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一 词组

1 fill with  e.g.  I let my lungs fill with the scented air.

   fill sth with sth  e.g. You don’t need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves.

2 smart 精明能干 talented 才华横溢 educated 学富五车 gifted 极具天赋

3 pull sth into sth 开进 e.g. I pulled it into a garage.

4 mechanic 技工,机械工

5 (1)have sth done 请别人做某事,sth和过去分词之间是被动的关系 e.g. The young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes.

     (2) have sb do sth 叫某人做某事,do sth省去to的动词不定式作宾语补足语 e.g. I’ll have someone repair the bike for you.

    (3) have sb/sth doing 让某人做某事或让某种情况发生,sb/sth与现在分词是主动关系  e.g. Don’t have the baby crying.

6  the sad truth 遗憾

7 be shocked at 感到震惊

8 the other day 前几天

9  earn $100,000 a year 年收入在10万元

10 chiropractor 按摩师

11 struggle financially 生活拮据

12 all this time 一直以来,pour in 蜂拥而来,灌入  e.g. All this time, I thought that when they are graduated,the dollars would pour in.

13 regard with 以(某种心态)来看

14 away from 远离,相距 e.g. They are one skill away from great wealth.

15 exponentially 以指数方式

16 financial intelligence 财商

17 synergy 协同 accounting会计学 marketing市场营销学

18 when it comes to sth 说到某事

二 句式

1 were doing sth : 过去进行时,曾今做过某事  e.g.  I was telling them that many doctors struggle financially.

2 It is(was)…that(who)…强调句,重要特征是去掉it is that以后,剩下的句子能组成完整的句子


如果被强调部分是人,用that,who,whom; 被强调是物,用that,which;被强调的是状语,用that而不能用when,where,why.  e.g.  It was because it rained that they didn’t go out.(不能用why)。

强调部分通常是主语、宾语、宾补、状语,而作表语不能强调。错误:It is beautiful that Helen is. 正确:It is a beautiful girl that Helen is.

对否定句某部分强调时注意not前移:It was not in the street that I saw her.

反问句:Was it those that the professor regarded with such contempt? 当疑问句宾语是“them”时,强调用“those”

疑问句: Who was it that interviewed you?

感叹句:What a glorious bonfire that you made!

3 It is/was not until 被强调部分 that…

e.g. It was not until dark that he realized it was too dark to return home = He didn’t realize it was too dark to return home until dark.