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Maximum Depth of Binary Tree,求树的最大深度


public class MaximumDepthofBinaryTree {	public int maxDepth(TreeNode root)	{		if(root == null)		{			return 0;		}		int lmax = maxDepth(root.left);		int rmax = maxDepth(root.right);		if(lmax == 0 && rmax == 0)		{			return 1;		}		if(lmax == 0)		{			return rmax + 1;		}		if(rmax == 0)		{			return lmax + 1;		}		return Math.max(lmax, rmax) + 1;	}		public int maxDepth2(TreeNode root)	{		if(root == null)		{			return 0;		}		ArrayList<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();		list.add(root);		int count = 1;		while(!list.isEmpty())		{			ArrayList<TreeNode> temp = new ArrayList<>();			for (TreeNode node : list) {				if(node.left != null)				{					temp.add(node.left);				}				if(node.right != null)				{					temp.add(node.right);				}			}			count ++;			list = temp;		}		return count;	}}


Maximum Depth of Binary Tree,求树的最大深度