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[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032

[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032.








提醒各位看客: 如果文章中的逻辑看不明白,那你一定是没有亲手操刀!OD中的跳转提示很强大,只要你跟踪了,不用怎么看代码就理解了!



WinXP SP3 + 52Pojie六周年纪念版OD + PEID + 汇编金手指。


下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1xUWOY 密码: jbnq













得到 crackme.2.unpacked.exe,再用PEID看看:Borland Delphi 3.0






 EntryPoint 004383DC    push       ebp 004383DD    mov        ebp,esp 004383DF    add        esp,0FFFFFFF4 004383E2    mov        eax,4382E4 004383E7    call       @InitExe 004383EC    mov        edx,438498; ‘Reg.dat‘ 004383F1    mov        eax,43A760 004383F6    call       @Assign 004383FB    mov        edx,80 00438400    mov        eax,43A760 00438405    call       @ResetFile 0043840A    call       IOResult 0043840F    test       eax,eax>00438411    je         00438428 00438413    push       0 00438415    push       4384A0; ‘Missing!‘ 0043841A    push       4384AC; ‘Hey, where is my little Reg.dat\rI love it so much that I can‘t\rlive without it. Return it back! Arrgh!‘ 0043841F    push       0 00438421    call       USER32.MessageBoxA>00438426    jmp        00438488 00438428    mov        eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication 0043842D    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax] 0043842F    call       TApplication.Initialize 00438434    mov        ecx,dword ptr ds:[439B0C]; ^gvar_0043A758:TForm1 0043843A    mov        eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication 0043843F    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax] 00438441    mov        edx,dword ptr ds:[4380C8]; TForm1 00438447    call       TApplication.CreateForm 0043844C    mov        ecx,dword ptr ds:[439B20]; ^gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00438452    mov        eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication 00438457    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax] 00438459    mov        edx,dword ptr ds:[4379C0]; TForm2 0043845F    call       TApplication.CreateForm 00438464    mov        ecx,dword ptr ds:[439A6C]; ^gvar_0043A750:TForm3 0043846A    mov        eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication 0043846F    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax] 00438471    mov        edx,dword ptr ds:[437F38]; TForm3 00438477    call       TApplication.CreateForm 0043847C    mov        eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication 00438481    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax] 00438483    call       TApplication.Run 00438488    call       @Halt0







Reg::TForm2.Edit1Change 00437E70    mov        eax,1 00437E75    call       00437D1C 00437E7A    ret Reg::TForm2.Edit1Change 00437E70    mov        eax,1 00437E75    call       00437D1C 00437E7A    ret

内部调用了Call 00437D1C,相当于是参数为eax,函数为00437D1C。看看这个Call的内容:

 Reg::sub_00437D1C 00437D1C    push       ebp 00437D1D    mov        ebp,esp 00437D1F    push       0 00437D21    push       ebx 00437D22    mov        ebx,eax 00437D24    xor        eax,eax 00437D26    push       ebp 00437D27    push       437DEE 00437D2C    push       dword ptr fs:[eax] 00437D2F    mov        dword ptr fs:[eax],esp 00437D32    mov        eax,ebx 00437D34    dec        eax>00437D35    je         00437D45 00437D37    dec        eax>00437D38    je         00437D69 00437D3A    dec        eax>00437D3B    je         00437D8D 00437D3D    dec        eax>00437D3E    je         00437DB1>00437D40    jmp        00437DD3 00437D45    lea        edx,[ebp-4] 00437D48    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437D4D    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1E8]; TForm2.Edit1:TEdit 00437D53    call       TControl.GetText 00437D58    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437D5B    call       StrToInt 00437D60    mov        dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer>00437D67    jmp        00437DD3 00437D69    lea        edx,[ebp-4] 00437D6C    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437D71    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1EC]; TForm2.Edit2:TEdit 00437D77    call       TControl.GetText 00437D7C    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437D7F    call       StrToInt 00437D84    mov        dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer>00437D8B    jmp        00437DD3 00437D8D    lea        edx,[ebp-4] 00437D90    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437D95    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1F0]; TForm2.Edit3:TEdit 00437D9B    call       TControl.GetText 00437DA0    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437DA3    call       StrToInt 00437DA8    mov        dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer>00437DAF    jmp        00437DD3 00437DB1    lea        edx,[ebp-4] 00437DB4    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437DB9    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1F4]; TForm2.Edit4:TEdit 00437DBF    call       TControl.GetText 00437DC4    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437DC7    call       StrToInt 00437DCC    mov        dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer 00437DD3    call       00437BD8 00437DD8    xor        eax,eax 00437DDA    pop        edx 00437DDB    pop        ecx 00437DDC    pop        ecx 00437DDD    mov        dword ptr fs:[eax],edx 00437DE0    push       437DF5 00437DE5    lea        eax,[ebp-4] 00437DE8    call       @LStrClr 00437DED    ret<00437DEE    jmp        @HandleFinally<00437DF3    jmp        00437DE5 00437DF5    pop        ebx 00437DF6    pop        ecx 00437DF7    pop        ebp 00437DF8    ret

在OD中,从开头地址 00437D1C 跟踪分析:

00437D1C    55              push ebp                                 ; // Serial数字发生变化时调用00437D1D    8BEC            mov ebp,esp00437D1F    6A 00           push 0x000437D21    53              push ebx00437D22    8BD8            mov ebx,eax                              ; // eax 传过来的参数,1-400437D24    33C0            xor eax,eax00437D26    55              push ebp00437D27    68 EE7D4300     push 00437DEE00437D2C    64:FF30         push dword ptr fs:[eax]00437D2F    64:8920         mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp00437D32    8BC3            mov eax,ebx00437D34    48              dec eax00437D35    74 0E           je short 00437D45                        ; 100437D37    48              dec eax00437D38    74 2F           je short 00437D69                        ; 200437D3A    48              dec eax00437D3B    74 50           je short 00437D8D                        ; 300437D3D    48              dec eax00437D3E    74 71           je short 00437DB1                        ; 400437D40    E9 8E000000     jmp 00437DD300437D45    8D55 FC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]           ; // 1的处理00437D48    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]          ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm200437D4D    8B80 E8010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E8]         ; TForm2.Edit1:TEdit00437D53    E8 6854FEFF     call 0041D1C0                            ; TControl.GetText00437D58    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437D5B    E8 D0EBFCFF     call 00406930                            ; StrToInt00437D60    89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax    ; gvar_0043A738:Integer00437D67    EB 6A           jmp short 00437DD300437D69    8D55 FC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]           ; // 2的处理00437D6C    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]00437D71    8B80 EC010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1EC]         ; TForm2.Edit2:TEdit00437D77    E8 4454FEFF     call 0041D1C000437D7C    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437D7F    E8 ACEBFCFF     call 0040693000437D84    89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax00437D8B    EB 46           jmp short 00437DD300437D8D    8D55 FC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]           ; // 3的处理00437D90    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]00437D95    8B80 F0010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1F0]         ; TForm2.Edit3:TEdit00437D9B    E8 2054FEFF     call 0041D1C000437DA0    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437DA3    E8 88EBFCFF     call 0040693000437DA8    89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax00437DAF    EB 22           jmp short 00437DD300437DB1    8D55 FC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]           ; // 4的处理00437DB4    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]00437DB9    8B80 F4010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1F4]         ; TForm2.Edit4:TEdit00437DBF    E8 FC53FEFF     call 0041D1C000437DC4    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437DC7    E8 64EBFCFF     call 0040693000437DCC    89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax00437DD3    E8 00FEFFFF     call 00437BD8                            ; // 这里是另外一个关键Call00437DD8    33C0            xor eax,eax00437DDA    5A              pop edx00437DDB    59              pop ecx00437DDC    59              pop ecx00437DDD    64:8910         mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx00437DE0    68 F57D4300     push 00437DF500437DE5    8D45 FC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437DE8    E8 0FB9FCFF     call 004036FC                            ; @LStrClr




 Reg::sub_00437BD8 00437BD8    push       ebp 00437BD9    mov        ebp,esp 00437BDB    push       0 00437BDD    push       0 00437BDF    push       ebx 00437BE0    push       esi 00437BE1    xor        eax,eax 00437BE3    push       ebp 00437BE4    push       437D0C 00437BE9    push       dword ptr fs:[eax] 00437BEC    mov        dword ptr fs:[eax],esp 00437BEF    lea        edx,[ebp-4] 00437BF2    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437BF7    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+20C]; TForm2.Edit5:TEdit 00437BFD    call       TControl.GetText 00437C02    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437C05    call       @LStrLen 00437C0A    cmp        eax,5>00437C0D    jl         00437CC2 00437C13    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437C16    movzx      eax,byte ptr [eax] 00437C19    mov        ecx,0A 00437C1E    cdq 00437C1F    idiv       eax,ecx 00437C21    mov        [0043A72C],eax; gvar_0043A72C:Integer 00437C26    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437C29    movzx      eax,byte ptr [eax+2] 00437C2D    mov        ecx,0A 00437C32    cdq 00437C33    idiv       eax,ecx 00437C35    mov        [0043A730],eax; gvar_0043A730:Integer 00437C3A    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437C3D    movzx      eax,byte ptr [eax+3] 00437C41    mov        ecx,0A 00437C46    cdq 00437C47    idiv       eax,ecx 00437C49    mov        [0043A734],eax; gvar_0043A734:Integer 00437C4E    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-4] 00437C51    movzx      eax,byte ptr [eax+4] 00437C55    mov        ecx,0A 00437C5A    cdq 00437C5B    idiv       eax,ecx 00437C5D    mov        [0043A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer 00437C62    mov        esi,1 00437C67    mov        ebx,43A72C; gvar_0043A72C:Integer 00437C6C    lea        edx,[ebp-8] 00437C6F    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebx] 00437C71    call       IntToStr 00437C76    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebp-8] 00437C79    call       @LStrLen 00437C7E    dec        eax>00437C7F    je         00437C8D 00437C81    mov        eax,dword ptr [ebx] 00437C83    mov        ecx,0A 00437C88    cdq 00437C89    idiv       eax,ecx 00437C8B    mov        dword ptr [ebx],eax 00437C8D    inc        esi 00437C8E    add        ebx,4 00437C91    cmp        esi,5<00437C94    jne        00437C6C 00437C96    mov        esi,1 00437C9B    mov        eax,43A72C; gvar_0043A72C:Integer 00437CA0    mov        edx,43A73C 00437CA5    mov        ecx,dword ptr [edx] 00437CA7    cmp        ecx,dword ptr [eax]>00437CA9    je         00437CB2 00437CAB    mov        ecx,1>00437CB0    jmp        00437CC7 00437CB2    xor        ecx,ecx 00437CB4    inc        esi 00437CB5    add        edx,4 00437CB8    add        eax,4 00437CBB    cmp        esi,5<00437CBE    jne        00437CA5>00437CC0    jmp        00437CC7 00437CC2    mov        ecx,1 00437CC7    test       ecx,ecx>00437CC9    jne        00437CDF 00437CCB    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437CD0    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1E0]; TForm2.Button1:TButton 00437CD6    mov        dl,1 00437CD8    call       TControl.SetEnabled>00437CDD    jmp        00437CF1 00437CDF    mov        eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2 00437CE4    mov        eax,dword ptr [eax+1E0]; TForm2.Button1:TButton 00437CEA    xor        edx,edx 00437CEC    call       TControl.SetEnabled 00437CF1    xor        eax,eax 00437CF3    pop        edx 00437CF4    pop        ecx 00437CF5    pop        ecx 00437CF6    mov        dword ptr fs:[eax],edx 00437CF9    push       437D13 00437CFE    lea        eax,[ebp-8] 00437D01    mov        edx,2 00437D06    call       @LStrArrayClr 00437D0B    ret<00437D0C    jmp        @HandleFinally<00437D11    jmp        00437CFE 00437D13    pop        esi 00437D14    pop        ebx 00437D15    pop        ecx 00437D16    pop        ecx 00437D17    pop        ebp 00437D18    ret


00437BD8    55              push ebp                                     ; // 处理数据的Call00437BD9    8BEC            mov ebp,esp00437BDB    6A 00           push 0x000437BDD    6A 00           push 0x000437BDF    53              push ebx00437BE0    56              push esi00437BE1    33C0            xor eax,eax00437BE3    55              push ebp00437BE4    68 0C7D4300     push 00437D0C00437BE9    64:FF30         push dword ptr fs:[eax]00437BEC    64:8920         mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp00437BEF    8D55 FC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437BF2    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]              ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm200437BF7    8B80 0C020000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x20C]             ; TForm2.Edit5:TEdit00437BFD    E8 BE55FEFF     call 0041D1C0                                ; TControl.GetText00437C02    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437C05    E8 6EBDFCFF     call 00403978                                ; @LStrLen00437C0A    83F8 05         cmp eax,0x5                                  ; // 与5做比较,不能小于500437C0D    0F8C AF000000   jl 00437CC2                                  ; // 小于5失败00437C13    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437C16    0FB600          movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax]                  ; // "bbdxf"00437C19    B9 0A000000     mov ecx,0xA00437C1E    99              cdq                                          ; // edx = 000437C1F    F7F9            idiv ecx                                     ; // 除法, eax/ecx, 余数=ebx,结果=eax00437C21    A3 2CA74300     mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A72C],eax              ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer00437C26    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437C29    0FB640 02       movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x2]              ; // 序号为2的字符00437C2D    B9 0A000000     mov ecx,0xA00437C32    99              cdq00437C33    F7F9            idiv ecx                                     ; // 除法00437C35    A3 30A74300     mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A730],eax              ; gvar_0043A730:Integer00437C3A    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437C3D    0FB640 03       movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x3]              ; // 序号为3的字符00437C41    B9 0A000000     mov ecx,0xA00437C46    99              cdq00437C47    F7F9            idiv ecx                                     ; // 除法00437C49    A3 34A74300     mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A734],eax              ; gvar_0043A734:Integer00437C4E    8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]00437C51    0FB640 04       movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x4]              ; // 序号为4的字符00437C55    B9 0A000000     mov ecx,0xA00437C5A    99              cdq00437C5B    F7F9            idiv ecx                                     ; // 除法00437C5D    A3 38A74300     mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A738],eax              ; gvar_0043A738:Integer00437C62    BE 01000000     mov esi,0x100437C67    BB 2CA74300     mov ebx,0043A72C                             ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer00437C6C    8D55 F8         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]00437C6F    8B03            mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]                   ; // ebx=第一个余数的地址,递增+4,去下一个整数00437C71    E8 8AECFCFF     call 00406900                                ; IntToStr00437C76    8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]               ; "9" "10"...00437C79    E8 FABCFCFF     call 00403978                                ; @LStrLen00437C7E    48              dec eax00437C7F    74 0C           je short 00437C8D                            ; // 长度为1则跳转00437C81    8B03            mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]00437C83    B9 0A000000     mov ecx,0xA00437C88    99              cdq00437C89    F7F9            idiv ecx                                     ; // 除法00437C8B    8903            mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],eax                   ; // 将余数写回去00437C8D    46              inc esi00437C8E    83C3 04         add ebx,0x400437C91    83FE 05         cmp esi,0x500437C94  ^ 75 D6           jnz short 00437C6C                           ; // 处理之后,所有的余数都小于1000437C96    BE 01000000     mov esi,0x100437C9B    B8 2CA74300     mov eax,0043A72C                             ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer00437CA0    BA 3CA74300     mov edx,0043A73C                             ; //---这个地址是Edit1-Edit4的整数值存放地址00437CA5    8B0A            mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx]                   ; // ecx = 100437CA7    3B08            cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]00437CA9    74 07           je short 00437CB200437CAB    B9 01000000     mov ecx,0x100437CB0    EB 15           jmp short 00437CC7                           ; // 跳过去了00437CB2    33C9            xor ecx,ecx00437CB4    46              inc esi00437CB5    83C2 04         add edx,0x400437CB8    83C0 04         add eax,0x400437CBB    83FE 05         cmp esi,0x500437CBE  ^ 75 E5           jnz short 00437CA500437CC0    EB 05           jmp short 00437CC700437CC2    B9 01000000     mov ecx,0x100437CC7    85C9            test ecx,ecx                                 ; // 测试ecx的值00437CC9    75 14           jnz short 00437CDF                           ; // 关键跳转00437CCB    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]              ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm200437CD0    8B80 E0010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E0]             ; TForm2.Button1:TButton00437CD6    B2 01           mov dl,0x100437CD8    E8 7B54FEFF     call 0041D158                                ; TControl.SetEnabled00437CDD    EB 12           jmp short 00437CF100437CDF    A1 28A74300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]00437CE4    8B80 E0010000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E0]00437CEA    33D2            xor edx,edx00437CEC    E8 6754FEFF     call 0041D158                                ; TControl.SetEnabled00437CF1    33C0            xor eax,eax00437CF3    5A              pop edx00437CF4    59              pop ecx00437CF5    59              pop ecx00437CF6    64:8910         mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx00437CF9    68 137D4300     push 00437D1300437CFE    8D45 F8         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]00437D01    BA 02000000     mov edx,0x200437D06    E8 15BAFCFF     call 00403720                                ; @LStrArrayClr00437D0B    C3              retn


等等,地址 0043A73C 地址处的值是从哪里来的呢?上下翻阅,也终究没找到,但是查看他们的值发现,他就是4个编辑框的值,即四个编辑框的整数值存放在地址0043A73C开头的4个int里面。还记得前面分析编辑框事件吗?看看那里,就是修改这个地址的值啊!



// CrackMeDemo.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){	char pName[] = "bbdxf";	char pNum[4] = {0};	pNum[0] = pName[0] / 0x0A;	pNum[1] = pName[2] / 0x0A;	pNum[2] = pName[3] / 0x0A;	pNum[3] = pName[4] / 0x0A;	for ( int i=0;i<4;i++)	{		if ( pNum[i]>=0x0A ) // 程序中是通过转为字符串,判断字符串长度		{			pNum[i] = pNum[i]/0x0A;		}	}	printf("Num: %d - %d - %d - %d\r\n",pNum[0],pNum[1],pNum[2],pNum[3]);	system("pause");	return 0;}




BY  笨笨D幸福