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JZC250 Portable Concrete Mixer

There are many types of eating disorders. We are most familiar with the three major disorders Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, there are many minor disorders effecting millions of people like Prader–Willi Syndrome and Night Eating Syndrome. This is a short list of both major and minor eating disorders describing symptoms and treatment. Anorexia Nervosa A potentially dangerous and life threatening disease characterized by a person’s JS1000 Concrete Mixer fear of gaining weight therefore resorting to self–starvation and excessive weight loss. Anorexia typical appears in girls during adolescence and may be carried into adulthood. Some boys and men suffer from anorexia; however, it is more common in women. There are four primary symptoms according to the National Eating Disorder Association. * An intense fear of being “fat” even if they are underweight. * Resistance to maintain a healthy or average body weight. * Loss of menstrual periods in girls and women. * Poor or distorted body image resulting in denial of serious loss of weight, or low body weight. When people starve themselves, they are not only affecting their body weight, but also their overall nutritional well being. A few potential health risks for people with anorexia nervosa are: * Dry hair and skin * Severe dehydration, resulting in kidney failure * Slow heart rate and low blood pressure * Fainting, fatigue and weakness * Osteoporosis Treatment requires counseling addressing the underlying psychological factors contributing to the disease. Often a person will be treated psychologically, medically and nutritionally. Family and a strong support group is encouraged. Each person is different and treatment varies depending on the severity of the illness. Bigorexia (Muscle Dysmorphia) Typically seen in men, especially bodybuilders or weight lifters, bigorexia JS1500 Concrete Mixer is a body image disorder where the person feels their body is too small. Therefore, they spend excessive hours at the gym working out. Sometimes seen as the “reverse anorexia” However, no matter how big or muscular a person becomes they still feel their bodies are too small. There are no true symptoms of bigorexia other than a person’s excessive attention to body image. Bigorexia is rarely diagnosed because, it is socially acceptable for men to be muscular. Bigorexia may not be as life threatening as anorexia, but it does have dangers. Many people with the disease are prone to steroid abuse and in extreme cases; the disorder may affect the person’s work and personal life. Binge Eating Disorder (Compulsive Overeating) A person with binge eating disorder will compulsively overeat without throwing–up, abusing laxatives or excessively exercising to compensate for the large amounts of food they’ve just consumed.