demo解析集10——Qt Quick Particles Examples - Emitters
首先还是看下介绍:This is a collection of small QML examples relating to using Affectors in the particle system. Each example is a small QML file emphasizing a particular type or feature.
来看看这个小例子是怎么写的吧~ age.qml:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle { id: root width: 360 height: 600 color: "white" ParticleSystem { id: particles } ImageParticle { // 这里向我们展示另外一种图像粒子的设置 system: particles sprites: Sprite { // sprites属性用来定义一组帧图片来作为粒子,这样粒子可以像GIF一样拥有自己的动画 name: "snow" source: "../../images/snowflake.png" // 这是一张具有51帧的雪花图形 frameCount: 51 frameDuration: 40 // 帧动画的基本设置 frameDurationVariation: 8 } } Emitter { system: particles emitRate: 20 lifeSpan: 8000 velocity: PointDirection { y:80; yVariation: 40; } // 加速度下落 acceleration: PointDirection { y: 4 } size: 36 endSize: 12 sizeVariation: 8 width: parent.width height: 100 } MouseArea { id: ma anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true } Rectangle { // 这里使用Rectangle作为Age的父类,当然Age可以定义自己的坐标以及区域,但是加入Rectangle可视化效果更好 color: "#803333AA" // 半透明的湛蓝色 border.color: "black" x: ma.mouseX - 36 // 这里用到属性绑定使得该矩形可以跟随鼠标的移动,并以鼠标为中心点 y: ma.mouseY - 36 width: 72 height: 72 //! [0] Age { // Age继承自Affector,其实在上一篇Emitters中我们就接触了一个Affector:Turbulence,它可以提供一个气流的效果,而这里的Age则允许我们改变粒子的生命周期。 anchors.fill: parent system: particles once: true // 每个粒子只影响一次 lifeLeft: 1200 // 粒子剩下的时间 advancePosition: false // 退化是否影响位置、速度、和加速度 } //! [0] } }
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Particles 2.0 Rectangle { id: root width: 360 height: 540 color: "black" Image { source: "qrc:/images/finalfrontier.png" anchors.centerIn:parent } ParticleSystem { id: particles anchors.fill: parent Emitter { // 星星发射器 group: "stars" emitRate: 40 lifeSpan: 4000 enabled: true size: 30 sizeVariation: 10 velocity: PointDirection { x: 220; xVariation: 40 } height: parent.height // height定义了发射发射区域的高度,否则粒子从(0,0)发出 } Emitter { // 陨石发射器 group: "roids" emitRate: 10 lifeSpan: 4000 enabled: true size: 30 sizeVariation: 10 velocity: PointDirection { x: 220; xVariation: 40 } height: parent.height } ImageParticle { // 星星 id: stars groups: ["stars"] source: "qrc:///particleresources/star.png" color: "white" colorVariation: 0.5 alpha: 0 } ImageParticle { // 陨石 id: roids groups: ["roids"] sprites: Sprite { // 这里再次使用了帧动画,由于没有定义frameDurationVariation,所有陨石的旋转速度都是相同的 id: spinState name: "spinning" source: "qrc:/images/meteor.png" frameCount: 35 frameDuration: 60 } } ImageParticle { // 飞船子弹 id: shot groups: ["shot"] source: "qrc:///particleresources/star.png" color: "#0FF06600" colorVariation: 0.3 } ImageParticle { // 尾气 id: engine groups: ["engine"] source: "qrc:///particleresources/fuzzydot.png" color: "orange" SequentialAnimation on color { // 属性动画 loops: Animation.Infinite ColorAnimation { from: "red" to: "cyan" duration: 1000 } ColorAnimation { from: "cyan" to: "red" duration: 1000 } } colorVariation: 0.2 } //! [0] Attractor { // Affector家族中的一员,可以形成吸引其他粒子的效果 id: gs; pointX: root.width/2; pointY: root.height/2; strength: 4000000; // pointX,pointY是其作为目标点,同其他Affector一样,设置其x,y,height,weidth改变的是其影响区域 affectedParameter: Attractor.Acceleration // 设置为影响加速度 proportionalToDistance: Attractor.InverseQuadratic // 影响效果与距离的比例关系 } //! [0] Age { // 在Attractor周围再安装一个Age,因为这里没有设置lifeLeft,粒子进入该区域变消失了 x: gs.pointX - 8; // Age的影响区域 y: gs.pointY - 8; width: 16 height: 16 } Rectangle { // 用矩形画圆的方法 color: "black" width: 8 height: 8 radius: 4 x: gs.pointX - 4 y: gs.pointY - 4 } Image { // 飞行器 source:"qrc:/images/rocket2.png" id: ship width: 45 height: 22 //Automatic movement SequentialAnimation on x { // 属性动画,这里使用了弹线轨迹 loops: -1 NumberAnimation{to: root.width-45; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000} NumberAnimation{to: 0; easing.type: Easing.OutInQuad; duration: 6000} } SequentialAnimation on y { loops: -1 NumberAnimation{to: root.height-22; easing.type: Easing.OutInQuad; duration: 6000} NumberAnimation{to: 0; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000} } } Emitter { // 尾气粒子 group: "engine" emitRate: 200 lifeSpan: 1000 size: 10 endSize: 4 sizeVariation: 4 velocity: PointDirection { x: -128; xVariation: 32 } height: ship.height y: ship.y x: ship.x width: 20 } Emitter { // 子弹粒子 group: "shot" emitRate: 32 lifeSpan: 1000 enabled: true size: 40 velocity: PointDirection { x: 256; } x: ship.x + ship.width y: ship.y + ship.height/2 } } }