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225. Implement Stack using Queues


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 1 class MyStack { 2     Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList(); 3     // Push element x onto stack. 4     public void push(int x) { 5         for(int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++){ 6             q.offer(x); 7             x = q.poll(); 8         } 9         q.offer(x);10     }11 12     // Removes the element on top of the stack.13     public void pop() {14         q.poll();15     }16 17     // Get the top element.18     public int top() {19         return q.peek();20     }21 22     // Return whether the stack is empty.23     public boolean empty() {24         return q.size() == 0;25     }26 }


225. Implement Stack using Queues