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91. Decode Ways

A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:

‘A‘ -> 1
‘B‘ -> 2
‘Z‘ -> 26

Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.

For example,
Given encoded message "12", it could be decoded as "AB" (1 2) or "L" (12).

The number of ways decoding "12" is 2.


设置动态数组dp[n+1]。dp[i]表示从1~i的decode ways的个数。

 当给的code只有一位数时,判断是不是valid(A~Z),是的话就dp[1] = 1 不是的话就是dp[1] = 0


public class Solution {
    public int numDecodings(String s) {
        if(s == null || s.length() == 0)
         return 0;
        int dp[] = new int[s.length() + 1];
        dp[0] = 1;
            dp[1] = 1;
            return 0;
        for(int i = 2; i <= s.length(); i++){
            if(isValid(s.substring(i-1, i)))
                dp[i] = dp[i-1];
            if(isValid(s.substring(i-2, i)))
                dp[i] += dp[i-2];
        return dp[s.length()];
    public boolean isValid(String s){
        if( s.charAt(0) == ‘0‘)
            return false;
        int temp = Integer.parseInt(s);
        if(temp > 0 && temp <= 26)
            return true;
        return false;


91. Decode Ways