首页 > 代码库 > C# 清除当前窗体中TextBox控件中的内容

C# 清除当前窗体中TextBox控件中的内容

.NET Framework 类库
Form.ActiveMdiChild 属性
获取当前活动的多文档界面 (MDI) 子窗口。

程序集:System.Windows.Forms(在 system.windows.forms.dll 中)

语法:public Form ActiveMdiChild { get; }
        public void ClearAllChildFormText()        {            // Obtain a reference to the currently active MDI child form.             Form tempChild = this.ActiveMdiChild;            // Loop through all controls on the child form.             for (int i = 0; i < tempChild.Controls.Count; i++)            {                // Determine if the current control on the child form is a TextBox.                 if (tempChild.Controls[i] is TextBox)                {                    // Clear the contents of the control since it is a TextBox.                     tempChild.Controls[i].Text = "";                }            }        }

C# 清除当前窗体中TextBox控件中的内容