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今天看了下ccocos2dx touch事件部分的源码,从CCTouch、CCTouchHandler和CCTouchDispatcher简单的做了分析和总结,先直接看源码吧!


class CC_DLL CCTouch : public CCObject{public:    CCTouch()         : m_nId(0),        m_startPointCaptured(false)    {}    /** returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates */    CCPoint getLocation() const;//获取当前touch位置,该位置基于OpenGL坐标    /** returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates */    CCPoint getPreviousLocation() const;//获取前一次touch位置,该位置基于OpenGL坐标    /** returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates */    CCPoint getStartLocation() const;//获取该touch的起始位置,该位置基于OpenGL坐标    /** returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates */    CCPoint getDelta() const;  //获取前后两次位置的偏移量,基于OpenGL坐标    /** returns the current touch location in screen coordinates */    CCPoint getLocationInView() const; //当前touch位置,该位置基于屏幕坐标位置    /** returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates */    CCPoint getPreviousLocationInView() const; //获取touch前一次的位置,基于屏幕坐标位置    /** returns the start touch location in screen coordinates */    CCPoint getStartLocationInView() const;  //获取touch起始位置,基于屏幕坐标位置        void setTouchInfo(int id, float x, float y)    {        m_nId = id;        m_prevPoint = m_point;        m_point.x   = x;        m_point.y   = y;        if (!m_startPointCaptured)        {            m_startPoint = m_point;            m_startPointCaptured = true;        }    }    int getID() const    {        return m_nId;    }private:    int m_nId;    bool m_startPointCaptured;    CCPoint m_startPoint;    CCPoint m_point;    CCPoint m_prevPoint;};



class CC_DLL  CCTouchHandler : public CCObject{public:    virtual ~CCTouchHandler(void);    /** delegate */    CCTouchDelegate* getDelegate();    //获取touch代理    void setDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate); //设置touch代理    /** priority */    int getPriority(void);    //获取代理优先级    void setPriority(int nPriority); //获取代理优先级    /** enabled selectors */    int getEnabledSelectors(void); //    void setEnalbedSelectors(int nValue);    /** initializes a TouchHandler with a delegate and a priority */    virtual bool initWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority);public:    /** allocates a TouchHandler with a delegate and a priority *///创建一个CCTouchHandlerstatic CCTouchHandler* handlerWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority);protected:    CCTouchDelegate *m_pDelegate;     //touch代理    int m_nPriority;            //优先级    int m_nEnabledSelectors;      //该成员没看出来有什么作用};CCTouchHandler主要将touch代理和优先级封装起来,CCTouchHandler还有两个派生对象: CCStandardTouchHandler和CCTargetedTouchHandler。这两个派生类很简单不需多说,简单的贴上代码吧。class CC_DLL  CCStandardTouchHandler : public CCTouchHandler{public:    /** initializes a TouchHandler with a delegate and a priority */    virtual bool initWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority);public:    /** allocates a TouchHandler with a delegate and a priority */    static CCStandardTouchHandler* handlerWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority);};class CC_DLL  CCTargetedTouchHandler : public CCTouchHandler{public:    ~CCTargetedTouchHandler(void);    /** whether or not the touches are swallowed */    bool isSwallowsTouches(void);        //是否吞掉CCTouch    void setSwallowsTouches(bool bSwallowsTouches);  //设置是否吞掉CCTouch    /** MutableSet that contains the claimed touches */    CCSet* getClaimedTouches(void);          //获取将要处理的CCTouch的集合    /** initializes a TargetedTouchHandler with a delegate, a priority and whether or not it swallows touches or not */    bool initWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority, bool bSwallow);public:    /** allocates a TargetedTouchHandler with a delegate, a priority and whether or not it swallows touches or not */    static CCTargetedTouchHandler* handlerWithDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority, bool bSwallow);protected:    bool m_bSwallowsTouches;      //处理CCTouch后是否吞掉该CCTouch    CCSet *m_pClaimedTouches;     //要处理的CCTouch集合};


class CC_DLL CCTouchDispatcher : public CCObject, public EGLTouchDelegate{public:    ~CCTouchDispatcher();    bool init(void);    CCTouchDispatcher()         : m_pTargetedHandlers(NULL)        , m_pStandardHandlers(NULL)        , m_pHandlersToAdd(NULL)        , m_pHandlersToRemove(NULL)            {}public:    /** Whether or not the events are going to be dispatched. Default: true */    bool isDispatchEvents(void);           //事件是否要被分发    void setDispatchEvents(bool bDispatchEvents);  //设置是否分发事件    /** Adds a standard touch delegate to the dispatcher‘s list.     See StandardTouchDelegate description.     IMPORTANT: The delegate will be retained.     */    void addStandardDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority);    //向标准代理容器添加代理    /** Adds a targeted touch delegate to the dispatcher‘s list.     See TargetedTouchDelegate description.     IMPORTANT: The delegate will be retained.     */    void addTargetedDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate, int nPriority, bool bSwallowsTouches); //向目标代理容器添加代理    /** Removes a touch delegate.     The delegate will be released     */    void removeDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate);//移除特定代理    /** Removes all touch delegates, releasing all the delegates */    void removeAllDelegates(void);//移除所有代理    /** Changes the priority of a previously added delegate. The lower the number,    the higher the priority */    void setPriority(int nPriority, CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate);//设置特定代理的优先级    void touches(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int uIndex);  //分发事件逻辑处理,主要看的函数    //以下是对四种事件的处理    virtual void touchesBegan(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* pEvent);    virtual void touchesMoved(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* pEvent);    virtual void touchesEnded(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* pEvent);    virtual void touchesCancelled(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* pEvent);public:    CCTouchHandler* findHandler(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate);  //根据代理查找特定CCTouchHandlerprotected:    void forceRemoveDelegate(CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate);    void forceAddHandler(CCTouchHandler *pHandler, CCArray* pArray);    void forceRemoveAllDelegates(void);    void rearrangeHandlers(CCArray* pArray);      //重新根据优先级对代理排序    CCTouchHandler* findHandler(CCArray* pArray, CCTouchDelegate *pDelegate);protected:     CCArray* m_pTargetedHandlers;     //目标事件代理容器     CCArray* m_pStandardHandlers;     //标准事件代理容器    bool m_bLocked;      //是否被锁    bool m_bToAdd;      //是否需要添加    bool m_bToRemove;   //是否需要删除     CCArray* m_pHandlersToAdd; //要添加的代理容器    struct _ccCArray *m_pHandlersToRemove; //要删除的代理容器    bool m_bToQuit;     //是否要退出    bool m_bDispatchEvents;  //是否要处理touch事件    // 4, 1 for each type of event    struct ccTouchHandlerHelperData m_sHandlerHelperData[ccTouchMax];};

我们主要看一看void touches(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int uIndex); 这个函数看看touch事件分发器是如何实现事件的分发。先贴上该函数源码

void CCTouchDispatcher::touches(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent, unsigned int uIndex){    CCAssert(uIndex >= 0 && uIndex < 4, "");   //检查4种touch事件的类型    CCSet *pMutableTouches;    m_bLocked = true;                      //正在进行事件分发的时候先锁定,避免代理容器内部发生变化    // optimization to prevent a mutable copy when it is not necessary     unsigned int uTargetedHandlersCount = m_pTargetedHandlers->count();    //获取目标事件代理个数     unsigned int uStandardHandlersCount = m_pStandardHandlers->count();    //获取标准事件代理个数    bool bNeedsMutableSet = (uTargetedHandlersCount && uStandardHandlersCount); //需不需要拷贝CCTouch容器    pMutableTouches = (bNeedsMutableSet ? pTouches->mutableCopy() : pTouches);   //拷贝CCTouch容器用于向标准touch代理分发事件    struct ccTouchHandlerHelperData sHelper = m_sHandlerHelperData[uIndex];    //    // process the target handlers 1st    //    if (uTargetedHandlersCount > 0)    {        CCTouch *pTouch;        CCSetIterator setIter;        for (setIter = pTouches->begin(); setIter != pTouches->end(); ++setIter)     //遍历CCTouch集合        {            pTouch = (CCTouch *)(*setIter);            CCTargetedTouchHandler *pHandler = NULL;            CCObject* pObj = NULL;            CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pTargetedHandlers, pObj)     //对于每一个CCTouch,遍历每一个目标事件代理处理器            {                pHandler = (CCTargetedTouchHandler *)(pObj);                  if (! pHandler)                {                   break;                }                bool bClaimed = false;        //是否要得到处理                if (uIndex == CCTOUCHBEGAN)                {                    bClaimed=pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchBegan(pTouch, pEvent);//调用代理的ccTouchBegan函数                    if (bClaimed)    //如果ccTouchBegan函数返回true,说明事件要被处理                    {                        pHandler->getClaimedTouches()->addObject(pTouch);   //将该touch事件加入到该touch事件处理器的待处理事件容器中                    }                } else                if (pHandler->getClaimedTouches()->containsObject(pTouch))     //判断handler内是否有该CCTouch                {                    // moved ended canceled                    bClaimed = true;       //标记要被处理                    switch (sHelper.m_type)                    {                    case CCTOUCHMOVED:                        pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchMoved(pTouch, pEvent);   //注意处理CCTouchMoved 不会移除相应CCTouch                        break;                    case CCTOUCHENDED:                        pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchEnded(pTouch, pEvent);                        pHandler->getClaimedTouches()->removeObject(pTouch);     //从代理handler中的要处理的CCTouch容器中移除该CCTouch                        break;                    case CCTOUCHCANCELLED:                        pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchCancelled(pTouch, pEvent);                        pHandler->getClaimedTouches()->removeObject(pTouch);     //从代理handler中的要处理的CCTouch容器中移除该CCTouch                        break;                    }                }                if (bClaimed && pHandler->isSwallowsTouches())   //已经被处理并且要吞掉                {                    if (bNeedsMutableSet)     //                    {                        pMutableTouches->removeObject(pTouch);   //从用于向标准代理分发事件的容器中移除该CCTouch                    }                    break;                }            }        }    }    //    // process standard handlers 2nd    //处理标准事件的分发,比目标事件简单    if (uStandardHandlersCount > 0 && pMutableTouches->count() > 0)    {        CCStandardTouchHandler *pHandler = NULL;        CCObject* pObj = NULL;        CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pStandardHandlers, pObj)        {            pHandler = (CCStandardTouchHandler*)(pObj);            if (! pHandler)            {                break;            }            switch (sHelper.m_type)            {            case CCTOUCHBEGAN:                pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchesBegan(pMutableTouches, pEvent);                break;            case CCTOUCHMOVED:                pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchesMoved(pMutableTouches, pEvent);                break;            case CCTOUCHENDED:                pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchesEnded(pMutableTouches, pEvent);                break;            case CCTOUCHCANCELLED:                pHandler->getDelegate()->ccTouchesCancelled(pMutableTouches, pEvent);                break;            }        }    }    if (bNeedsMutableSet)      {        pMutableTouches->release();   //释放掉拷贝过来用于分发标准事件的touch集合    }    //    // Optimization. To prevent a [handlers copy] which is expensive    // the add/removes/quit is done after the iterations    //    m_bLocked = false;    //解除锁定    if (m_bToRemove)    //有需要被移除的代理    {        m_bToRemove = false;        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pHandlersToRemove->num; ++i)        {            forceRemoveDelegate((CCTouchDelegate*)m_pHandlersToRemove->arr[i]);        }        ccCArrayRemoveAllValues(m_pHandlersToRemove);    }    if (m_bToAdd)   //有需要被添加的代理    {        m_bToAdd = false;        CCTouchHandler* pHandler = NULL;        CCObject* pObj = NULL;        CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pHandlersToAdd, pObj)         {             pHandler = (CCTouchHandler*)pObj;            if (! pHandler)            {                break;            }            if (dynamic_cast<CCTargetedTouchHandler*>(pHandler) != NULL)            {                                forceAddHandler(pHandler, m_pTargetedHandlers);            }            else            {                forceAddHandler(pHandler, m_pStandardHandlers);            }         }          m_pHandlersToAdd->removeAllObjects();        }    if (m_bToQuit)   //需要退出    {        m_bToQuit = false;        forceRemoveAllDelegates();    //删除所有代理    }}

