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KeepScreen TrueDelay 2000Dim scrWidth, scrHeight,a,x,y,i,intX,intYscrWidth = GetScreenX()scrHeight = GetScreenY()ShowMessage scrWidth&"--"&scrHeightTracePrint scrWidthTracePrint scrHeightIf scrWidth<>540 and scrHeight<>960 then    ShowMessage "此脚本只支持960*540分辨率,手机分辨率不对,脚本停止。"    Delay(2000)    EndScriptEnd IfDelay 2000     Delay 2000    x = 270    y = 60    For i=1 to 9            Delay 1000        y = y + 104        Tap x, y        ShowMessage x&"-"&y         Delay 2000                                Tap 260,920            Delay 4000                                    InputText "nihao 。"                        Delay 4000            Tap 490,70            Delay 4000                KeyPress "Back"        Next    ShowMessage "next page"     Delay 2000    KeyPress "PageDown"    Delay 1000