首页 > 代码库 > 在Linux下播放与录制电视



最近,在自己的Debian 7.2 64位系统上成功安装了圆刚AverMedia C725B视频卡驱动。于是,可以使用mplayermencoder来看电视与录节目了。其中,用于播放电视的命令如下:


mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:amode=1:audiorate=48000:forceaudio:volume=100:immediatemode=0:normid=8:input=1:buffersize=1024:width=768:height=576:outfmt=i420 -vo xv -ao sdl -aspect 4:3






mencoder tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:amode=1:audiorate=48000:forceaudio:volume=100:immediatemode=0:normid=8:input=1:buffersize=64:width=720:outfmt=yuy2-oac mp3lame -lameopts fast:preset=standard -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=1800 -o output.avi




  • watch:在播放电视的同时,将其存为avi文件。

  • nowatch:只录制节目不用mplayer播放。

  • onlywatch:只用mplayer看节目而不录制。


  1. 首先,使用mkfifo创建命名管道;

  2. 其次,用tee命令读取管道:在录制与播放的模式下(watch)将其分为两路,一路送至avi文件,一种送至mplayer用于播放;在只录制不播放的模式下(nowatch),只输出至avi文件;在纯播放模式下(onlywatch),只送至mplayer

  3. 最后,用mencoder/dev/video0截取视频流并输出到之前创建的命名管道。



#!/bin/bash # Define a function for returning a process id function get_pid_by_name() {     local process_str     echo "Searching process $1..."     process_str=`ps aux | grep "$1" | tr --squeeze-repeats [:blank:]+ \t | cut -f 2`     if [ -n "$process_str" ]; then         # The process for grep appears in the second field         process_str=`echo $process_str | cut -s -d   -f 1`         if [ -n "$process_str" ]; then             temp_pid=$process_str             echo "The process id is $temp_pid!"         else             echo "The process $1 cannot be found, perfect!"         fi     else         echo "The process $1 cannot be found, perfect!"     fi } if [ -z "$1" ]; then     echo "Please specify the recording and watching mode: watch|nowatch|onlywatch"     exit 0 fi if [ "$1" != "onlywatch" ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then     echo "Please provide the video file name to be saved!"     exit 0 fi # Declare the pid as integers declare -i temp_pid=-1 mplayer_pid=-1 mencoder_pid=-1 tee_pid=-1 get_pid_by_name mencoder mencoder_pid=$temp_pid temp_pid=-1 get_pid_by_name tee tee_pid=$temp_pid temp_pid=-1 get_pid_by_name mplayer mplayer_pid=$temp_pid temp_pid=-1 if [ $(($mencoder_pid!=-1 && $mplayer_pid!=-1 && $tee_pid!=-1)) = 1 ]; then     echo "A tv recording or watching activity is now working, please exit it first!"     exit 0 fi # Create FIFO named pipe if [ ! -e "/tmp/tv.fifo" ]; then     echo "FIFO does not exist, now being created..."     mkfifo /tmp/tv.fifo && echo "Creating FIFO successful!" fi # Start tee and mplayer case "$1" in     watch ) echo "Start recording tv and watch it using mplayer..."             # Note: sudo must be used in order to make mplayer appear             cat /tmp/tv.fifo | tee -a "${2%.avi}.avi" | sudo -u orlando DISPLAY=:0.0 mplayer -cache 5120 -ao sdl -vo xv - & ;;     nowatch ) echo "Start recording tv without watching it..."               cat /tmp/tv.fifo | tee -a "${2%.avi}.avi" & ;;     onlywatch ) echo "Start watching tv without recording it..."                 # Note: "tee -a -" will not work here                # Cache size should not be too large and 1024 kB is a reasonable value, otherwise, the response when changing the channel will be too slow                cat /tmp/tv.fifo | tee | sudo -u orlando DISPLAY=:0.0 mplayer -cache 1024 -ao sdl -vo xv - & ;;     * ) echo "Please specify the recording and watching mode: watch|nowatch|onlywatch"         exit 0; esac # Start mencoder to feed the video stream into FIFO echo "Now start mencoder to capture tv..." mencoder tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:amode=1:audiorate=48000:forceaudio:volume=100:immediatemode=0:normid=8:input=1:buffersize=1024:width=768:height=576:outfmt=i420 -oac mp3lame -lameopts fast:preset=standard -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=1800 -o /tmp/tv.fifo





#!/bin/bash # Define a function for returning a process id function get_pid_by_name() {     local process_str     echo "Searching process $1..."     process_str=`ps aux | grep "$1" | tr --squeeze-repeats [:blank:]+ \t | cut -f 2`     if [ -n "$process_str" ]; then         # The process for grep appears in the second field         process_str=`echo $process_str | cut -s -d   -f 1`         if [ -n "$process_str" ]; then             temp_pid=$process_str             echo "The process id is $temp_pid!"         else             echo "The process $1 cannot be found, perfect!"         fi     else         echo "The process $1 cannot be found, perfect!"     fi } # Declare pid as integers declare -i temp_pid=-1 mplayer_pid=-1 mencoder_pid=-1 tee_pid=-1 # Kill mencoder process get_pid_by_name mencoder mencoder_pid=$temp_pid temp_pid=-1 if [ $(($mencoder_pid!=-1)) = 1 ]; then    # The SIGINT has no effect on mencoder processes while SIGKILL will cause loss of /dev/video0 node    kill -2 $mencoder_pid && echo "mencoder has been killed!" else    echo "mencoder process does not exist!" fi # Kill tee process get_pid_by_name tee tee_pid=$temp_pid temp_pid=-1 if [ $(($tee_pid!=-1)) = 1 ]; then    kill -2 $tee_pid && echo "tee has been killed!" else    echo "tee process does not exist!" fi # Kill mplayer process if not in nowatch mode if [ "$1" != "nowatch" ]; then    get_pid_by_name mplayer    mplayer_pid=$temp_pid    temp_pid=-1    if [ $(($mplayer_pid!=-1)) = 1 ]; then       # Note: mplayer is started by using sudo, therefore when killing it, sudo should also be used       sudo -u orlando kill -2 $mplayer_pid && echo "mplayer has been killed!"    else       echo "mplayer process does not exist!"    fi fi echo "TV recording and playing have been stopped!"





$ at 20:00 todaywarning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh at> rtv watch 我爱发明at> <EOT>                        # Input Ctrl+Djob 21 at Wed Feb    5 20:00:00 2014$ at 21:00 todaywarning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh at> stop_rtv watchat> <EOT>                        # Input Ctrl+Djob 22 at Wed Feb    5 21:00:00 2014







14615 与此同时,为了方便播放与停止播放,在~/.bashrc中定义了如下aliases


alias ptv="mplayer -forceidx"alias tv="rtv onlywatch"alias stop_tv="stop_rtv onlywatch"





#!/bin/bashmplayer -forceidx -saveidx "`basename \"$1\" \".avi\"`".idx "$1"


#!/bin/bashmplayer -loadidx "`basename \"$1\" \".avi\"`".idx "$1"



#!/bin/bash# Play the tv using only mplayer: when a long time is elapsed, audio and video will be asynchronous using this methodsudo -u orlando DISPLAY=:0.0 mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:norm=PAL:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:amode=1:audiorate=48000:forceaudio:volume=100:immediatemode=0:normid=8:input=1:buffersize=1024:width=768:height=576:outfmt=i420 -vo xv -ao sdl -aspect 4:3 -nocache -framedrop