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hash 表 | | jzoj 1335 | | 脑残+手残 | | 集合的关系

给定两个集合A、B,集合内的任一元素x满足1 ≤ x ≤ 10^9,并且每个集合的元素个数不大于10^5。我们希望求出A、B之间的关系。

A是B的一个真子集,输出“A is a proper subset of B”
B是A的一个真子集,输出“B is a proper subset of A”
A和B是同一个集合,输出“A equals B”
A和B的交集为空,输出“A and B are disjoint”
上述情况都不是,输出“I‘m confused!”



#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<ctime>using namespace std;const int maxprime=1000003;const int step=7;const int N=1000000;struct nums{    int val,sum;}hash[N];int m,n;int find(int x){    int temp=x%maxprime;    while(hash[temp].val!=0&&hash[temp].val!=x)    {        temp+=step;        if(temp>=maxprime)  temp-=maxprime;    }    return temp;}bool flag1=0,flag2=0;void  insert(int x){    int now=find(x);        hash[now].val=x;    return ;}void judge(int x){    int now=find(x);    if(hash[now].val==x)    flag1=1;    else    flag2=1;}int a[N],b[N];int main(){    //freopen("a.in","r",stdin);   //freopen("a.out","w",stdout);    int i=1;    ios::sync_with_stdio(false);    cin>>m;    for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)        cin>>a[i];    cin>>n;    for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)        cin>>b[j];    if(m<n)     {        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)           insert(b[i]);        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)            judge(a[i]);        if(flag1==1&&flag2==0)  {cout<<"A is a proper subset of B"<<endl; /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/return 0;}        if(flag1==0&&flag2==1)  {cout<<"A and B are disjoint"<<endl; /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/return 0;}    }    if(m>n)    {        for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)            insert(a[j]);        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)            judge(b[i]);        if(flag1==1&&flag2==0)  {cout<<"B is a proper subset of A"<<endl; /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/return 0;}        if(flag1==0&&flag2==1)  {cout<<"A and B are disjoint"<<endl; /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/return 0;}    }    if(m==n)    {        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)            insert(a[i]);        for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)            judge(b[j]);        if(flag1==1&&flag2==1)  {cout<<"A equals B"<<endl;return 0;}        if(flag1==0&&flag2==1)  {cout<<"A and B are disjoint"<<endl; /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/return 0;}    }    cout<<"I‘m confused!"<<endl;     /*cout<<"THE TIME HAS PASSED: "<<clock()<<" ms"<<endl;*/    return 0;   }


hash 表 | | jzoj 1335 | | 脑残+手残 | | 集合的关系