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首先在此感谢Addy Osmani先生,他写了《Developing Backbone.js Applications》,并且在github上开源,为其开源精神和对js以及Backbone的熟知而敬佩不已,在翻译这篇文章的时候,笔者并没有去联系Addy Osmani获取翻译为中文并将其开源的版权,但是我会在近期完成(最近工作太忙了,请见谅,当然,现在我也就翻译了1/10而已,相信伟大的Addy Osmani先生不会为此而生气的,哈哈吐舌头)。



以下为与Addy Osmani先生的邮件,在等待其回复。如果他愿意,我就会将翻译开源。

 First of all, I am very grateful for the contribution that you bring us to learn javascript and Backbone.
  When I read the book of  ‘Developing Backbone.js Applications‘ , I was inspired. Also, thank you to open source on github.
  But I want to say, such a good masterpiece, why not translated into Chinese and open source for it? Because of this, I urge you to allow me to translated it into Chinese, and open source.
   I think Chinese readers will feel very happy for this purpose.
  If you would like, I will take you permission and put your praise home, let us to remember your good quality.
  And, please be assured that I will never use it as a business, even with commercial purposes, I will let publishers contact you first.
  Urge you to give me a chance, thank you.
  I am an ordinary worker, there is not much money to buy the copyright, so sorry.